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Sets & series > United States > Rolling Rock "33" Caps Off to Boston (2003)
30 of 33 caps. Missing caps 1, 15 and 33.
Facts in the caps:
Fact 2 America's first billiards parlor opened in Charlestown in 1722
Fact 3 America's first lighthouse was built in Boston Harbor in 1716
Fact 4 Boston Common is America's first public park
Fact 5 The Boston terrier is the Massachusetts state dog
Fact 6 The Charles River is 80 miles long
Fact 7 The John Harvard Statue is known as the "Statue of Three Lies"
Fact 8 America's first coin, the Pine Tree Shilling, was minted in Boston in 1652
Fact 9 The Skinny House on Boston's Hull Street is just 10 feet wide
Fact 10 In 1919, Boston was nearly destroyed by a 3-foot-high flood of molasses
Fact 11 Boston Cream Pie is the official dessert of Massachusetts
Fact 12 Boston's first major league baseball night game was played in 1947
Fact 13 The golf tee was patented in Boston
Fact 14 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in Boston
Fact 16 The Boston Public Library motto is "Free to All"
Fact 17 Harvard baseball player Frederick W. Thayer invented the catcher's mask
Fact 18 The most consumed food in Boston is ice cream
Fact 19 Boston Marathon winners wear wreaths of leaves from a Greek olive tree
Fact 20 Boston's Parker House is America's longest continuously operating hotel
Fact 21 In 1845, bathing in Boston was banned without a doctor's prescription
Fact 22 In the first Boston Marathon, 15 runners competed 10 finished
Fact 23 The seats in Boston's Fenway Park are made of oak
Fact 24 Three different Boston sports teams have been called the "Braves"
Fact 25 Boston Latin School founded in 1635, is America's first public school
Fact 26 In 1882, "The Boston Strong Boy" became America's first World Heavyweight Champ
Fact 27 America's first football game was played on Boston Common in 1862
Fact 28 Since 1897, the Boston Marathon has been canceled just once, in 1918, for WWI
Fact 29 The Husky became Northeastern University's mascot in 1927
Fact 30 Boston is the windiest city in the U.S.
Fact 31 Warren Tavern is Boston's longest continuously operating barroom
Fact 32 Built in 1903, Harvard Stadium is America's first reinforced concrete stadium
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