Welcome to Celestial Crown Cap - the world of crown caps collecting! This site highlights the bottle cap collection of Kimmo and Tommi Nieminen. We are collecting all kinds of bottle caps including beer, soda, cider, water, juice, wine etc.
See the navigation on the left to find out our collection, caps available for trade and highlights of some nice caps on the sets page.
Recent Updates
- 22.12.2024 - Collection size 122 977 - year 2024.
- 31.12.2022 - During the year a lot of caps have been added. 111 356 is the final number for the year 2022.
- 2.1.2021 - Updated the latest Finnish caps to collection. Lots of caps pending adding to collection so still not doing actively new trades.
- 1.1.2017 - Added 4486 caps. We do very few trades at the moment but we are trying to do a trade every once in a while :)
- 23.6.2015 - Added 4087 caps.
- 21.3.2014 - Tervetuloa Iltalehden lukijat. Kokoelma sivulta pääsee tutustumaan kokoelmaan maittain. Sarjat sivulla esitellään erilaisia korkkisarjoja eri puolilta maapalloa. Hakusivulta voi hakea korkkeja esimerkiksi panimon tai juoman nimellä. Jos teiltä löytyy korkkeja niin olemme kiinnostuneita kokoelmasta puuttuvista korkeista - ota yhteyttä: yhteystiedot. Added 2688 new caps. Few more to reach 80 000!
Website links
- Trading partners 2002-2014
- The scanning page tells how we scan the caps.
- Thanks page - if you want your name to be on the list, please send us some caps =)
- We have also other stuff available for trade! We will trade labels and coasters for all kinds of crown caps. Check the trade material. There you can see some examples - ask for more!