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Sets & series > Italy > Pokemons by Yoga (2001)

 Complete of 99 caps.

 Cap number 151 doesn't exist due to a manufacturing errror.

it-01599 - 152 Chikorita it-01600 - 153 Bayleef it-00454 - 154 Meganium it-01550 - 155 Cyndaquil it-00455 - 156 Quilava it-01601 - 157 Typhlosion it-01602 - 158 Totodile it-01603 - 159 Croconaw it-01551 - 160 Feraligatr it-01604 - 161 Sentret it-00456 - 162 Furret it-00445 - 163 Hoothoot it-01605 - 164 Noctowl it-01606 - 165 Ledyba it-00457 - 166 Ledian it-01607 - 167 Spinarak it-01608 - 168 Ariados it-01609 - 169 Crobat it-00446 - 170 Chinchou it-01610 - 171 Lanturn it-00447 - 172 Pichu it-00458 - 173 Cleffa it-00459 - 174 Igglybuff it-01611 - 175 Togepi it-01612 - 176 Togetic it-01613 - 177 Natu it-00460 - 178 Xatu it-00461 - 179 Mareep it-00462 - 180 Flaaffy it-00448 - 181 Ampharos it-00463 - 182 Bellossom it-01614 - 183 Marill it-01615 - 184 Azumarill it-00449 - 185 Sudowoodo it-01616 - 186 Politoed it-00464 - 187 Hoppip it-01617 - 188 Skiploom it-01618 - 189 Jumpluff it-00793 - 190 Aipom it-01619 - 191 Sunkern it-00794 - 192 Sunflora it-01620 - 193 Yanma it-01552 - 194 Wooper it-01553 - 195 Quagsire it-01621 - 196 Espeon it-01622 - 197 Umbreon it-00450 - 198 Murkrow it-00451 - 199 Slowking it-00465 - 200 Misdreavus it-00466 - 201 Unown it-01554 - 202 Wobbuffet it-01623 - 203 Girafarig it-01555 - 204 Pineco it-01624 - 205 Forretress it-00467 - 206 Dunsparce it-01625 - 207 Gligar it-00468 - 208 Steelix it-01556 - 209 Snubbull it-00469 - 210 Granbull it-02156 - 211 Qwilfish it-00470 - 212 Scizor it-01557 - 213 Shuckle it-01558 - 214 Heracross it-01626 - 215 Sneasel it-01559 - 216 Teddiursa it-01627 - 217 Ursaring it-01628 - 218 Slugma it-00452 - 219 Magcargo it-01629 - 220 Swinub it-00471 - 221 Piloswine it-01560 - 222 Corsola it-00795 - 223 Remoraid it-02157 - 224 Octillery it-00472 - 225 Delibird it-01630 - 226 Mantine it-01561 - 227 Skarmory it-01631 - 228 Houndour it-01562 - 229 Houndoom it-01632 - 230 Kingdra it-00473 - 231 Phanpy it-00474 - 232 Donphan it-00475 - 233 Porygonz it-00476 - 234 Elekid it-01563 - 235 Smeargle it-01633 - 236 Tyrogue it-01634 - 237 Hitmontop it-01635 - 238 Smoochum it-01564 - 239 Elekid it-00477 - 240 Magby it-00478 - 241 Miltank it-00479 - 242 Blissey it-00480 - 243 Raikou it-01636 - 244 Entei it-00453 - 245 Suicune it-01637 - 246 Larvitar it-01638 - 247 Pupitar it-00481 - 248 Tyranitar it-01639 - 249 Lugia it-01640 - 250 Ho-oh

 Pokemons in caps:

152 Chikorita 185 Sudowoodo 218 Slugma
153 Bayleef 186 Politoed 219 Magcargo
154 Meganium 187 Hoppip 220 Swinub
155 Cyndaquil 188 Skiploom 221 Piloswine
156 Quilava 189 Jumpluff 222 Corsola
157 Typhlosion 190 Aipom 223 Remoraid
158 Totodile 191 Sunkern 224 Octillery
159 Croconaw 192 Sunflora 225 Delibird
160 Feraligatr 193 Yanma 226 Mantine
161 Sentret 194 Wooper 227 Skarmory
162 Furret 195 Quagsire 228 Houndour
163 Hoothoot 196 Espeon 229 Houndoom
164 Noctowl 197 Umbreon 230 Kingdra
165 Ledyba 198 Murkrow 231 Phanpy
166 Ledian 199 Slowking 232 Donphan
167 Spinarak 200 Misdreavus 233 Porygonz
168 Ariados 201 Unown 234 Elekid
169 Crobat 202 Wobbuffet 235 Smeargle
170 Chinchou 203 Girafarig 236 Tyrogue
171 Lanturn 204 Pineco 237 Hitmontop
172 Pichu 205 Forretress 238 Smoochum
173 Cleffa 206 Dunsparce 239 Elekid
174 Igglybuff 207 Gligar 240 Magby
175 Togepi 208 Steelix 241 Miltank
176 Togetic 209 Snubbull 242 Blissey
177 Natu 210 Granbull 243 Raikou
178 Xatu 211 Qwilfish 244 Entei
179 Mareep 212 Scizor 245 Suicune
180 Flaaffy 213 Shuckle 246 Larvitar
181 Ampharos 214 Heracross 247 Pupitar
182 Bellossom 215 Sneasel 248 Tyranitar
183 Marill 216 Teddiursa 249 Lugia
184 Azumarill 217 Ursaring 250 Ho-oh

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© 2003-2010 Kimmo Nieminen
Last updated 05.03.2005