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Search results for: coca cola

ae-00002 ae-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
al-00009 al-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
am-00029 am-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
am-00160 am-00160
Brand: Coca Cola 2015 The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
am-00065 am-00065
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
am-00085 am-00085
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ao-00011 ao-00011
Brand: Viva o lado Coca Cola da vida
Brewery: Factory sign:
ao-00013 ao-00013
Brand: Viva o lado Coca Cola da vida
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling sul de Angola S.A.R.L.Factory sign:
ar-00015 ar-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Alemania
ar-00056 ar-00056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Arabia Saudia
ar-00059 ar-00059
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Argentina
ar-00060 ar-00060
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Belgica
ar-00061 ar-00061
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Brasil
ar-00062 ar-00062
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Camerün
ar-00063 ar-00063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: China
ar-00064 ar-00064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Corea
ar-00065 ar-00065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Costa Rica
ar-00066 ar-00066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Croacia
ar-00067 ar-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Dinamarca
ar-00068 ar-00068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: EE.NU
ar-00069 ar-00069
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Ecuador
ar-00070 ar-00070
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Eslovenia
ar-00071 ar-00071
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: España
ar-00072 ar-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Francia
ar-00073 ar-00073
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Inglaterra
ar-00074 ar-00074
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Irlanda
ar-00075 ar-00075
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Italia
ar-00076 ar-00076
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Japón
ar-00077 ar-00077
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: México
ar-00078 ar-00078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Nigeria
ar-00079 ar-00079
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Paraguay
ar-00080 ar-00080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Polonia
ar-00081 ar-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Portugal
ar-00082 ar-00082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Rusia
ar-00083 ar-00083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Senegal
ar-00084 ar-00084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Suecia
ar-00085 ar-00085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Sydáfrica
ar-00086 ar-00086
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Túnez
ar-00087 ar-00087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Turquia
ar-00088 ar-00088
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Polar Argentina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Uruguay
ar-00023 ar-00023
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00024 ar-00024
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00597 ar-00597
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00005 ar-00005
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00102 ar-00102
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00306 ar-00306
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00409 ar-00409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00025 ar-00025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Promotion cap of Cupworld
ar-00004 ar-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00129 ar-00129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00599 ar-00599
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00058 ar-00058
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige, S.A. CabanasFactory sign:
ar-00130 ar-00130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00197 ar-00197
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00131 ar-00131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00159 ar-00159
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00160 ar-00160
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00200 ar-00200
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text 10 Tapitas Una 237cc on the background and a picture of coce bottles
ar-00201 ar-00201
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text 10 Tapitas Una 237cc on the background and a picture of coce bottles
ar-00198 ar-00198
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00199 ar-00199
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00305 ar-00305
Brand: Coca Cola $1
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00593 ar-00593
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Salta Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00741 ar-00741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00535 ar-00535
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00531 ar-00531
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ar-00260 ar-00260
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00283 ar-00283
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00746 ar-00746
Brand: Coca Cola Light Marca Reg.
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00859 ar-00859
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Industria Argentina
Brewery: Coca-Cola S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00860 ar-00860
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coca-Cola S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00307 ar-00307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00748 ar-00748
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00759 ar-00759
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00258 ar-00258
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: EdasaFactory sign:
ar-00417 ar-00417
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00761 ar-00761
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00763 ar-00763
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Original
Brewery: Reginald Lee S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00619 ar-00619
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Salta Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00438 ar-00438
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00552 ar-00552
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00594 ar-00594
Brand: The Coca Cola Company Sprite Zero
Brewery: Salta Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
ar-00656 ar-00656
Brand: The Coca Cola Company Bonaqua
Brewery: EdasaFactory sign:
at-00141 at-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Osterreich GMBHFactory sign:
at-00413 at-00413
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-01303 at-01303
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-00414 at-00414
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-00478 at-00478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages AG, CH-DietlikonFactory sign:
at-00485 at-00485
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-00781 at-00781
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-02231 at-02231
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-00851 at-00851
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-00852 at-00852
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-01296 at-01296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-01481 at-01481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-01851 at-01851
Brand: Schau unter den Verschluss Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Erfrischung pur on the background
at-00541 at-00541
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Österreich Gesmbh., WienFactory sign:
at-01688 at-01688
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Salzburger Getränke-Industrie Eder&CoFactory sign:
at-00415 at-00415
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-00416 at-00416
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-01483 at-01483
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-02088 at-02088
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-00417 at-00417
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-02232 at-02232
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
at-00721 at-00721
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-01482 at-01482
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-01464 at-01464
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
at-02476 at-02476
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbHFactory sign:
au-01543 au-01543
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola AmatilFactory sign:
au-00266 au-00266
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola AmatilFactory sign:
au-00496 au-00496
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
au-00495 au-00495
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
az-00004 az-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Baku Coca-Cola Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
az-00046 az-00046
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Azerbaijan Coca-Cola BottlersFactory sign:
ba-00012 ba-00012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bb-00013 bb-00013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Barbados Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
bd-00001 bd-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: K.Rahman & Company Ltd.Factory sign:
bd-00021 bd-00021
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Net Contents 250 ml.
Brewery: K. Rahman & Company Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Catch Out KRC on the background
bd-00004 bd-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Tabani Beverage Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
bd-00005 bd-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Tabani Beverage Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
bd-00011 bd-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Abdul Monem Ltd.Factory sign:
bd-00014 bd-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01383 be-01383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Moderne Aftrekkerij N.V.Factory sign:
be-00099 be-00099
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Nederland B.V. RotterdamFactory sign:
be-00386 be-00386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01886 be-01886
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-03029 be-03029
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-03030 be-03030
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-03031 be-03031
Brand: Coca Cola since 1886
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-00576 be-00576
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprices Belgium SPRLFactory sign:
be-00087 be-00087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-01922 be-01922
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rodima N.v. RoeselareFactory sign:
be-00088 be-00088
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-01143 be-01143
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: S.A. Socodrink N.V.Factory sign:
be-02266 be-02266
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages (1991) N.V.Factory sign:
be-02267 be-02267
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: N.V. Belbottling S.A.Factory sign:
be-00270 be-00270
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: VVP Antwerpse Bottel MJNVFactory sign:
be-02265 be-02265
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: N.V. Belbottling S.A.Factory sign:
be-01140 be-01140
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: S.A. Socodrink N.V.Factory sign:
be-01159 be-01159
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: N.V. AntwerpcoFactory sign:
be-01893 be-01893
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
be-01152 be-01152
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: N.V. Belbottling S.A., GentFactory sign:
be-04130 be-04130
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Plantenextracten Limonade aus Extraits de Vegetaux
Brewery: S.A. Socodrink N.V.Factory sign:
be-01794 be-01794
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Antwerpse Bottel Mij N.V.Factory sign:
be-00298 be-00298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01487 be-01487
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-00156 be-00156
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-02506 be-02506
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-02938 be-02938
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01163 be-01163
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01887 be-01887
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-03028 be-03028
Brand: Light taste Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-04026 be-04026
Brand: Light Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-00294 be-00294
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-00480 be-00480
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01974 be-01974
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-02956 be-02956
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Calories
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-03032 be-03032
Brand: Zero sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-04085 be-04085
Brand: Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-00387 be-00387
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-02692 be-02692
Brand: Coca Cola Life
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-00611 be-00611
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01710 be-01710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: SambaLicious
be-01711 be-01711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Make this moment last
be-01712 be-01712
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Numero Uno
be-01709 be-01709
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: My Frist Time
be-01769 be-01769
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Try Me...
be-01386 be-01386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Yummy!
be-01387 be-01387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: I'm DeliciouS
be-01388 be-01388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Blow My Whistle
be-01389 be-01389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Like what you see?
be-01390 be-01390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Available XXX
be-01391 be-01391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hot as Hell
be-01406 be-01406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01393 be-01393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01392 be-01392
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01394 be-01394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Original
be-01395 be-01395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: In Control.
be-01396 be-01396
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hardcore the Full 100%
be-01397 be-01397
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Unleash the Dragon
be-01398 be-01398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hard to Handle
be-01399 be-01399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: I Know Jesus
be-01400 be-01400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: High Voltage
be-01401 be-01401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ich Rocke!
be-01402 be-01402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Not for Sale!
be-01403 be-01403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01404 be-01404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Push My Button
be-01405 be-01405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Born Leader in Coke We Trust
be-01687 be-01687
Brand: Coca Cola Smiley
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01688 be-01688
Brand: Coca Cola Smiley
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-01689 be-01689
Brand: Coca Cola Smiley
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-00955 be-00955
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes
be-00734 be-00734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Carole
be-00736 be-00736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Ketty
be-00737 be-00737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Marion
be-00735 be-00735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Pat
be-00733 be-00733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Peggy
be-00731 be-00731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Prisca
be-00961 be-00961
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Andy Ball
be-00742 be-00742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Dave Mount
be-00956 be-00956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Leslie Gray
be-00739 be-00739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Ray Stiles
be-00959 be-00959
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Rob Davis
be-00960 be-00960
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Gerardo Opdebeeck
be-00753 be-00753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Phil Francis
be-00752 be-00752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Robby Vlaeyen
be-00832 be-00832
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Robby Vlaeyen
be-00751 be-00751
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Steve Davies
be-00728 be-00728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-00958 be-00958
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Bill Hurd
be-00729 be-00729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - John Richardson
be-00727 be-00727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Mick Clarke
be-00726 be-00726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Tony Thorpe
be-00744 be-00744
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ard Weeink
be-00749 be-00749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris de Wolde
be-00746 be-00746
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Getty Kaspers
be-00750 be-00750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - John Gaasbeek
be-00748 be-00748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Koos Versteeg
be-00957 be-00957
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ruud Nijhuis
be-00757 be-00757
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-00758 be-00758
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Dave
be-00756 be-00756
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois
be-00755 be-00755
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-00730 be-00730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Prisca
be-00962 be-00962
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Andy Ball
be-00741 be-00741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Leslie Gray
be-00963 be-00963
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Ray Stiles
be-00964 be-00964
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Phil Francis
be-00747 be-00747
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ruud Nijhuis
be-00976 be-00976
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Carole
be-00982 be-00982
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Ketty
be-00732 be-00732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Peggy
be-00980 be-00980
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Prisca
be-00975 be-00975
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Dave Mount
be-00738 be-00738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Ray Stiles
be-00740 be-00740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Rob Davis
be-00978 be-00978
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-00981 be-00981
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Bill Hurd
be-00743 be-00743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ard Weeink
be-01088 be-01088
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ard Weeink
be-00977 be-00977
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris de Wolde
be-00979 be-00979
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Getty Kaspers
be-00974 be-00974
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Dave
be-00965 be-00965
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Meliso N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Andy Ball
be-00971 be-00971
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Dave Mount
be-00972 be-00972
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Gerardo Opdebeeck
be-00966 be-00966
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Paul Michiels
be-00968 be-00968
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-00724 be-00724
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Tony Thorpe
be-00967 be-00967
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-00970 be-00970
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-00973 be-00973
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-00969 be-00969
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Dave
be-00754 be-00754
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-00983 be-00983
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In
be-00984 be-00984
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus
be-00985 be-00985
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Peggy
be-00987 be-00987
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD
be-00986 be-00986
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus
be-00988 be-00988
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Dave
be-00991 be-00991
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus
be-00992 be-00992
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois
be-00990 be-00990
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tora
be-00989 be-00989
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-00995 be-00995
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Leslie Gray
be-00994 be-00994
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Gerardo Opdebeeck
be-01000 be-01000
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Bill Hurd
be-00999 be-00999
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - John Richardson
be-00996 be-00996
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris de Wolde
be-00745 be-00745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Getty Kaspers
be-00998 be-00998
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Dave
be-00997 be-00997
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois
be-01015 be-01015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Carole
be-01014 be-01014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Pat
be-01005 be-01005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Dave Mount
be-01008 be-01008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Steve Davies
be-01004 be-01004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Mick Clarke
be-01003 be-01003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois
be-01009 be-01009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-01011 be-01011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Pat
be-01007 be-01007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Paul Michiels
be-01006 be-01006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-00725 be-00725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Tony Thorpe
be-01002 be-01002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Octopus - Steve Davies
be-01010 be-01010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Peggy
be-01012 be-01012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-01001 be-01001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-00993 be-00993
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: MUD - Leslie Gray
be-01013 be-01013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Teach In - Koos Versteeg
be-01016 be-01016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-01017 be-01017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-02417 be-02417
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois, 3.6.50
be-02418 be-02418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Dave Mount, 3.4.47
be-02419 be-02419
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Leslie Gray, 9.4.46
be-02420 be-02420
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Ray Stiles, 20.11.46
be-02421 be-02421
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Paul Michiels, 15.6.48
be-02422 be-02422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Robby Vlaeyen, 20.10.50
be-02423 be-02423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Tony Thorpe, 20.7.47
be-02424 be-02424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ard Weeink, 16.4.51
be-02425 be-02425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris De Wolde, 18.10.49
be-02426 be-02426
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - John Gaasbeek, 20.7.46
be-02427 be-02427
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Koos Versteeg, 23.5.53
be-02428 be-02428
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ruud Nijhuis, 27.10.51
be-02429 be-02429
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-02430 be-02430
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Dave
be-02431 be-02431
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-02432 be-02432
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois
be-02433 be-02433
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois - Claude Michel
be-02434 be-02434
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes
be-02435 be-02435
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Ketty
be-02436 be-02436
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Prisca
be-02437 be-02437
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Andy Ball
be-02438 be-02438
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Leslie Gray
be-02439 be-02439
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Ray Stiles
be-02440 be-02440
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Rob Davis
be-02441 be-02441
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Gerardo Opdebeeck
be-02442 be-02442
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Paul Michiel
be-02443 be-02443
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Phil Francis
be-02444 be-02444
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Steve Davies
be-02445 be-02445
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-02446 be-02446
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Bill Hurd
be-02447 be-02447
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - John Richardson
be-02448 be-02448
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Mick Clarke
be-02449 be-02449
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Tony Thorpe
be-02450 be-02450
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ard Weeink
be-02451 be-02451
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris De Wolde
be-02452 be-02452
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Getty Kaspers
be-02453 be-02453
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - John Gaasbeek
be-02454 be-02454
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Koos Versteeg
be-02455 be-02455
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ruud Nijhuis
be-02456 be-02456
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-02457 be-02457
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-02458 be-02458
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Claude Francois
be-02459 be-02459
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Dave, Ile Stilouis
be-02460 be-02460
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Frederic Francois, 120 rue Mabotte 4210 Tilleur Belgigue
be-02461 be-02461
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Will Tura, Pantera
be-02462 be-02462
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Will Tura, 797204
be-02463 be-02463
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Will Tura
be-02464 be-02464
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Will Tura, Forest Vorst Nationaal
be-02465 be-02465
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes, Kung-Fu Fighting
be-02466 be-02466
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Carole
be-02467 be-02467
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Marion
be-02468 be-02468
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Les Clodettes - Prisca
be-02469 be-02469
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud
be-02470 be-02470
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Dave Mount, Carshalton
be-02471 be-02471
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Dave Mount
be-02472 be-02472
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Mud - Rob Davis
be-02473 be-02473
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus
be-02474 be-02474
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Robby Vlaeyen
be-02475 be-02475
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Octopus - Steve Davies
be-02476 be-02476
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-02477 be-02477
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Alan Williams
be-02478 be-02478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Bill Hur
be-02479 be-02479
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Rubettes - Mick Clarke
be-02480 be-02480
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In, Eurovision Songcontest 1975 Winner
be-02481 be-02481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In, Ding-A-Dong
be-02482 be-02482
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In, Upside Down
be-02483 be-02483
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Chris De Wolde
be-02484 be-02484
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Getty Kaspers
be-02485 be-02485
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Koos Versteeg
be-02486 be-02486
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles - BrusselFactory sign:
Other: Teach In - Ruud Nijhuis
be-01018 be-01018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
be-00845 be-00845
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: World Wildlife Fund Belgium
be-01066 be-01066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: World Wildlife Fund Belgium
be-01042 be-01042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Anemoon - Anemone
be-00846 be-00846
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Herfsttijloos - Colchique
be-01067 be-01067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Herfsttijloos - Colchique
be-01044 be-01044
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Klaproos - Coquelicot
be-01043 be-01043
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Waterlelie - Nenuphar
be-01049 be-01049
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Boomkikker - Rainette
be-00865 be-00865
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Boommarter - Martre
be-01084 be-01084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Boommarter - Martre
be-00866 be-00866
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Bunzing - Putois
be-01085 be-01085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Bunzing - Putois
be-00867 be-00867
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Das - Blaireau
be-01086 be-01086
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Das - Blaireau
be-00864 be-00864
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Eekhoorn - Ecureuil
be-00868 be-00868
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Emerzwijnenjong - Marcassin
be-01087 be-01087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Emerzwijnenjong - Marcassin
be-01046 be-01046
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Haas - Lievre
be-01048 be-01048
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Hagedis - Lezard
be-01045 be-01045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Hazelmuis - Lerot
be-01050 be-01050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Hert - Cerf
be-01554 be-01554
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zwarteberg /Genk
be-01029 be-01029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kikker - Grenouille
be-01047 be-01047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kleine Vos - Renardeau
be-01037 be-01037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Reebok - Chevreuil
be-00862 be-00862
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Relmuis - Muscardin
be-01082 be-01082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Relmuis - Muscardin
be-01052 be-01052
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ringslang - Couleuvre
be-01053 be-01053
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ringslang - Couleuvre
be-01038 be-01038
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Salamander - Triton
be-01034 be-01034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Spitsmuis - Musaraigne
be-00863 be-00863
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Veldmuis - Campagnol
be-01083 be-01083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Veldmuis - Campagnol
be-01051 be-01051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Vliegend Hert - Grand Cerf-Volant
be-01553 be-01553
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Vlinder - Papillon
be-01552 be-01552
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Waterjuffer - Libellule
be-00848 be-00848
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Appelvink - Gros-Bec
be-01069 be-01069
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Appelvink - Gros-Bec
be-00855 be-00855
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Bergeend - Tadorne De Belon
be-01023 be-01023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Blauwe Reiger - Heron Cendre
be-01030 be-01030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Bontbekpluvier - Grand Gravelot
be-01032 be-01032
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Buizerd - Buse
be-01033 be-01033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Buizerd - Buse
be-01027 be-01027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Fazant - Faisan
be-00859 be-00859
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Fuut - Grebe Huppe
be-01079 be-01079
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Fuut - Grebe Huppe
be-00854 be-00854
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Goudvink - Rodvreuil
be-01075 be-01075
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Goudvink - Rodvreuil
be-00850 be-00850
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Grauwe Gans - Oie Cendree
be-01071 be-01071
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Grauwe Gans - Oie Cendree
be-01020 be-01020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Grauwe Kiekendief - Busard Candre
be-00860 be-00860
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Groeneling - Verdier
be-01080 be-01080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Groeneling - Verdier
be-00852 be-00852
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Havik - Aktour Des Palombes
be-01073 be-01073
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Havik - Aktour Des Palombes
be-01021 be-01021
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Hoehoe - Grand-Duc
be-01041 be-01041
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Hop - Huppe Fascie
be-00858 be-00858
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ijsvogel - Martin-Pecheur
be-01078 be-01078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ijsvogel - Martin-Pecheur
be-01064 be-01064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kievit - Vanneau Huppe
be-01065 be-01065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kievit - Vanneau Huppe
be-00847 be-00847
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kluut - Avocette
be-01068 be-01068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kluut - Avocette
be-01058 be-01058
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Knobbelzwaan - Cygne Tubercule
be-00849 be-00849
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kokmeeuw - Mouette Bieuse
be-01070 be-01070
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kokmeeuw - Mouette Bieuse
be-01040 be-01040
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Korhoen - Tetras-Lyre
be-01028 be-01028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Kuifeend - Fuligule Morillon
be-01063 be-01063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Leeuwerik - Alouette
be-01036 be-01036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Notenkraker - Casse-Noix
be-01054 be-01054
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ooievaar - Cigogne Blanche
be-00857 be-00857
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Putter - Chardonneret
be-01077 be-01077
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Putter - Chardonneret
be-01055 be-01055
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ransuil - Moyen-Duc
be-01031 be-01031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Roodborst - Rouge-Gorge
be-01022 be-01022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Ruigpootuil - Chouette de Tengmalm
be-01039 be-01039
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Scholekster - Huitrier-Pie
be-01057 be-01057
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Steenuil - Chouette Cheveche
be-01026 be-01026
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Torenvalk - Faucon Crecerelle
be-01059 be-01059
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Tureluur - Chevalier Gambette
be-01024 be-01024
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Turkse Tortel - Tourterelle
be-01056 be-01056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Vledermuis - Chauve-Souris
be-00853 be-00853
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Wildeend - Colvert
be-01074 be-01074
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Wildeend - Colvert
be-00851 be-00851
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Visdief - Sterne Pierre Garrin
be-01072 be-01072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Visdief - Sterne Pierre Garrin
be-01025 be-01025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Witte Kwik - Bergeronnette
be-00856 be-00856
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Wulp - Courlis Cendre
be-01076 be-01076
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Wulp - Courlis Cendre
be-01061 be-01061
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zanglijster - Grive Musicienne
be-01062 be-01062
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zanglijster - Grive Musicienne
be-01060 be-01060
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zilvermeeuw - Goeland Argente
be-00861 be-00861
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zwarte Specht - Pic Noir
be-01081 be-01081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zwarte Specht - Pic Noir
be-01035 be-01035
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V.Factory sign:
Other: Zwarte Wouw - Milan Noir
be-01558 be-01558
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
Other: Schuttersgilde Limburg
be-01559 be-01559
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
Other: Halen
be-01560 be-01560
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
Other: Bilzen
be-01561 be-01561
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
Other: Kortessem
be-01581 be-01581
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Suco BelgeFactory sign:
Other: The Coca-Cola Export Corp. Bruxelles-Brussel
be-01582 be-01582
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Limobo N.V. HasseltFactory sign:
Other: Het Belang van Limburg
be-01583 be-01583
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V. LierFactory sign:
Other: Raket - Fusee
be-01584 be-01584
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V. LierFactory sign:
Other: Het Buskruit - La Roudre
be-01585 be-01585
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V. LierFactory sign:
Other: Horace de Saussure
be-01586 be-01586
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lierco N.V. LierFactory sign:
Other: Zeeboring - Forage en Mer
be-01587 be-01587
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Exposition - Tentoonstelling Energie 2000 Walibi 4/4-30/9-1981
be-01588 be-01588
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Aerostaat - Aerostat
be-01589 be-01589
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Eolus - Eole
be-01591 be-01591
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Kolenmijn - Charbonnage
be-01592 be-01592
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Hoogspanning - Haute Tension
be-01590 be-01590
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sobrumo N.V. BruggeFactory sign:
Other: Edwin Drake
be-00112 be-00112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-00699 be-00699
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
be-00837 be-00837
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-04115 be-04115
Brand: Coca Cola life lower calorie**
Brewery: S.A. Coca-Cola Beverages Belgium N.V.Factory sign:
be-01789 be-01789
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.S.L. Poel Theo on the background
be-02239 be-02239
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L.
be-02240 be-02240
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Andrien Louis
be-02241 be-02241
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Biskup Werner
be-02242 be-02242
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Bissot Claude
be-02243 be-02243
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Curcic Jovan
be-02244 be-02244
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Courant Paul
be-02245 be-02245
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Coutereels Robert
be-02246 be-02246
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Depireux Henri
be-02247 be-02247
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Hannay Jean-Marie
be-02248 be-02248
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Kuypers Pierre
be-02249 be-02249
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Lakner Istvan
be-02250 be-02250
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Lesti Oswaldo
be-02251 be-02251
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Leunen Patrick
be-02252 be-02252
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Lognard Raoul
be-02253 be-02253
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Nicolaes Guido
be-02254 be-02254
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Ramaekers Rik
be-02255 be-02255
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Van Der Hart Cor
be-02256 be-02256
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cie Liegeoise de Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
Other: R.F.C.L. Vliegen Willy
bf-00005 bf-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries du Burkina FasoFactory sign:
bf-00008 bf-00008
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries du Burkina FasoFactory sign:
bf-00011 bf-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries du Burkina FasoFactory sign:
bg-00110 bg-00110
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00111 bg-00111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to bg-0110
bg-00112 bg-00112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to bg-0110
bg-00184 bg-00184
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top fairly similar to gb-0110, but with some text
bg-00185 bg-00185
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top fairly similar to gb-0110, but with some text
bg-00107 bg-00107
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00108 bg-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00109 bg-00109
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00186 bg-00186
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00187 bg-00187
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00270 bg-00270
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00750 bg-00750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00753 bg-00753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00780 bg-00780
Brand: Coca Cola 125
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00275 bg-00275
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Picture on the background
bg-00269 bg-00269
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Win a golden ball in Bulgarian on the background
bg-00308 bg-00308
Brand: Coca Cola Sound Wave 250 ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00849 bg-00849
Brand: Coca Cola BNMV
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00886 bg-00886
Brand: Coca Cola Butilirano ot SO BNMV s razreshenieto na
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC BulgariaFactory sign:
bg-00113 bg-00113
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00798 bg-00798
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00114 bg-00114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00181 bg-00181
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00183 bg-00183
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00115 bg-00115
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00751 bg-00751
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00182 bg-00182
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00796 bg-00796
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00797 bg-00797
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00188 bg-00188
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00189 bg-00189
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bg-00177 bg-00177
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Promotial cap for Coca-Cola game summer 2003
bg-00176 bg-00176
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Promotial cap for Coca-Cola game summer 2003
bj-00003 bj-00003
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Societe Beninoise de BrasseriesFactory sign:
bj-00007 bj-00007
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sucres
Brewery: SOBEBRAFactory sign:
bo-00014 bo-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embol S.A.Factory sign:
bo-00001 bo-00001
Brand: Coca Cola Bs 1 00
Brewery: Embol S.A.Factory sign:
bo-00028 bo-00028
Brand: Coca Cola Bs 100
Brewery: Factory sign:
bo-00006 bo-00006
Brand: Coca Cola Bs. 1 00
Brewery: Embol S.A. Av. ArceFactory sign:
bo-00015 bo-00015
Brand: Coca Cola Bs. 1 00
Brewery: Embol S.A. Av. ArceFactory sign:
bo-00030 bo-00030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embol S.A.Factory sign:
bo-00031 bo-00031
Brand: Coca Cola Bs 100
Brewery: Embol S.A.Factory sign:
br-00056 br-00056
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Brasal Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
br-00040 br-00040
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasal Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
br-00049 br-00049
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Vonpar Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
br-00113 br-00113
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Garanhuns Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-00063 br-00063
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Brasal Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
br-00189 br-00189
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Guararapes Ltda.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao Vibesound Coca-Cola 1 Ponto Limitada aos Estoques de Mini Cds on the background
br-00190 br-00190
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Vonpar Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao seu brilho e voca Coca-Cola Light Tente Novamente on the background
br-00060 br-00060
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-00064 br-00064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasal Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
br-00181 br-00181
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Vonpar Industrias Ltda.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao No estilo olimpiadas um ponto limitada aos estoques de brindes on the background
br-00218 br-00218
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spal-Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao Pogue sua Uibe Coca-Cola 1 PONTO on the background
br-00182 br-00182
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Vonpar Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao No estilo olimpiadas um ponto limitada aos estoques de brindes on the background
br-00270 br-00270
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Guararapes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-00183 br-00183
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Guararapes Ltda.Factory sign:
Other: Text Promocao No estilo olimpiadas um ponto limitada aos estoques de brindes on the background
br-00211 br-00211
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Guararapes Ltda.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to br-0183
br-00224 br-00224
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Renosa Ind.Factory sign:
br-00227 br-00227
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-00228 br-00228
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-00229 br-00229
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-00230 br-00230
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Vonpar Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
br-00271 br-00271
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Maranhense de Refr.Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to br-0123
br-00274 br-00274
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Companhia de Bebidas IpirangaFactory sign:
br-00220 br-00220
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Spal-Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
br-00549 br-00549
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Spal-Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
br-00488 br-00488
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
br-00581 br-00581
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Refrigerantes Costa do Sol Ltda.Factory sign:
br-01542 br-01542
Brand: Coca Cola Marca Reg Industria Brasileira
Brewery: Refrigerantes Da Amazonia S.A.Factory sign:
br-00042 br-00042
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Fabricantas Associados Brasilia S.A.Factory sign:
br-00043 br-00043
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Brasal Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
br-00335 br-00335
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Par na Refrigerantes S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 3. Meia-Volta
br-01781 br-01781
Brand: Coca Cola Cola Marcas Registradas Industria Brasileira
Brewery: Parana Refrigerantes Cascavel LtdaFactory sign:
br-00107 br-00107
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Emb. del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
br-00219 br-00219
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Spal-Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
br-00235 br-00235
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Companhia de Bebidas IpirangaFactory sign:
br-01545 br-01545
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola 00723
Brewery: Spal Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S/AFactory sign:
br-01765 br-01765
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola 00725 Nao congelar
Brewery: Spal Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S/AFactory sign:
br-01546 br-01546
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola 00725
Brewery: Rio de Janeiro Refrescos Ltda.Factory sign:
br-02069 br-02069
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 00040
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-00236 br-00236
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-00237 br-00237
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Companhia de Bebidas IpirangaFactory sign:
br-02071 br-02071
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 3091292
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-02070 br-02070
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 3091372
Brewery: Spal - Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
br-00238 br-00238
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Bras. de BebidasFactory sign:
br-02066 br-02066
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 00723
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-01811 br-01811
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola 00723 Nao congelar
Brewery: Spal Industria Brasileira de Bebidas, S.A.Factory sign:
br-02065 br-02065
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar
Brewery: Spal - Ind. Bras. de Bebidas S.A.Factory sign:
br-02068 br-02068
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 00723
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-01813 br-01813
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola 00723 Nao congelar
Brewery: Spal Industria Brasileira de Bebidas, S.A.Factory sign:
br-02067 br-02067
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Baixa Caloria Nao Congelar 00731
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-02072 br-02072
Brand: Coca Cola Refrigerante de Cola Nao Congelar 00600
Brewery: Norsa Refrigerantes Ltda.Factory sign:
br-00458 br-00458
Brand: Coca Cola R$ 1,19
Brewery: Spaipa S/A - Ind. Brasileira de BebidasFactory sign:
Other: Text Promocao Coca Cola e A V O N 2 Pontos on the background
br-00336 br-00336
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 1. Dorminhoco
br-00627 br-00627
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 38 Joao Honesto
br-00628 br-00628
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 40 Minie
br-00629 br-00629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 41 Dumbo
br-00630 br-00630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 42 Pongo
br-00631 br-00631
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 44 Prof. Ludovico
br-00632 br-00632
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 45 Ursinho Puff
br-00633 br-00633
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 47 Viralata
br-00634 br-00634
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 48 Banze
br-00635 br-00635
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 50 Teco
br-00636 br-00636
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 51 Lobao
br-00637 br-00637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 54 Peter Pan
br-00638 br-00638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 55 Capitao Gancho
br-00639 br-00639
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 56 Sininho
br-00640 br-00640
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 57 Barrica
br-00641 br-00641
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 58 Pluto
br-00642 br-00642
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 59 Dr. Estigma
br-00643 br-00643
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 60 Mickey
br-00644 br-00644
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 61 Coronel Cintra
br-00645 br-00645
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 62 Joao Bafo-De-Onca
br-00646 br-00646
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 64 Chiquinho
br-00647 br-00647
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 65 Francisquinho
br-00648 br-00648
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 66 Madame Min
br-00649 br-00649
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 67 Nestor
br-00650 br-00650
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 68 Gilberto
br-00651 br-00651
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 71 Morcego Vermelho
br-00652 br-00652
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrigerantes Niteroi S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 72 Gastao
by-00047 by-00047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil BelarusiaFactory sign:
by-00048 by-00048
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages BelorussiaFactory sign:
by-00181 by-00181
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
by-00082 by-00082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
by-00083 by-00083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
by-00084 by-00084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
bz-00002 bz-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Crystal Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
bz-00003 bz-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Crystal Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
bz-00012 bz-00012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Crystal Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
ca-01343 ca-01343
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltd./Ltee, Toronto OntarioFactory sign:
ca-00830 ca-00830
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Factory sign:
ca-01367 ca-01367
Brand: Coca Cola Classique
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltd./Ltee, Toronto OntarioFactory sign:
ca-01350 ca-01350
Brand: Coca Cola Classique
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltd./Ltee, Toronto OntarioFactory sign:
ca-04481 ca-04481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ca-05430 ca-05430
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural...
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltee.Factory sign:
ca-05429 ca-05429
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural...
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltee.Factory sign:
ca-05431 ca-05431
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated water, cane sugar, caramel colour, natural flavour, phosphoric acid, caffeine.
Brewery: Coca Cola Refreshments Canada CompanyFactory sign:
ca-05432 ca-05432
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated water, cane sugar, caramel colour, natural flavour, phosphoric acid, caffeine.
Brewery: Coca Cola Refreshments Canada CompanyFactory sign:
ca-05433 ca-05433
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated water, cane sugar, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural flavour, caffeine.
Brewery: Coca Cola Refreshments Canada CompanyFactory sign:
ca-05484 ca-05484
Brand: Coca Cola Marque deposee Trade Mark Reg eau gazeifiée, sucre, colorant au caramel...
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltee.Factory sign:
ca-00770 ca-00770
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ltd, TorontoFactory sign:
Other: Text Coke on the background
ca-05435 ca-05435
Brand: Coke Diet Diete Carbonated water, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, citric acid, aspartame...
Brewery: Coca Cola Refreshments Canada CompanyFactory sign:
ca-05492 ca-05492
Brand: Fanta MD
Brewery: Coca Cola Refreshments Canada CompanyFactory sign:
ch-00585 ch-00585
Brand: Coca Cola Limonade
Brewery: Boissons Desalterantes S.A. BussignyFactory sign:
ch-00374 ch-00374
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.A. Bussigny VDFactory sign:
ch-00621 ch-00621
Brand: Coca Cola Koffeinhaltige Limonade
Brewery: Calanda Bräu ChurFactory sign:
ch-00375 ch-00375
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refresca AG Dietlikon ZHFactory sign:
ch-00049 ch-00049
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lufrisca AgFactory sign:
ch-00120 ch-00120
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ch-00016 ch-00016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil AGFactory sign:
ch-00004 ch-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages AG, CH-BrüttisellenFactory sign:
ch-00442 ch-00442
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AGFactory sign:
ch-00086 ch-00086
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages AG, CH-DietlikonFactory sign:
ch-00090 ch-00090
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil AG, DietlikonFactory sign:
ch-00089 ch-00089
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages AGFactory sign:
ch-00413 ch-00413
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
cl-00160 cl-00160
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00009 cl-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embonor S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00027 cl-00027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embonor S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00010 cl-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00011 cl-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00029 cl-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00159 cl-00159
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Iquique S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00175 cl-00175
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.AFactory sign:
cl-00176 cl-00176
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Embonor S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00227 cl-00227
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Arica S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00041 cl-00041
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00202 cl-00202
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00044 cl-00044
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00019 cl-00019
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00045 cl-00045
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00143 cl-00143
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora Iquique S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00200 cl-00200
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00249 cl-00249
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embot. Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00075 cl-00075
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Embonor S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00170 cl-00170
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Trofeo on the background
cl-00074 cl-00074
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Embonor S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00142 cl-00142
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Embotelladoras Coca-Cola Polar S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00206 cl-00206
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cl-00161 cl-00161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Andina S.A.Factory sign:
cm-00017 cm-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Les Brasseries du Cameroun, S.A.B.C.Factory sign:
Other: Re-tente ta chance Brrrrrr
cm-00015 cm-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Les Brasseries du Cameroun, S.A.B.C.Factory sign:
Other: Re-tente ta chance Brrrrrr
cn-00656 cn-00656
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00100 cn-00100
Brand: Coca Cola 192
Brewery: The Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
cn-00355 cn-00355
Brand: Coca Cola 192
Brewery: The Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
cn-00653 cn-00653
Brand: Coca Cola 192
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-01192 cn-01192
Brand: Coca Cola 200 GB/T10792
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00556 cn-00556
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00557 cn-00557
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00727 cn-00727
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00599 cn-00599
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00728 cn-00728
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00573 cn-00573
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00393 cn-00393
Brand: Coca Cola 300
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00729 cn-00729
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00654 cn-00654
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00655 cn-00655
Brand: Coca Cola 1.5 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00362 cn-00362
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00631 cn-00631
Brand: Coca Cola 1 192
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00658 cn-00658
Brand: Coca Cola 1 192
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00657 cn-00657
Brand: Coca Cola 1 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-01193 cn-01193
Brand: Coca Cola 200 GB/T10792
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00363 cn-00363
Brand: Coca Cola 1
Brewery: The Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
cn-00364 cn-00364
Brand: Coca Cola 1
Brewery: The Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
cn-00392 cn-00392
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00730 cn-00730
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00394 cn-00394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-01194 cn-01194
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00395 cn-00395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00545 cn-00545
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Chinese texts on the background
cn-00546 cn-00546
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Chinese texts on the background
cn-00547 cn-00547
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Chinese texts on the background
cn-00548 cn-00548
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Chinese texts on the background
cn-00549 cn-00549
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Chinese texts on the background
cn-00662 cn-00662
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00659 cn-00659
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00660 cn-00660
Brand: Coca Cola 200
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00661 cn-00661
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-00106 cn-00106
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cn-01329 cn-01329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
co-00083 co-00083
Brand: Coca Cola $600 Precio Sugerido
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00084 co-00084
Brand: Coca Cola $600 Precio Sugerido
Brewery: Grupo Empresarial Panamco Colombia S.AFactory sign:
Other: Text Tapa Premada on the background
co-00085 co-00085
Brand: Coca Cola $800 Precio Sugerido
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text TAGS Coca Cola on the background
co-00086 co-00086
Brand: Coca Cola Light $800 Precio Sugerido
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00004 co-00004
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Industria ColombianaFactory sign:
co-00033 co-00033
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Grupo Empresarial Panamco Colombia S.A.Factory sign:
co-00161 co-00161
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00164 co-00164
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00011 co-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria ColombianaFactory sign:
co-00032 co-00032
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Grupo Empresarial Panamco Colombia S.A.Factory sign:
co-00226 co-00226
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00030 co-00030
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Industria de Gaseosas S.A. ...Factory sign:
co-00159 co-00159
Brand: Coca Cola 2010
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00358 co-00358
Brand: Coca Cola 2011 The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00257 co-00257
Brand: Coca Cola 2011
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00082 co-00082
Brand: Navidad Coca Cola
Brewery: Grupo Empresarial Panamco Colombia S.AFactory sign:
co-00087 co-00087
Brand: Coca Cola lleva e Movistar
Brewery: Grupo Empresarial Panamco Colombia S.AFactory sign:
Other: Text Movistar Busca la otra mitad on the background
co-00088 co-00088
Brand: Coca Cola Light Comcel
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00071 co-00071
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00254 co-00254
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Indega S.A.Factory sign:
co-00256 co-00256
Brand: Coca Cola $500
Brewery: Indega S.A.Factory sign:
co-00255 co-00255
Brand: Coca Cola Promocion
Brewery: Indega S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text 2x1 Coca-Cola 16 onz www.coca-cola.com.co on the background
co-00305 co-00305
Brand: Coca Cola Promocion www.coca-cola.com.co
Brewery: Indega S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text 2x1 McFlurry on the background
co-00308 co-00308
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Original
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00092 co-00092
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00162 co-00162
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
co-00182 co-00182
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text -noticias malas + diversion on the background
co-00183 co-00183
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text La felicidad rejuvenece on the background
co-00184 co-00184
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Mas alegria, menos tristeza on the background
co-00185 co-00185
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Vive instantes divertidos on the background
co-00186 co-00186
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Disfruta cada momento on the background
co-00187 co-00187
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Sonreir alegra el corazon on the background
co-00188 co-00188
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Man fans de la felicidad on the background
co-00189 co-00189
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Suena hasta con los ojos abiertos on the background
co-00190 co-00190
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Da sin esperar nada a combio on the background
co-00191 co-00191
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Un beso dice mas que una palabra on the background
co-00192 co-00192
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Vive mas suenos en familia on the background
co-00193 co-00193
Brand: Coca Cola 125 anos destapando felicidad
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Gaseosas S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Mas fans de la felicidad on the background
cr-00005 cr-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora PanamcoTicaFactory sign:
cr-00020 cr-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa RicaFactory sign:
cr-00064 cr-00064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00079 cr-00079
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00080 cr-00080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00081 cr-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00082 cr-00082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00083 cr-00083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00084 cr-00084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00085 cr-00085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00086 cr-00086
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00087 cr-00087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00088 cr-00088
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to cr-0064
cr-00130 cr-00130
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Original Desde 1886
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00136 cr-00136
Brand: Coca Cola Fest
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00051 cr-00051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa RicaFactory sign:
cr-00063 cr-00063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00097 cr-00097
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00065 cr-00065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Vive la Pasion del Futbol on the background
cr-00021 cr-00021
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa RicaFactory sign:
cr-00035 cr-00035
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
Other: 3 GOLES on the background
cr-00034 cr-00034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cr-00033 cr-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Costa Rica S.A.Factory sign:
cv-00001 cv-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cavibel S.a.r.l.Factory sign:
cv-00015 cv-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cavibel S.A.R.L.Factory sign:
cv-00010 cv-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cavibel S.A.R.L.Factory sign:
cy-00004 cy-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cy-00005 cy-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cy-00033 cy-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cy-00036 cy-00036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lanitis Bros. Ltd. NicosiaFactory sign:
cy-00053 cy-00053
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Lanitis Bros. Limited NicosiaFactory sign:
cy-00072 cy-00072
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Lanitis Bros. Limited NicosiaFactory sign:
cy-00054 cy-00054
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Lanitis Bros. Limited NicosiaFactory sign:
cy-00022 cy-00022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03849 cz-03849
Brand: Coca Cola Bottled in Iran
Brewery: Nealkoholicke Napoje N.P. OlomoucFactory sign:
Other: Top of the cap Nealko Olomouc
cz-00439 cz-00439
Brand: Bonaqua Czech
Brewery: Coca Cola Co.Factory sign:
cz-00710 cz-00710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Plni St. Nicalaus A.S.Factory sign:
cz-01056 cz-01056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Plni St. Nicalaus A.S.Factory sign:
cz-01052 cz-01052
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-01171 cz-01171
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Modrice - FrutaFactory sign:
cz-02095 cz-02095
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Jan Becher, s.p. K. Vary-plni Limo OtoviceFactory sign:
cz-02902 cz-02902
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Plni - SKL a.p. L. MikulasFactory sign:
cz-03622 cz-03622
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: CCA Praha Spol S.R.O.Factory sign:
cz-01248 cz-01248
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Modrice - FrutaFactory sign:
cz-02903 cz-02903
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Plni Fruta K.P. BrnoFactory sign:
cz-03620 cz-03620
Brand: Coca Cola Obsahuje Kofein Zaps Ochr. Znamka Povolila Firma The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Fruta n.p. Brno Zavod ModriceFactory sign:
cz-03621 cz-03621
Brand: Coca Cola Obsahuje Kofein Zaps Ochr. Znamka Povolila Firma The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Fruta n.p. Brno Zavod ModriceFactory sign:
cz-03619 cz-03619
Brand: Coca Cola Obsahuje Kofein Zaps Ochr. Znamka Povolila Firma The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Fruta n.p. Brno Zavod ModriceFactory sign:
cz-01592 cz-01592
Brand: Coca Cola Cherry
Brewery: PlniFactory sign:
cz-01172 cz-01172
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Modrice - FrutaFactory sign:
cz-01130 cz-01130
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Karlovy Vary, Karlovarska BecherovkaFactory sign:
cz-01186 cz-01186
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Praha - Coca-Cola Beverages Ceska republika, spol. s.r.o.Factory sign:
cz-01633 cz-01633
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Ceska republika, spol. s.r.o.Factory sign:
cz-03277 cz-03277
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Ceska republika, spol. s.r.o.Factory sign:
cz-01914 cz-01914
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Ceska Republika, spol. s.r.o.Factory sign:
cz-01915 cz-01915
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-01947 cz-01947
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03078 cz-03078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Ceska Republika, s.r.oFactory sign:
cz-01187 cz-01187
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Praha - Coca-Cola Beverages Ceska republika, spol. s.r.o.Factory sign:
cz-01948 cz-01948
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03081 cz-03081
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-01696 cz-01696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03275 cz-03275
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Ceska republika, s.r.oFactory sign:
cz-03284 cz-03284
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03079 cz-03079
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03610 cz-03610
Brand: Coca Cola Sherry
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Ceska republika, s.r.oFactory sign:
cz-03718 cz-03718
Brand: Coca Cola Pro/Pre Obsluhu. Najdi / Najdi Kod na Spodku Vicka / Viecka a Vyhraj!
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Ceska Republika, s.r.oFactory sign:
cz-01706 cz-01706
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03283 cz-03283
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-02477 cz-02477
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-02478 cz-02478
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
cz-03721 cz-03721
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Pro/Pre Obsluhu. Najdi / Najdi Kod na Spodku Vicka / Viecka a Vyhraj!
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Ceska Republika, s.r.oFactory sign:
cz-00951 cz-00951
Brand: Cappy
Brewery: Beverages Praha - Kyje Coca ColaFactory sign:
cz-03834 cz-03834
Brand: Coca Cola Isiri
Brewery: Dia Citron Jihomoravske Pivovary K.P. BrnoFactory sign:
Other: Top of the cap Dia Citron Jihomoravske Pivovary K.P. Brno ON 567974 0,33l Kcs 1,40
de-01454 de-01454
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Erfrischungsgetränke Industrie GMBH&Co.Factory sign:
de-11525 de-11525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-00620 de-00620
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-00741 de-00741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke GMBHFactory sign:
de-00621 de-00621
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Rhein-Ruhr GMBHFactory sign:
de-00971 de-00971
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: NGI Niederrheinische Getränke-Industrie GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-11526 de-11526
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Südgetränke GmbH Erlangen / Abfüllung KnetzgauFactory sign:
de-05052 de-05052
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-07664 de-07664
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-07665 de-07665
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-07666 de-07666
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-07667 de-07667
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-03017 de-03017
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-11528 de-11528
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-11529 de-11529
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Süddeutsche Erfrischungsgetränke Industrie GmbHFactory sign:
de-05578 de-05578
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Deutschland Verkauf GmbH & Co, KGFactory sign:
de-04542 de-04542
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-11527 de-11527
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KG, MannheimFactory sign:
de-05424 de-05424
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-05403 de-05403
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-00945 de-00945
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-02194 de-02194
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: NGI - Niederrheinische Getränke-Industrie GMBH & CO KGFactory sign:
de-02264 de-02264
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-11783 de-11783
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-02277 de-02277
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-09557 de-09557
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-02379 de-02379
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GMBH, BremenFactory sign:
de-02974 de-02974
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KG, HildesheimFactory sign:
de-05009 de-05009
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-11785 de-11785
Brand: Coca Cola Light Taste
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-14351 de-14351
Brand: Light Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-11522 de-11522
Brand: Coca Cola 0,2L mindestens haltbar bis Ende 1991
Brewery: Franz Mielke GmbH & Co. KG, GifhornFactory sign:
de-11537 de-11537
Brand: Coca Cola 0,2l mindetens haltbar bis Ende 1989
Brewery: Getränkegesellschaft Schwarzwald Max SchmelingFactory sign:
de-00740 de-00740
Brand: Coca Cola 1989 0,2 l
Brewery: Getränke Gesellschaft Max Schmeling GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-07742 de-07742
Brand: Coca Cola 1992 0,2L
Brewery: Getränke-Industrie Hamburg Max Schmeling & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-05678 de-05678
Brand: Coca Cola 1993 0,2L
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke GMBH & Co., OsnabrückFactory sign:
de-05679 de-05679
Brand: Coca Cola 1994 0,2L
Brewery: H. & J. Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG, KölnFactory sign:
de-10800 de-10800
Brand: Coca Cola 1995 0,2L
Brewery: Südgetränke GmbH, Erlangen / Abfüllung KnetzgauFactory sign:
de-05742 de-05742
Brand: Coca Cola 0,2 l
Brewery: Getränke-Industrie Mittelbaden Troullier GMBH & CoFactory sign:
de-00617 de-00617
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1986
Brewery: Giessener Getränkeindustrie Graf V.D. Groeben GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-07118 de-07118
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1989
Brewery: Getränke Industrie Darmstadt Hoffmann GmbHFactory sign:
de-08025 de-08025
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1989
Brewery: Franz Mielke GmbH & Co. KG, GifhornFactory sign:
de-00618 de-00618
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1990
Brewery: Getränke-Industrie Mittelbaden Troullier GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-11523 de-11523
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L mindestens haltbar bis Ende 1992
Brewery: Getränke-Industrie Neu-Ulm Westhausen GmbHFactory sign:
de-05577 de-05577
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1993
Brewery: Saar-Pfalz Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH & CO. KG.Factory sign:
de-04719 de-04719
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1993
Brewery: Süddeutsche Erfrischungsgetränke Industrie GmbHFactory sign:
de-07743 de-07743
Brand: Coca Cola 1994 0,33L
Brewery: Eltra Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH & Co KG, MöllnFactory sign:
de-05680 de-05680
Brand: Coca Cola 1994 0,33L
Brewery: H. & J. Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG, KölnFactory sign:
de-11524 de-11524
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L mindestens haltbar bis Ende 1995
Brewery: Süddeutsche Erfrischungsgetränke Industrie GmbHFactory sign:
de-07968 de-07968
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L 1996
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GmbH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-00624 de-00624
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Alfons Lutticke GMBHFactory sign:
de-05740 de-05740
Brand: Coca Cola 1985 0,2l
Brewery: Getränke-Industrie Mittelbaden Troullier GMBH & CoFactory sign:
de-00742 de-00742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KG, MannheimFactory sign:
de-03710 de-03710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KG, MannheimFactory sign:
de-06607 de-06607
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KG, MannheimFactory sign:
de-00425 de-00425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-03711 de-03711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-03016 de-03016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-06818 de-06818
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-09519 de-09519
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-11782 de-11782
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-06817 de-06817
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-09541 de-09541
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-00426 de-00426
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-00743 de-00743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-00622 de-00622
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-02946 de-02946
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-00623 de-00623
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-00970 de-00970
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-03014 de-03014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nordwest Getränke Gmbh & Co. Kg, SoestFactory sign:
de-02188 de-02188
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nord Ostsee Trankerproduction Eltra GMBH & CoFactory sign:
de-02973 de-02973
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GMBH, BremenFactory sign:
de-05575 de-05575
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GMBH, BremenFactory sign:
de-02972 de-02972
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KG, HildesheimFactory sign:
de-05425 de-05425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-03015 de-03015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: NGI - Niederrheinische Getränke-Industrie GMBH & CO KG, MönchengladbachFactory sign:
de-05288 de-05288
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Saar-Pfalz Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH & CO. KG.Factory sign:
de-09547 de-09547
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Saar-Pfalz Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH & CO. KG.Factory sign:
de-03509 de-03509
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke Ag, BerlinFactory sign:
de-03101 de-03101
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: NGI - Niederrheinische Getränke-Industrie GMBH & CO KG, MönchengladbachFactory sign:
de-11530 de-11530
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-08484 de-08484
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-05703 de-05703
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-04469 de-04469
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-05576 de-05576
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-04827 de-04827
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-07668 de-07668
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-11542 de-11542
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-11680 de-11680
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-06334 de-06334
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
Other: Designed by Ellen von Unwerth
de-09158 de-09158
Brand: Coca Cola Life
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-02243 de-02243
Brand: Cappy
Brewery: Coca Cola GmbhFactory sign:
de-03330 de-03330
Brand: Cappy Gold
Brewery: Coca Cola GmbhFactory sign:
de-01465 de-01465
Brand: Minaqua
Brewery: Distributed by Coca Cola-CompanyFactory sign:
de-02614 de-02614
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Alfred Dompert
de-02625 de-02625
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Dieter Kottysch
de-02612 de-02612
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Gregor Braun
de-02627 de-02627
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Jochen Meissner
de-02637 de-02637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Klaus Wolfermann
de-02611 de-02611
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Kurt Bendlin
de-02632 de-02632
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Paul Schockemöhle
de-02635 de-02635
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Gmbh, Niedelassung, EssenFactory sign:
Other: Rita Wilden
de-02633 de-02633
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Adolf Seger
de-02619 de-02619
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Cornelia Hanisch
de-02613 de-02613
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Gaby Bussmann
de-02636 de-02636
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Hans Günter Winkler
de-02615 de-02615
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Hildegard Falck
de-02634 de-02634
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Klaus Steinbach
de-02628 de-02628
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Ulrike Meyfarth
de-02621 de-02621
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Willi Holdorf
de-02626 de-02626
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Willy Kuhweide
de-02616 de-02616
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke Friedr, Schwarze Gmbh & Co Kg. Soest/Westf.Factory sign:
Other: Wolfgang Gerz
de-02630 de-02630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Alexander Pusch
de-02624 de-02624
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Bernd Klingner
de-02622 de-02622
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Dr. Franz-Josef Kemper
de-02623 de-02623
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Dr. Reiner Klimke
de-02631 de-02631
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Fredy Schmidtke
de-02617 de-02617
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Klaus Glahn
de-02618 de-02618
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Michael Gross
de-02629 de-02629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Rolf Milser
de-02638 de-02638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränke-Gesellschaft Max Schmeling & Co Kg, GomaringenFactory sign:
Other: Willi Wülbeck
de-02620 de-02620
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Getränkegesellschaft Schwarzwald Gmbh & Co KG, FreiburgFactory sign:
Other: Jürgen Hingsen
de-05735 de-05735
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Eduard Winter Getränkefabrik GmbH & Co. KG BerlinFactory sign:
Other: Michael Gross
de-08397 de-08397
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Elfriede Kaun
de-08399 de-08399
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Günther Neureuther
de-08396 de-08396
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Harald Norpoth
de-08400 de-08400
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Harald Schmid
de-08394 de-08394
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Heidi Schmid
de-08395 de-08395
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Klaus Tafelmeier
de-08404 de-08404
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Martin Knosp
de-08398 de-08398
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Patriz Ilg
de-08401 de-08401
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Peter Heinz
de-08402 de-08402
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Peter Hussing
de-08405 de-08405
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Rudolf Mang
de-08403 de-08403
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33l 1985
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Thomas Wessinghage
de-08392 de-08392
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Hersteller Coca-Cola GmbH, Niederlassung EssenFactory sign:
Other: Heide Rosendahl
de-08393 de-08393
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Standard Getränke Stams GmbH & Co. KG, WeselFactory sign:
Other: Sabine Everts
de-14334 de-14334
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L Mindestens haltbar bis Ende 1988
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GmbHFactory sign:
de-13408 de-13408
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L Mindestens haltbar bis Ende 1996
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH, BremenFactory sign:
de-08261 de-08261
Brand: Coca Cola 0,33L 1996
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GmbH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-08260 de-08260
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GmbH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-00956 de-00956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Süddeutsche Erfrischungsgetränke Industrie GMBH & CO.Factory sign:
de-14331 de-14331
Brand: Coca Cola Light Coca-Cola Deutschland Verkauf GmbH & Co. KG, 10117 Berlin
Brewery: Coca-Cola Deutschland Verkauf GmbH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-02965 de-02965
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: HM Interdrink GMBH & Co. KG, MannheimFactory sign:
de-09193 de-09193
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GMBH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-09201 de-09201
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GMBH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-14328 de-14328
Brand: Coca Cola Light Südgetränke GmbH, Erlangen/Abfüllung Knetzgau
Brewery: Südgetränke GmbHFactory sign:
de-08262 de-08262
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GmbH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-02755 de-02755
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-08263 de-08263
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GmbH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-14330 de-14330
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AGFactory sign:
de-13409 de-13409
Brand: Coca Cola Light Plus
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
de-14329 de-14329
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Factory sign:
de-02362 de-02362
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-06702 de-06702
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-02925 de-02925
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG, BerlinFactory sign:
de-08258 de-08258
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hessisch-Niedersächsische Getränke GmbH & Co. KGFactory sign:
de-08259 de-08259
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rhein-Main-Sieg Getränke GmbH & Co. KG, LiederbachFactory sign:
de-03926 de-03926
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bremer Erfrischungsgetränke GMBH, BremenFactory sign:
de-12831 de-12831
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbHFactory sign:
dk-01590 dk-01590
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01591 dk-01591
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01592 dk-01592
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01593 dk-01593
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01594 dk-01594
Brand: Coca Cola Nov 86
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01595 dk-01595
Brand: Coca Cola Aug 87
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01596 dk-01596
Brand: Coca Cola Nov 87
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01598 dk-01598
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/SFactory sign:
dk-01604 dk-01604
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-06663 dk-06663
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Meneralvand
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-06730 dk-06730
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Mineralvand
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00255 dk-00255
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00256 dk-00256
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01605 dk-01605
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00442 dk-00442
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-05808 dk-05808
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-05967 dk-05967
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-05968 dk-05968
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00239 dk-00239
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-02321 dk-02321
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00240 dk-00240
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01607 dk-01607
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-06702 dk-06702
Brand: Coca Cola Light 321107
Brewery: Coca-Cola Tapperierne A/SFactory sign:
dk-00388 dk-00388
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00286 dk-00286
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-02322 dk-02322
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-06435 dk-06435
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-00490 dk-00490
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-03195 dk-03195
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Espana 82
dk-00556 dk-00556
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Luis M. Arconada Spanien 1
dk-00557 dk-00557
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Alonso Joaquin Spanien 3
dk-00558 dk-00558
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Miguel Tendillo Spanien 4
dk-00559 dk-00559
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Vigo Esteban Spanien 5
dk-00560 dk-00560
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Jose R. Alesanco Spanien 6
dk-00561 dk-00561
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: C.A. Santillana Spanien 7
dk-00562 dk-00562
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Marcos Alonso Spanien 8
dk-00563 dk-00563
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Angel Alonso Spanien 9
dk-00564 dk-00564
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Jose Cano Spanien 10
dk-00565 dk-00565
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Antonio Maceda Spanien 11
dk-00566 dk-00566
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Jose V. Sanchez Spanien 12
dk-00567 dk-00567
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Enrique Montero Spanien 13
dk-00568 dk-00568
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: F.J. Urruticoechea Spanien 14
dk-00569 dk-00569
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: J.M. Satrustegui Spanien 15
dk-00570 dk-00570
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Rafael Gordillo Spanien 16
dk-00571 dk-00571
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Enrique Ramos Spanien 17
dk-00572 dk-00572
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Victor Munoz Spanien 18
dk-00573 dk-00573
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Jesus Zamora Spanien 19
dk-00574 dk-00574
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Jose Antonio Camacho Spanien 20
dk-00575 dk-00575
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Juan Gomez Spanien 21
dk-00576 dk-00576
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Roberto L. Ufarte Spanien 22
dk-00577 dk-00577
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Juan Castillo Spanien 23
dk-00578 dk-00578
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Ricardo Penella Spanien 24
dk-00579 dk-00579
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Miguel Alonso Spanien 25
dk-00580 dk-00580
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Enrique Saura Spanien 26
dk-00581 dk-00581
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Miguel De Andres Spanien 27
dk-00582 dk-00582
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Enrique Moran Spanien 28
dk-00583 dk-00583
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Juan Jose Jimenez Spanien 29
dk-00584 dk-00584
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Juan Jose Estella Spanien 30
dk-00585 dk-00585
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Secundino Suarez Spanien 31
dk-00586 dk-00586
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Manuel E. Jimenez Spanien 32
dk-00587 dk-00587
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Gerano Celayeta Spanien 33
dk-00588 dk-00588
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Enrique Castro Gonzales Spanien 34
dk-05608 dk-05608
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 129 Får jeg så det kys?
dk-05596 dk-05596
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 144 Ikke vrisse!
dk-02991 dk-02991
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 150 Går den, så går den
dk-05597 dk-05597
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 151 Kald mig bare smukke
dk-05598 dk-05598
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 155 Ret ryggen
dk-05599 dk-05599
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 156 Sikke'n Tarzan
dk-05600 dk-05600
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 172 Tænk højt!
dk-05611 dk-05611
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 174 Ska' vi spille..?
dk-05601 dk-05601
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 179 Op lille Hans
dk-05602 dk-05602
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 180 Hold da helt op
dk-02992 dk-02992
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 183 Jeg snakker med mig selv
dk-02993 dk-02993
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 189 Den er der go i
dk-02994 dk-02994
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 191 Er du sikker
dk-05603 dk-05603
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 194 Hva' med en gammeldaws?
dk-05604 dk-05604
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 197 Tør vi?
dk-05605 dk-05605
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 209 Så er det godt!
dk-05606 dk-05606
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 217 Bedre nu end aldrig
dk-02995 dk-02995
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 220 Få grabberne til dig!
dk-05607 dk-05607
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 221 Det er kun for sjov
dk-05609 dk-05609
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 230 Ska' vi hønse?
dk-05610 dk-05610
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 253 Rend mig i traditionerne
dk-02996 dk-02996
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 262 Har du noget du mangker
dk-02997 dk-02997
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 280 Kost me'mig
dk-02998 dk-02998
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 307 Hvad skal vi lave?
dk-02999 dk-02999
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 380 Hvem har malet dig?
dk-05612 dk-05612
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 4 Jeg ka' ikke undvære dig
dk-05613 dk-05613
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 6 Du har noget andre ikke har
dk-05614 dk-05614
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 7 Nå da da da..!
dk-02970 dk-02970
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 11 Lån mig til en Coke!
dk-05615 dk-05615
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 15 Slurk!
dk-05616 dk-05616
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 19 Vil du fri?
dk-02971 dk-02971
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 20 Er du fri?
dk-05617 dk-05617
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 23 Er du nu der igen?
dk-02972 dk-02972
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 26 Tak skal du ha
dk-05618 dk-05618
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 28 Træd ikke på mig!
dk-02973 dk-02973
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 29 Sig de ord, du ved...
dk-05619 dk-05619
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 31 Jeg er så ensom
dk-02974 dk-02974
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 32 Gå aldrig fra mig!
dk-02975 dk-02975
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 33 Davs, du ligner dig selv!
dk-05620 dk-05620
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 36 Drik til du bøvser!
dk-02976 dk-02976
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 38 Kom, jeg bider ikke
dk-02977 dk-02977
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 41 Jeg drikker aldrig alene
dk-05621 dk-05621
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 42 Har du det godt?
dk-02978 dk-02978
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 43 Til lykke med det!
dk-05622 dk-05622
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 45 Dig og mig og vi to
dk-05623 dk-05623
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 46 Slap af!
dk-02979 dk-02979
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 49 Gør det noget?
dk-02980 dk-02980
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 50 Find dig ikke i noget!
dk-05624 dk-05624
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 51 Op og stå!
dk-05625 dk-05625
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 54 Du er noget for dig selv
dk-05626 dk-05626
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 56 Hva' venter du på?
dk-05627 dk-05627
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 61 Er der musik i dig?
dk-05628 dk-05628
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 62 Jeg tørster osse efter dig!
dk-05629 dk-05629
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 63 Jeg er bedst når jeg er kold
dk-05630 dk-05630
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 65 Der ska' musik til
dk-05631 dk-05631
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 66 Er du sulten?
dk-05632 dk-05632
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 69 Jeg er dejlig!
dk-05633 dk-05633
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 71 Jeg er hurtig i optrækket
dk-02981 dk-02981
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 80 Du og jeg har noget tilfælles!
dk-02982 dk-02982
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 85 For min skyld ingen alarm
dk-05634 dk-05634
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 87 Bedre nu end aldrig
dk-02983 dk-02983
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 88 Så er det her og nu!
dk-05635 dk-05635
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 91 Smil til værten!
dk-02984 dk-02984
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 93 Endelig mødes vi!
dk-05636 dk-05636
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 94 Må jeg holde dig i hånden?
dk-05637 dk-05637
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 98 Det gør ondt at slå sig på flasken
dk-05638 dk-05638
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 99 Goddag og farvel!
dk-05639 dk-05639
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 100 Har du en anden?
dk-05640 dk-05640
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 101 Vil du ha' en anden?
dk-02985 dk-02985
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 103 Hænderne op eller bukserne ned!
dk-05641 dk-05641
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 104 Har vi set hinanden før?
dk-02986 dk-02986
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 106 Du smager dejligt
dk-05642 dk-05642
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 108 Kys mig straks
dk-02987 dk-02987
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 109 Pas dig selv!
dk-02988 dk-02988
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 112 Hva med en lille rystedans?
dk-05643 dk-05643
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 119 Hold mig udenfor!
dk-05644 dk-05644
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Wilian & Madsen - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 121 Ska' vi drikke eller hva'?
dk-02989 dk-02989
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 123 Lån mig til en Fanta!
dk-05645 dk-05645
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 124 Hvad var lived uden dig?
dk-05646 dk-05646
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 125 Hvornår ses vi igen?
dk-02990 dk-02990
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 147 Ikke tylle
dk-04260 dk-04260
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 8 Phileas Fogg på elefantryg i Indien
dk-04265 dk-04265
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 14 Phileas Fogg Japan vinker forude
dk-04275 dk-04275
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Sports
dk-04276 dk-04276
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Sports
dk-04277 dk-04277
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Sports
dk-04278 dk-04278
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Dadeko A/S KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Sports
dk-04293 dk-04293
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Gutti gutti
dk-04294 dk-04294
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Hik!
dk-04298 dk-04298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Smak smak
dk-04299 dk-04299
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Vuffeli vol
dk-04301 dk-04301
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Dølle vøp?
dk-04302 dk-04302
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Honki tonki
dk-04304 dk-04304
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Tuttelu
dk-04305 dk-04305
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Umba umba
dk-04306 dk-04306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Okey dokey
dk-04515 dk-04515
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Vil du møde pennevenner, så luk en flaskeport til op. God fornøjelse med skriveriet.
dk-04516 dk-04516
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 1 Penneven. Anni Årve, 12 år. Kan li' svømning, springgymnastik, Blondie, Abba
dk-04518 dk-04518
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 3 Penneven. May-Britt Pedersen, 14 år. Kan li' bøger, foto teknik
dk-04519 dk-04519
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 4 Penneven. Anette Pedersen, 10 år. Kan li' gymnastik
dk-04520 dk-04520
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 5 Penneven. John Vedsted, 10 år. Kan li' musik, fodbold
dk-04523 dk-04523
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 9 Penneven. Heidi Christiansen, 14 år. Kan li' basketball, fester
dk-04527 dk-04527
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 13 Penneven. Dorthe Detlefsen, 10 år. Kan li' håndbold, dans, musik
dk-04531 dk-04531
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 18 Penneven. Pernille Sundsig-Hansen, 13 år. Kan li' badminton, popmusik
dk-04532 dk-04532
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 20 Penneven. Christin Halle, 13 år. Kan li' ridning, gymnastik, syning
dk-04533 dk-04533
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 21 Penneven. Søren Vestergård, 10 år. Kan li' sport, skole
dk-04534 dk-04534
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 22 Penneven. Birgitte Nørgaard Sørensen, 14 år. Kan li' springgymnastik, musik, selvforsvar
dk-04537 dk-04537
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 27 Penneven. Torben Jæger, 14 år. Kan li' sport, musik
dk-04541 dk-04541
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 33 Penneven. Betina M. Hansen, 10 år. Kan li' musik, dans, svømning
dk-04543 dk-04543
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 37 Penneven. Morten Pagh, 11 år. Kan li' gymnastik, svømning, spejderliv
dk-04544 dk-04544
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 38 Penneven. Tina Pagh, 8 år. Kan li' gymnastik, musik, sang
dk-04545 dk-04545
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 39 Penneven. Louise Buch Nielsen, 9 år. Kan li' spejderliv, håndbold, gymnastik
dk-04548 dk-04548
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 42 Penneven. Leon Olsen, 11 år. Kan li' FDF, badminton, frimærker
dk-04550 dk-04550
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 44 Penneven. Tina Dahl Pedersen, 15 år. Kan li' badminton, håndbold, syning, jazzballet
dk-04552 dk-04552
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 46 Penneven. Connie Nielsen, 12 år. Kan li' fodbold, badminton
dk-04553 dk-04553
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 47 Penneven. Susanne Hansen, 12 år. Kan li' diskodans, lædersyning, procelæn, gymnastik, håndbold
dk-04554 dk-04554
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 49 Penneven. Carsten Hansen, 13 år. Kan li' badminton, dans, fiskeri, filmklub, frimærker
dk-04555 dk-04555
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 50 Penneven. Jeanette Evrard, 12 år. Kan li' fodbold, diskodans, diskomusik, skak
dk-04557 dk-04557
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 52 Penneven. Robert Erichsen, 13 år. Kan li' sport
dk-04559 dk-04559
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 55 Penneven. Tine Leerbeck, 11 år. Kan li' svømning, badminton, heste
dk-04560 dk-04560
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 56 Penneven. Annette Sterler, 15 år. Kan li' fodbold, svømning, anden sport
dk-04563 dk-04563
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 59 Penneven. Heidi Holm, 14 1/2 år. Kan li' diskomusik, diskotek, drenge, fester
dk-04565 dk-04565
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 61 Penneven. Tonnie Christensen, 10 år. Kan li' håndbold
dk-04568 dk-04568
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 65 Penneven. Kim Andersen, 11 år. Kan li' håndbold, travløb, Tarok
dk-04569 dk-04569
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 66 Penneven. Irene Larsen, 15 år. Kan li' sport, musik, bøger
dk-04571 dk-04571
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 68 Penneven. Tina Lenander, 18 år. Kan li' diskotek, hjemling, hygge, drenge
dk-04572 dk-04572
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 72 Penneven. Peter Sørensen, 10 år. Kan li' fodbold, badminton
dk-04573 dk-04573
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 73 Penneven. Anja Runge, 8 år. Kan li' tegning, tæsning
dk-04574 dk-04574
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 74 Penneven. Brian Thomsen, 14 år. Kan li' knallerter
dk-04575 dk-04575
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 75 Penneven. Henning Sørensen, 12 år. Kan li' frimærker, badminton
dk-04577 dk-04577
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 79 Penneven. Anja Baun, 11 år. Kan li' klistermærker, glansbilleder
dk-04578 dk-04578
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 81 Penneven. Kenneth Skadhauge, 12 år. Kan li' sejlsport, karate
dk-04579 dk-04579
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 82 Penneven. Susanne Thelander Olsen, 9 år. Kan li' korsang
dk-04582 dk-04582
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 85 Penneven. Jens Chr. Sterler, 10 år. Kan li' fodbold, anden sport
dk-04583 dk-04583
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 86 Penneven. Heidi Hedegaard Nielsen, 19 år. Kan li' foto, rejser, matematik, tøj
dk-04584 dk-04584
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 88 Penneven. Henrik Hansen, 12 år. Kan li' foldbold, FDF
dk-04586 dk-04586
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 91 Penneven. Helle G. Poulsen, 12 år. Kan li' heste, rideteori
dk-04587 dk-04587
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 94 Penneven. Heinz Nielsen, 14 1/2 år. Kan li' volleyball, skydning, svømning
dk-04595 dk-04595
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 102 Penneven. Christian Lykke Kristensen, 9 år. Kan li' spejder, svømning, rulleskøjter
dk-04597 dk-04597
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 104 Penneven. Torben Frølund Jepsen, 14 år. Kan li' modelfly, lystfiskeri, Boney M
dk-04598 dk-04598
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 105 Penneven. Henriette Pedersen, 12 år. Kan li' Jazzballet, disco, brevskrivning
dk-04599 dk-04599
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 106 Penneven. Claus Elbæk, 16 år. Kan li' fodbold, musik, brevveksling
dk-04603 dk-04603
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 110 Penneven. Michael Mortensen, 11 år. Kan li' badminton, musik
dk-04608 dk-04608
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 115 Penneven. Bernt Tokeskov Mikkelsen, 13 år. Kan li' musik, tennis
dk-04609 dk-04609
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 116 Penneven. Henrik Leif Nørgård, 15 år. Kan li' foldbold, musik
dk-04610 dk-04610
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 117 Penneven. Karen Albertsen, 23 år. Kan li' fodslaw, musik, dyr
dk-04612 dk-04612
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 119 Penneven. Carsten Elmstrøm, 17 år. Kan li' discotek, dans, vilde party'er, ishocky, C.V. Jørgensen
dk-04618 dk-04618
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 126 Penneven. Lene Skovgård Hansen, 13 år. Kan li' porcelænsmaling, håndbold, gymnastik
dk-04621 dk-04621
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 129 Penneven. Andrey Bozbey, 10 år. Kan li' badminton, zoologi, flyvning, rock, disco, historie, svømning
dk-04622 dk-04622
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 130 Penneven. Pernille Meinertz, 15 år. Kan li' romantik, fester og alt muligt andet
dk-04623 dk-04623
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 131 Penneven. Hanne Larsen, 12 år. Kan li' heste
dk-04624 dk-04624
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 132 Penneven. Dorte Rasmussen, 14 år. Kan li' FDF/FPF, keramik, sejlsport
dk-04625 dk-04625
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 133 Penneven. Susanne Larsen, 18 år. Kan li' akvarier, musik, sprog
dk-04628 dk-04628
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 136 Penneven. Martin Jensen, 12 år. Kan li' dyr, frimærker, tværfløjte, bøger
dk-04629 dk-04629
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 137 Penneven. Preben Christiansen, 11 år. Kan li' badminton
dk-04630 dk-04630
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 138 Penneven. Karen Margrethe Henriksen, 13 år. Kan li' fodbold, discomusik, dans, fester
dk-04631 dk-04631
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 139 Penneven. Gitte Jensen, 13 år. Kan li' musik, sport
dk-04632 dk-04632
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 140 Penneven. Liselotte Rasmussen, 15 år. Kan li' jazz-gymnastik, porcelænsmaling, fester, lange ture, læse o.s.v.
dk-04633 dk-04633
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 141 Penneven. Brian Hedenskog, 7 år. Kan li' tog, lego, biler, har en pony og en hund
dk-04636 dk-04636
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 144 Penneven. Peter Alexander Rasmussen, 17 år. Kan li' fester, ferier, mad, musik, naturen
dk-04644 dk-04644
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 152 Penneven. Arne H. Jacobsen, 19 år. Kan li' musik, selvforsvar, fester
dk-04645 dk-04645
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 153 Penneven. Jesper Rårup, 11 år. Kan li' svømning, skak, fodbold
dk-04651 dk-04651
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 159 Penneven. Jette Rasmussen, 12 år. Kan li' musik, håndbold, heste
dk-04654 dk-04654
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 162 Penneven. Mai-Britt Kragmose, 8 år. Kan li' svømning, spejder, glansbilleder
dk-04655 dk-04655
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 163 Penneven. Simon Vilstrup, 13 år. Kan li' sport, piger
dk-04659 dk-04659
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 168 Penneven. Lars Gamfeldt, 18 år. Kan li' biler, hygge
dk-04660 dk-04660
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 169 Penneven. Lasse Jørgensen, 13 år. Kan li' at snakke i Walkie-Talkie, høre god muik
dk-04667 dk-04667
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 178 Penneven. Kasper Salto, 14 år. Kan li' svømning, badminton, musik
dk-04670 dk-04670
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 181 Penneven. Dorthe Ovesen, 15 år. Kan li' håndbold, dramatik, discoteque, drenge
dk-04672 dk-04672
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 183 Penneven. Brian Späth, 13 år. Kan li' spejder (KFUM), fodbold
dk-04674 dk-04674
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 185 Penneven. Jette Nielsen, 14 år. Kan li' gymnastik, klub
dk-04675 dk-04675
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 186 Penneven. Lars Dinesen, 12 år. Kan li' skak, elektronik, musik
dk-04676 dk-04676
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 187 Penneven. Gitte Rindom, 13 år. Kan li' klaver, violin, brevskrivning
dk-04682 dk-04682
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 193 Penneven. Kurt Eriksen, 16 år. Kan li' disco, film, naturen (piger)
dk-04686 dk-04686
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 199 Penneven. Anne-Marie Hansen, 16 år. Kan li' badminton, volleyball, Police, ture
dk-04687 dk-04687
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 200 Penneven. Einar Kallhovd, 14 år. Kan li' fodbold, håndbold, svømning og al spot
dk-04689 dk-04689
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 202 Penneven. Lene Rothmann, 10 år. Kan li' ridning, heste, skøjteløb
dk-04694 dk-04694
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 207 Penneven. Ann-Maria Jensen, 13 år. Kan li' judo, svømning, musik
dk-04695 dk-04695
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 208 Penneven. Nanna Tharøe, 15 år. Kan li' dyr, fester, håndbold, rom i Cola
dk-04697 dk-04697
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 210 Penneven. Tobby Hansen, 15 år. Kan li' tennis, fodbold, håndbold
dk-04699 dk-04699
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 212 Penneven. Bo Nordly, 11 år. Kan li' dyr, bøger
dk-04700 dk-04700
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 213 Penneven. Jess Høeg Pedersen, 13 år. Kan li' spejder, discotek, crossmusik
dk-04705 dk-04705
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 218 Penneven. Karina Sørensen, 15 år. Kan li' fodbold, musik
dk-04706 dk-04706
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 219 Penneven. Randi Zachariasen, 16 år. Kan li' fodbold, musik
dk-04709 dk-04709
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 224 Penneven. Lene Jensen, 14 år. Kan li' Cliff Richhard, Olivia Newton-John
dk-04710 dk-04710
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 225 Penneven. Lene Knudsen, 11 år. Kan li' badminton, musik, skrivning
dk-04711 dk-04711
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 226 Penneven. Helle Olsen, 15 år. Kan li' fodbold, badminton, heste, drenge, fester
dk-04715 dk-04715
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 230 Penneven. Katja Moesgaard, 14 år. Kan li' sejlsport, fester, Club 10
dk-04718 dk-04718
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 233 Penneven. Pernille Gerding, 12 år. Kan li' dans, disco, Shu-bi-dua
dk-04719 dk-04719
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 234 Penneven. Kenn Andersen, 13 år. Kan li' svagstrøm, skydning, rejser
dk-04720 dk-04720
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 235 Penneven. Lone Carstensen, 13 år. Kan li' musik, snakke, skrive breve, ride
dk-04721 dk-04721
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 236 Penneven. Bente Rasmussen, 14 år. Kan li' musik, dans, aftenture, kærlighed
dk-04722 dk-04722
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 237 Penneven. Jytte Pedersen, 21 år. Kan li' musik, Tommy Seebach
dk-04723 dk-04723
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 238 Penneven. Annette Malling, 14 år. Kan li' at læse, hesteridning, musik, gå ture, skrive breve
dk-04724 dk-04724
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 239 Penneven. Jette Nielsen, 12 år. Kan li' sport, Boney M, Diana Ross
dk-04725 dk-04725
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 240 Penneven. Benny Pedersen, 13 år. Kan li' fodbold
dk-04727 dk-04727
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 242 Penneven. Ole John Poulsen, 22 år. Kan li' discodans, ABBA, Boney M, Dallas
dk-04728 dk-04728
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 243 Penneven. Ejner Nielsen, 15 år. Kan li' Teakwondo, Rolling Stones
dk-04730 dk-04730
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 246 Penneven. Robert Nøraa Larsen, 24 år. Kan li' musik, go fart, dyr, ideer - alt
dk-04731 dk-04731
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 247 Penneven. Connie Madsen, 15 år. Kan li' dans, spille klaver og orgel, holder meget af musik
dk-04733 dk-04733
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 250 Penneven. Helle Janning, 14 år. Kan li' håndbold, musik, diskoteker, tøjmode
dk-04736 dk-04736
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 253 Penneven. Bettina Grenaa-Petersen, 11 år. Kan li' spejder, fløjtespil, gymnastik, dyr
dk-04739 dk-04739
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 256 Penneven. Erik Andersen, 19 år. Kan li' tøj, disco, hudpleje
dk-04743 dk-04743
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 260 Penneven. Michael Jensen, 14 år. Kan li' judo, 10 CC, cykling
dk-04745 dk-04745
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 262 Penneven. Majbritt Klitgård, 14 år. Kan li' hårpleje, Boney M
dk-04746 dk-04746
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 263 Penneven. Finn Overgård, 12 år. Kan li' fodbold, Police, lystfiskeri
dk-04748 dk-04748
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 265 Penneven. Linda Mygind, 10 år. Kan li' heste, katte, blomster
dk-04751 dk-04751
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 268 Penneven. Jane Jacobsen, 16 år. Kan li' musik, fest, tøj, drenge, håndbold
dk-04752 dk-04752
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 269 Penneven. Per Diemer Jensen, 8 år. Kan li' frimærker
dk-04753 dk-04753
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 272 Penneven. Henning Rathje, 19 år. Kan li' musik, heste, festlige timer
dk-04754 dk-04754
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 273 Penneven. Winnie Elbæk, 12 år. Kan li' sport, dyr
dk-04755 dk-04755
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 274 Penneven. Mette Løth Madsen, 9 år. Kan li' badminton, musik
dk-04756 dk-04756
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 275 Penneven. Helle Sørensen, 15 år. Kan li' håndbold, musik, hunde, børn
dk-04758 dk-04758
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 277 Penneven. Rikke Pedersen, 10 år. Kan li' musik, heste og mange andre ting
dk-04759 dk-04759
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 278 Penneven. Yvonne Gildam, 14 år. Kan li' næsten al musik, tennis, badminton
dk-04761 dk-04761
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 280 Penneven. Rikke Dalsgård-Hansen, 12 år. Kan li' badminton, Coca-Cola
dk-04765 dk-04765
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 284 Penneven. Mette Nielsen, 11 år. Kan li' musik, dyr, bio, ridning
dk-04771 dk-04771
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 290 Penneven. Kim Niikanoff, 12 år. Kan li' fodbold, walkie-talkie
dk-04774 dk-04774
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 293 Penneven. Hannah Aagaard, 17 år. Kan li' rock, Police, engelsk, tegne
dk-04775 dk-04775
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 294 Penneven. Tommy Nielsen, 11 år. Kan li' håndbold, Kiss, Police
dk-04776 dk-04776
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 295 Penneven. Michelle Andersen, 9 år. Kan li' at danse, gymnastik
dk-04777 dk-04777
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 296 Penneven. Kenn Rasmussen, 12 år. Kan li' disco-musik, knallerter
dk-04778 dk-04778
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 298 Penneven. Celina Rasmussen, 11 år. Kan li' ridning, dans
dk-04779 dk-04779
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 299 Penneven. Laila Nielsen, 12 år. Kan li' badminton, sport, musik
dk-04784 dk-04784
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 304 Penneven. Natasja Mary Lohse, 5 år. Kan li' musik
dk-04786 dk-04786
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 306 Penneven. Katja Dahl, 10 år. Kan li' badminton, svømning, gymnastik, dyr
dk-04788 dk-04788
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 308 Penneven. Ann-Karina Jensen, 12 år. Kan li' lejrture om sommeren
dk-04791 dk-04791
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 312 Penneven. Mette Nielsen, 13 år. Kan li' gymnastik, dans, svømning
dk-04792 dk-04792
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 313 Penneven. Gerner Thomsen, 12 år. Kan li' frimærker, FDF/FPF, mønter, fløjte - men ikke fodbold
dk-04793 dk-04793
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 314 Penneven. Lars Nyegaard, 13 år. Kan li' elektronik, Boney M, badminton
dk-04798 dk-04798
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 319 Penneven. Gitte Bøgely, 13 år. Kan li' gmnastik, musik, fester
dk-04799 dk-04799
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 321 Penneven. Aino Bredtved, 12 år. Kan li' al læse, heste, brevveksling
dk-04800 dk-04800
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 323 Penneven. Pia Haubro Nielsen, 12 år. Kan li' disco, bøger, film, rejser
dk-04801 dk-04801
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 324 Penneven. Elsebeth Heuser, 12 år. Kan li' heste, musik, tøj, disco, læsning
dk-04802 dk-04802
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 325 Penneven. Carsten Post, 11 år. Kan li' sejlsport, Boney M
dk-04803 dk-04803
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 326 Penneven. Charlotte Stibolt, 12 år. Kan li' breve, discodans, musik, jazzballet o.m.a.
dk-04804 dk-04804
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 328 Penneven. Lone Stubberup-Christensen, 13 år. Kan li' madlavning, håndarbejde, gymnastik
dk-04805 dk-04805
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 329 Penneven. Tena Stripp, 13 år. Kan li' gymnastik, Boney M
dk-04806 dk-04806
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 331 Penneven. Charlotte Poulsen, 12 år. Kan li' drenge, ridning, Chips (gruppe)
dk-04807 dk-04807
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 333 Penneven. Claus Olsen, 12 år. Kan li' lystfiskeri, Kon-Fu
dk-04808 dk-04808
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 335 Penneven. Lars Søholm, 10 år. Kan li' musik, at cykle, Shu-bi-dua
dk-04809 dk-04809
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 337 Penneven. Frank Thomsen, 11 år. Kan li' elektronik, musik (trommer)
dk-04810 dk-04810
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 338 Penneven. Michael Thorbek Nielsen, 14år. Kan li' badminton, musik, svømning m.m.
dk-04811 dk-04811
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 341 Penneven. Helle Henriksen, 14 år. Kan li' musik, fodbold, orgel, at læse m.m.
dk-04812 dk-04812
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 343 Penneven. Carina Hollmann, 9 år. Kan li' tegning, maling
dk-04813 dk-04813
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 344 Penneven. Marianne Larsen, 14 år. Kan li' spejder, frimærker, svømning
dk-04814 dk-04814
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 346 Penneven. Hanne Krag, 16 år. Kan li' musik, gymnastik, volleyball, dykning
dk-04815 dk-04815
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 349 Penneven. Kim B. Rasmussen, 4 år. Kan li' dyr, mest pony eller hest
dk-04816 dk-04816
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 351 Penneven. Allan H. Olsen, 13 år. Kan li' billard, fodbold, ridning
dk-04817 dk-04817
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 353 Penneven. Ken Martin Nordqvist, 9 år. Kan li' tennis, cykelløb, frimærker
dk-04818 dk-04818
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 354 Penneven. Ann Nielsen, 14 år. Kan li' musik, at skrive, rejser, drenge
dk-04819 dk-04819
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 355 Penneven. Jeanette Sandell, 11 år. Kan li' basketball, disco, bøger, Coca-Cola
dk-04820 dk-04820
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 356 Penneven. Frank Jørgensen, 17 år. Kan li' sport, musik
dk-04821 dk-04821
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 357 Penneven. Tina Nilsson, 14 år. Kan li' roning, fodbold, disco, orgelmusik
dk-04822 dk-04822
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 358 Penneven. Birgitte Andreasen, 13 år. Kan li' heste, udklip, klistermærker
dk-04823 dk-04823
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 359 Penneven. Elisabeth Nørgård, 10 år. Kan li' dyr, at lytte til musik
dk-04824 dk-04824
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 360 Penneven. Jane Skov Larsen, 11 år. Kan li' musik, fester, film, drenge
dk-04825 dk-04825
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 361 Penneven. Steffen Andersen, 25 år. Kan li' at leve livet
dk-04826 dk-04826
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 362 Penneven. Pia Jensen, 16 år. Kan li' badminton, musik, at løbetræne
dk-04827 dk-04827
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 366 Penneven. Bjarke Klint, 13 år. Kan li' volleyball, tennis, fodbold
dk-04828 dk-04828
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 368 Penneven. Hanne Nyman, 17 år. Kan li' badminton, tennis, håndbold
dk-04829 dk-04829
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 369 Penneven. Mette Lund Larsen, 13 år. Kan li' gåture, skrive breve, læse, musik
dk-04830 dk-04830
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 370 Penneven. Morten Kent Jørgensen, 13 år. Kan li' lystfiskeri, Shu-bi-dua
dk-04857 dk-04857
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 5 Jeg er dødtræt - I'm beat
dk-04858 dk-04858
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 6 Lyseslukker! - Party pooper!
dk-04859 dk-04859
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 7 Er du ude på noget? - You making a pass?
dk-04860 dk-04860
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 11 Fri til mig! - Pop the question!
dk-04861 dk-04861
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 13 Hva' si'r du så? - How about that?
dk-04862 dk-04862
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 14 Tal ordentligt! - Watch your tongue!
dk-04863 dk-04863
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 16 Nu kører det! - We're off!
dk-04864 dk-04864
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 22 Det er bar' gas! - It's hot air!
dk-04865 dk-04865
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 23 Af banen! - Here I come, kid!
dk-04866 dk-04866
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 24 Sluk det lys! - Put out that light!
dk-04867 dk-04867
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 30 Jeg glider! - I'm scramming!
dk-04868 dk-04868
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 33 Vi deler regningen! - Let's go Dutch!
dk-04869 dk-04869
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 36 Skal vi så komme videre! - Get on with it!
dk-04870 dk-04870
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 39 Vågn op! - Rise and shine!
dk-04871 dk-04871
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 40 Det er lækkert! - It's a honey!
dk-04872 dk-04872
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 43 Jeg ka ikke snuppe ham! - I don't dig him!
dk-04873 dk-04873
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 45 Dav du gamle! - Hi, old buddy!
dk-04874 dk-04874
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 46 Dril mig ikke - Don't pull my legs
dk-04875 dk-04875
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 49 Slap a' og nyg det - Let your hair down
dk-04876 dk-04876
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 53 Ska' vi hygge os? - Shall we get comfy?
dk-04877 dk-04877
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 58 Skal vi holde af hinanden? - Let's make music
dk-04878 dk-04878
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 59 Du er skøn! - You're the tops!
dk-04879 dk-04879
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 62 Ska vi male byen rød? - Let's paint the town red!
dk-05314 dk-05314
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 20 Er du fri?
dk-05315 dk-05315
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 62 Jeg tørster osse efter dig!
dk-05316 dk-05316
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 117 Ka' du gøre det igen?
dk-05317 dk-05317
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 129 Optaget, desværre!
dk-05318 dk-05318
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: Tak for sidst!
dk-05319 dk-05319
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 11 Skal vi?
dk-05320 dk-05320
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 13 Føler du dig også fri?
dk-05321 dk-05321
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 34 Hvorfor kom du ikke noget før?
dk-05322 dk-05322
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 51 Op og stå!
dk-05323 dk-05323
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 58 Never on Sunday!
dk-05324 dk-05324
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 66 Er du sulten?
dk-05325 dk-05325
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 72 Goddag, lille ven
dk-05326 dk-05326
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 73 Tænk på den næste!
dk-05327 dk-05327
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 76 La' os få lidt sjov i gaden!
dk-05328 dk-05328
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 77 Om lidt er vi to færdige med hinanden!
dk-05329 dk-05329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 81 Har jeg forlovet mig???
dk-05330 dk-05330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 83 Ta' mig med!
dk-05331 dk-05331
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 84 En kapsel for dine tanker
dk-05332 dk-05332
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 88 Så er det her og nu!
dk-05333 dk-05333
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 91 Smil til værten!
dk-05334 dk-05334
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 96 Sig noget pænt
dk-05335 dk-05335
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 99 Goddag og farvel!
dk-05336 dk-05336
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 103 Gør det barbenet!
dk-05337 dk-05337
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 109 Pas dig selv!
dk-05338 dk-05338
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 120 Ska' vi lege eller hva'?
dk-05339 dk-05339
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 125 Hvornår ses vi igen?
dk-05340 dk-05340
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 132 Min tur!
dk-05341 dk-05341
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 136 Hæng på...
dk-05342 dk-05342
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 141 Til sagen!
dk-05343 dk-05343
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 142 Din skyld!
dk-05387 dk-05387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 75 Du ser da meget godt ud!
dk-05388 dk-05388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 8 Ja, men er det ikke..!
dk-05389 dk-05389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 17 Jeg vil i lommen på dig!
dk-05390 dk-05390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 19 Vil du fri?
dk-05391 dk-05391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 25 Kom indenfor!
dk-05392 dk-05392
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 27 Glem mig aldrig!
dk-05393 dk-05393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 39 Du må godt holde om mig
dk-05394 dk-05394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 42 Har du det godt?
dk-05395 dk-05395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 45 Elsk din næste... mig!
dk-05396 dk-05396
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 52 Ta' en chance
dk-05397 dk-05397
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 57 Rend og hop, det slanker!
dk-05398 dk-05398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 59 Jeg går ind for mund-til-mund metoden
dk-05399 dk-05399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 71 Jeg er hurtig i optrækket
dk-05400 dk-05400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 86 Det var det!
dk-05401 dk-05401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 87 Bedre nu end aldrig
dk-05402 dk-05402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 90 Sig noget frækt!
dk-05403 dk-05403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 108 Kys mig straks
dk-05404 dk-05404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 113 Ta' mig som jeg er!
dk-05405 dk-05405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 115 Der fik du mig!
dk-05406 dk-05406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 118 Syng den du ved!
dk-05407 dk-05407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 124 Hvad var livet uden dig!
dk-05408 dk-05408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 144 Er jeg heldig i aften?
dk-05160 dk-05160
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 2 Sig noget Pjerrot!
dk-05156 dk-05156
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 22 Er du helt fri?
dk-05159 dk-05159
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 55 La'os så komme i gang
dk-05154 dk-05154
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 64 Hvor blev du af?
dk-05152 dk-05152
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 75 Du ser da meget godt ud!
dk-05151 dk-05151
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 87 Bedre nu end aldrig
dk-05158 dk-05158
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 98 Kild mig sagte...!
dk-05153 dk-05153
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 105 Jeg ka' li' din smag!
dk-05157 dk-05157
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 121 Jeg må gerne... må du?
dk-05155 dk-05155
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S Dadeko GlostrupFactory sign:
Other: 138 Jeg er mod alt!
dk-05215 dk-05215
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 7. Hva' bli'r en stangspringer, der sætter ny rekord? - Kæphøj!
dk-05216 dk-05216
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 73. Hvilket fodtøj bruger kamelerne? - Sandaler!
dk-05217 dk-05217
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 97. Hvorfor melder man sig ind i skytteforeninger? - For at træffe andre mennesker!
dk-05218 dk-05218
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 17. Hvilke dyr er de mest nøjsomme? - Møl - de æder huller!
dk-05219 dk-05219
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 31. Hvilke roser dufter ikke? - Neuroser!
dk-05220 dk-05220
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 84. Hva' ligger på bunden af havet og skælver? - Et nervevrag!
dk-05221 dk-05221
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 112. Hva' var den glade reolsnedker? - Kommet på rette hylde!
dk-05222 dk-05222
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko - KøbenhavnFactory sign:
Other: 115. Hva' kaldes en uskyldig eskimopige? - En eskimø!
dk-01054 dk-01054
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01055 dk-01055
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01056 dk-01056
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-01057 dk-01057
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company A/S DadekoFactory sign:
dk-05422 dk-05422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 195 Værsgo' og skyld
dk-05423 dk-05423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wilian & Madsen A/S - AarhusFactory sign:
Other: 278 Adgang forbudt
dk-03196 dk-03196
Brand: Coca Cola Espana 82
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: Gerardo Miranda Spanien 2
dk-04561 dk-04561
Brand: Coca Cola Penneven
Brewery: A/S DadekoFactory sign:
Other: 57 Penneven. Vibeke Krandorf, 14 1/2 år. Kan li' diskotek, diskomusik, hjemlig hygge, drenge
dk-06398 dk-06398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06399 dk-06399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06400 dk-06400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06401 dk-06401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06402 dk-06402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06403 dk-06403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06404 dk-06404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06405 dk-06405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06406 dk-06406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06407 dk-06407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06408 dk-06408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dk-06409 dk-06409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Dadeko, GlostrupFactory sign:
dm-00010 dm-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Josephine Gabriel & Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
do-00004 do-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
do-00007 do-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
do-00014 do-00014
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
do-00056 do-00056
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
do-00031 do-00031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
do-00045 do-00045
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
dz-00033 dz-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coca-Cola on the background
dz-00052 dz-00052
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coca-Cola on the background
dz-00065 dz-00065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ec-00006 ec-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
ec-00146 ec-00146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
Other: Text Plato tendi Coca-Cola on the background
ec-00218 ec-00218
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor original Desde 1886 Bebida Gaseosa 2016 The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Bebidas Arcacontinental Ecuador Arcador S.AFactory sign:
ec-00219 ec-00219
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor original Desde 1886 Bebida Gaseosa 2016 The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Bebidas Arcacontinental Ecuador Arcador S.AFactory sign:
ec-00020 ec-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
ec-00011 ec-00011
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
ec-00016 ec-00016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria de Gaseosa Cia. Ltda.Factory sign:
ec-00165 ec-00165
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
ec-00166 ec-00166
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ec-0165
ec-00199 ec-00199
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
ec-00154 ec-00154
Brand: Coca Cola $0.20
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to ec-0157
ec-00155 ec-00155
Brand: Coca Cola $0.20
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
ec-00212 ec-00212
Brand: Coca Cola $0.25 Pvp. Sug. Final
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
ec-00173 ec-00173
Brand: Coca Cola $0.30
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to ec-0155
ec-00180 ec-00180
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00181 ec-00181
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00182 ec-00182
Brand: Drink Coca Cola Delicious and Refreshing
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00183 ec-00183
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00184 ec-00184
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00185 ec-00185
Brand: Drink Coca Cola Refreshing
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00186 ec-00186
Brand: Coca Cola Have a Coke Here
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00187 ec-00187
Brand: el lado Coca Cola de la vida
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ec-00188 ec-00188
Brand: Coca Cola Welcome Friend
Brewery: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp. SucursalFactory sign:
ee-00280 ee-00280
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ee-00440 ee-00440
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ee-00443 ee-00443
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00002 eg-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00003 eg-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00115 eg-00115
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00034 eg-00034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00006 eg-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00010 eg-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00027 eg-00027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00057 eg-00057
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00103 eg-00103
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00080 eg-00080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00028 eg-00028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00029 eg-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00135 eg-00135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00059 eg-00059
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00155 eg-00155
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
eg-00108 eg-00108
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
er-00004 er-00004
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Red Sea Bottlers Share CompanyFactory sign:
es-03403 es-03403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A. MadridFactory sign:
es-03402 es-03402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coanbega S.A. SevillaFactory sign:
es-03404 es-03404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Surbega S.A. MalagaFactory sign:
es-02588 es-02588
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A.Factory sign:
es-03333 es-03333
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de G. CanariaFactory sign:
es-04157 es-04157
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 294006/CAT
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00200 es-00200
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00285 es-00285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-00283 es-00283
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coanbega S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02306 es-02306
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Casbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-03650 es-03650
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 29.536/SE
Brewery: Coanbega S.A.Factory sign:
es-03802 es-03802
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-03803 es-03803
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I N 29.4 33/B
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02681 es-02681
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-04158 es-04158
Brand: Coca Cola R.S.I. No 29.451/GC
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-02923 es-02923
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-02587 es-02587
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01572 es-01572
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00078 es-00078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Arbega S.A.Factory sign:
es-04262 es-04262
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. 29.433/B Bebida refrescante de extractos
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00072 es-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A.Factory sign:
es-02141 es-02141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02589 es-02589
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A.Factory sign:
es-04263 es-04263
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Bebida refrescante de extractos
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02399 es-02399
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Inca S.A., Palma de MallorcaFactory sign:
es-01936 es-01936
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Inca S.A., Palma de MallorcaFactory sign:
Other: Letter S on the background
es-02590 es-02590
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-03031 es-03031
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-04159 es-04159
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 29.451/GC
Brewery: Olsbega S.A., Las Palmas de Gran CanariaFactory sign:
es-04160 es-04160
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 29.688/MA
Brewery: Surbega S.A. MalagaFactory sign:
es-04161 es-04161
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 29.688/MA
Brewery: Surbega S.A. MalagaFactory sign:
es-02290 es-02290
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-02135 es-02135
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01979 es-01979
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02138 es-02138
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02136 es-02136
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02137 es-02137
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02292 es-02292
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02329 es-02329
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02293 es-02293
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-02318 es-02318
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-01994 es-01994
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-03727 es-03727
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02139 es-02139
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-04273 es-04273
Brand: Cobega S.A., Barcelona
Brewery: Coca Cola Light 350mlFactory sign:
es-04350 es-04350
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-01568 es-01568
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-03275 es-03275
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01186 es-01186
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01184 es-01184
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-00627 es-00627
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00377 es-00377
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00378 es-00378
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00540 es-00540
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00628 es-00628
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02140 es-02140
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00527 es-00527
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01190 es-01190
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-00943 es-00943
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-00196 es-00196
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-00696 es-00696
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-02593 es-02593
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-00944 es-00944
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-00723 es-00723
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-01509 es-01509
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-01569 es-01569
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-03277 es-03277
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-00945 es-00945
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01551 es-01551
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01570 es-01570
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01571 es-01571
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01837 es-01837
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01127 es-01127
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01128 es-01128
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01191 es-01191
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-00946 es-00946
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02129 es-02129
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-02130 es-02130
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01608 es-01608
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01838 es-01838
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02131 es-02131
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01839 es-01839
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01840 es-01840
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01712 es-01712
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02132 es-02132
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-02133 es-02133
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-02134 es-02134
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-01713 es-01713
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02303 es-02303
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
es-03030 es-03030
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-03495 es-03495
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Sin Cafeina R.S.I. N 294006/CAT
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-04156 es-04156
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Sin Cafeina R.S.I. No 29.4006/CAT-29.01334/B
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02912 es-02912
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Incasa Ctra, Palma de MallorcaFactory sign:
es-02594 es-02594
Brand: Coca Cola 350ml
Brewery: Begano S.A., La CorunaFactory sign:
es-02595 es-02595
Brand: Coca Cola 350ml
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02142 es-02142
Brand: Coca Cola 350ml
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02513 es-02513
Brand: Coca Cola 350ml
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-03789 es-03789
Brand: Coca Cola 350ml
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-00429 es-00429
Brand: Coca Cola Mira Debajo
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02592 es-02592
Brand: Coca Cola Mira Debajo
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: Text Busca Mas 985412321 N3P5 on the background
es-00222 es-00222
Brand: Coca Cola Mira Debajo
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01564 es-01564
Brand: Coca Cola Mira Debajo
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: Text Busca Mas 985412321 N3P5 on the background
es-00223 es-00223
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00984 es-00984
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-03239 es-03239
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-00435 es-00435
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos NacionalesFactory sign:
es-01565 es-01565
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-03862 es-03862
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-02143 es-02143
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-01149 es-01149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-01017 es-01017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A., La CorunaFactory sign:
es-00199 es-00199
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A., La CorunaFactory sign:
es-03274 es-03274
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-00677 es-00677
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02144 es-02144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00258 es-00258
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01552 es-01552
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02339 es-02339
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01025 es-01025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00722 es-00722
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01015 es-01015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02146 es-02146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02147 es-02147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00535 es-00535
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00440 es-00440
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00629 es-00629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02145 es-02145
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00528 es-00528
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-00675 es-00675
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01126 es-01126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02327 es-02327
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-00678 es-00678
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01016 es-01016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-00941 es-00941
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-02248 es-02248
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-01566 es-01566
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-01129 es-01129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-02148 es-02148
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-00942 es-00942
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-00939 es-00939
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-00630 es-00630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-02316 es-02316
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-02201 es-02201
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-02149 es-02149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02150 es-02150
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01567 es-01567
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-00940 es-00940
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-00676 es-00676
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-00308 es-00308
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00986 es-00986
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01544 es-01544
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01943 es-01943
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02294 es-02294
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-03279 es-03279
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-03541 es-03541
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Azucar Zero Cafeina
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Iberia, S.L.Factory sign:
es-04547 es-04547
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Azucar Zero Cafeina
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.Factory sign:
es-03540 es-03540
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Zero TM
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Iberia, S.L.Factory sign:
es-00669 es-00669
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00589 es-00589
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Cobega, S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00947 es-00947
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01708 es-01708
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01709 es-01709
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to es-1708, letter Z on the background
es-01710 es-01710
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to es-1708, letter E on the background
es-01711 es-01711
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to es-1708, letter R on the background
es-02288 es-02288
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02091 es-02091
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02092 es-02092
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
Other: Letter e on the background
es-02289 es-02289
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02287 es-02287
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-02089 es-02089
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02213 es-02213
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02090 es-02090
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02381 es-02381
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-03863 es-03863
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-02093 es-02093
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-04264 es-04264
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02447 es-02447
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 350ml
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-02214 es-02214
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 350ml
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02633 es-02633
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02999 es-02999
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03000 es-03000
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03538 es-03538
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-04545 es-04545
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.Factory sign:
es-03001 es-03001
Brand: Coca Cola 350
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03539 es-03539
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Original
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03002 es-03002
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03444 es-03444
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03728 es-03728
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Iberia, S.L.Factory sign:
es-04546 es-04546
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.Factory sign:
es-03817 es-03817
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Iberia, S.L.Factory sign:
es-03003 es-03003
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03322 es-03322
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Azucar
Brewery: Coca-Cola Espana S.A.Factory sign:
es-03729 es-03729
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners Iberia, S.L.Factory sign:
es-01426 es-01426
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-1-9
es-01427 es-01427
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-9-7
es-01428 es-01428
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38384
es-01429 es-01429
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39142
es-01430 es-01430
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39203
es-01431 es-01431
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39569
es-01432 es-01432
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38534
es-01433 es-01433
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39630
es-01434 es-01434
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38565
es-01435 es-01435
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39295
es-01436 es-01436
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40026
es-01437 es-01437
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38596
es-01438 es-01438
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39692
es-01439 es-01439
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38354
es-01440 es-01440
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39449
es-01441 es-01441
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39204
es-01442 es-01442
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37074
es-01443 es-01443
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40027
es-01444 es-01444
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37136
es-01445 es-01445
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39327
es-01446 es-01446
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39693
es-01447 es-01447
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39085
es-01448 es-01448
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39816
es-01449 es-01449
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37137
es-01450 es-01450
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39328
es-01451 es-01451
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39452
es-01452 es-01452
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39818
es-01453 es-01453
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39118
es-01454 es-01454
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39849
es-01455 es-01455
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39634
es-01456 es-01456
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37108
es-01457 es-01457
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39299
es-01458 es-01458
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40030
es-01459 es-01459
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37139
es-01460 es-01460
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39696
es-01461 es-01461
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39088
es-01462 es-01462
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39819
es-01463 es-01463
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37140
es-01464 es-01464
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-1
es-01465 es-01465
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-9
es-01466 es-01466
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39454
es-01467 es-01467
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38390
es-01468 es-01468
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39851
es-01469 es-01469
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36957
es-01470 es-01470
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37018
es-01471 es-01471
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37383
es-01472 es-01472
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39575
es-01473 es-01473
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39940
es-01474 es-01474
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37049
es-01475 es-01475
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39971
es-01476 es-01476
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37110
es-01477 es-01477
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37475
es-01478 es-01478
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38602
es-01479 es-01479
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39698
es-01480 es-01480
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38360
es-01481 es-01481
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39090
es-01482 es-01482
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36930
es-01483 es-01483
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39852
es-01484 es-01484
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37019
es-01485 es-01485
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38541
es-01486 es-01486
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37142
es-01487 es-01487
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37507
es-01488 es-01488
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 9-0-1
es-01489 es-01489
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 9-0-7
es-01490 es-01490
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39456
es-01491 es-01491
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39487
es-01492 es-01492
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36959
es-01493 es-01493
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39150
es-01494 es-01494
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39242
es-01495 es-01495
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39638
es-01496 es-01496
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37112
es-01497 es-01497
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37477
es-01498 es-01498
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38573
es-01499 es-01499
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39303
es-01792 es-01792
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
Other: 37075
es-01349 es-01349
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-1-7
es-01350 es-01350
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-1-9
es-01267 es-01267
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-7-1
es-01351 es-01351
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-7-9
es-01352 es-01352
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-9-1
es-01353 es-01353
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 0-9-7
es-01268 es-01268
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 1-0-7
es-01354 es-01354
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 1-0-9
es-01269 es-01269
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38384
es-01355 es-01355
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39114
es-01356 es-01356
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39479
es-01270 es-01270
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39845
es-01357 es-01357
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39142
es-01271 es-01271
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39873
es-01358 es-01358
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37377
es-01272 es-01272
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39203
es-01273 es-01273
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39569
es-01359 es-01359
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39934
es-01360 es-01360
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39234
es-01361 es-01361
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39965
es-01274 es-01274
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37438
es-01362 es-01362
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38534
es-01363 es-01363
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39630
es-01275 es-01275
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37469
es-01364 es-01364
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38565
es-01365 es-01365
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39295
es-01276 es-01276
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40026
es-01366 es-01366
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37500
es-01277 es-01277
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38596
es-01278 es-01278
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39692
es-01279 es-01279
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39084
es-01367 es-01367
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39449
es-01368 es-01368
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39815
es-01369 es-01369
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37013
es-01280 es-01280
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39204
es-01370 es-01370
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39935
es-01281 es-01281
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37074
es-01282 es-01282
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38535
es-01283 es-01283
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39631
es-01284 es-01284
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39996
es-01371 es-01371
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37105
es-01285 es-01285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39296
es-01286 es-01286
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40027
es-01287 es-01287
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37136
es-01372 es-01372
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38597
es-01373 es-01373
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39327
es-01374 es-01374
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39693
es-01375 es-01375
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39085
es-01376 es-01376
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39816
es-01288 es-01288
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37075
es-01289 es-01289
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39997
es-01290 es-01290
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37137
es-01291 es-01291
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39328
es-01377 es-01377
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37261
es-01292 es-01292
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39087
es-01293 es-01293
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39452
es-01378 es-01378
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39818
es-01379 es-01379
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36927
es-01380 es-01380
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39118
es-01381 es-01381
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39849
es-01294 es-01294
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37077
es-01295 es-01295
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37442
es-01382 es-01382
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39634
es-01383 es-01383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39999
es-01384 es-01384
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37108
es-01296 es-01296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39299
es-01385 es-01385
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40030
es-01386 es-01386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37139
es-01297 es-01297
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37504
es-01298 es-01298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39330
es-01299 es-01299
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39696
es-01387 es-01387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39088
es-01388 es-01388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39819
es-01389 es-01389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37078
es-01390 es-01390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40000
es-01391 es-01391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37140
es-01392 es-01392
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39331
es-01393 es-01393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-1
es-01394 es-01394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-9
es-01300 es-01300
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37263
es-01395 es-01395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38359
es-01396 es-01396
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39454
es-01301 es-01301
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36929
es-01397 es-01397
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38390
es-01398 es-01398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39485
es-01399 es-01399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39851
es-01302 es-01302
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39879
es-01400 es-01400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37018
es-01401 es-01401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37383
es-01402 es-01402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39575
es-01303 es-01303
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39940
es-01403 es-01403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37049
es-01404 es-01404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39971
es-01405 es-01405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37110
es-01304 es-01304
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37475
es-01305 es-01305
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38571
es-01406 es-01406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40032
es-01306 es-01306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37506
es-01407 es-01407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38602
es-01408 es-01408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39698
es-01409 es-01409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37264
es-01307 es-01307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38360
es-01410 es-01410
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39090
es-01411 es-01411
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39821
es-01308 es-01308
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36930
es-01309 es-01309
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39121
es-01310 es-01310
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39852
es-01311 es-01311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37019
es-01312 es-01312
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39210
es-01412 es-01412
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39941
es-01313 es-01313
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37080
es-01413 es-01413
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37445
es-01314 es-01314
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38541
es-01414 es-01414
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 40002
es-01315 es-01315
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37142
es-01316 es-01316
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37507
es-01317 es-01317
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38603
es-01318 es-01318
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39333
es-01319 es-01319
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 9-0-1
es-01320 es-01320
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 9-0-7
es-01415 es-01415
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37265
es-01416 es-01416
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38361
es-01417 es-01417
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39456
es-01418 es-01418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36931
es-01419 es-01419
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38392
es-01420 es-01420
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39122
es-01421 es-01421
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39487
es-01422 es-01422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 36959
es-01321 es-01321
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39150
es-01322 es-01322
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37020
es-01323 es-01323
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37385
es-01423 es-01423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39211
es-01324 es-01324
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39577
es-01424 es-01424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37051
es-01425 es-01425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39242
es-01325 es-01325
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37446
es-01326 es-01326
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38542
es-01327 es-01327
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39638
es-01328 es-01328
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37112
es-01329 es-01329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 37477
es-01330 es-01330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 38573
es-01331 es-01331
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
Other: 39303
es-02926 es-02926
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 0-1-9
es-02927 es-02927
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38384
es-02928 es-02928
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39479
es-02929 es-02929
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39873
es-02930 es-02930
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39203
es-02931 es-02931
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39569
es-02932 es-02932
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39934
es-02933 es-02933
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39934
es-02934 es-02934
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39234
es-02935 es-02935
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37500
es-02936 es-02936
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39204
es-02937 es-02937
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37074
es-02938 es-02938
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 40027
es-02939 es-02939
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 40027
es-02940 es-02940
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38597
es-02941 es-02941
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39816
es-02942 es-02942
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37075
es-02943 es-02943
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39997
es-02944 es-02944
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37137
es-02945 es-02945
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39999
es-02946 es-02946
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39330
es-02947 es-02947
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39696
es-02948 es-02948
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37078
es-02949 es-02949
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-1
es-02950 es-02950
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 7-0-9
es-02951 es-02951
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 36957
es-02952 es-02952
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39971
es-02953 es-02953
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38602
es-02954 es-02954
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38360
es-02955 es-02955
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39090
es-02956 es-02956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39852
es-02957 es-02957
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39210
es-02958 es-02958
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37080
es-02959 es-02959
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37142
es-02960 es-02960
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39333
es-02961 es-02961
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39456
es-02962 es-02962
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37385
es-02963 es-02963
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39242
es-02964 es-02964
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38542
es-02965 es-02965
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37112
es-02966 es-02966
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 37477
es-02967 es-02967
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 38573
es-02968 es-02968
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
Other: 39303
es-01514 es-01514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: Comodin
es-01515 es-01515
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 6 Ferrer
es-01516 es-01516
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 10 Belsue
es-01517 es-01517
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 16 Santi
es-01518 es-01518
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 20 Nadal
es-01519 es-01519
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 25 Donato
es-01520 es-01520
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 26 Fran
es-01521 es-01521
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 30 Oscar
es-01522 es-01522
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 32 Jose Ignacio
es-01523 es-01523
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 32 Jose Ignacio
es-01524 es-01524
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 33 Sandra
es-01525 es-01525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 35 Julio Salinas
es-01526 es-01526
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 36 Guerrero
es-01527 es-01527
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 36 Guerrero
es-01528 es-01528
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 37 Alfonso
es-01529 es-01529
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 40 Higuera
es-01530 es-01530
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 40 Higuera
es-01531 es-01531
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 41 Kiko
es-01532 es-01532
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 41 Kiko
es-01533 es-01533
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cia Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: 43 Cuellar
es-01724 es-01724
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01725 es-01725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01726 es-01726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01727 es-01727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01728 es-01728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01729 es-01729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01730 es-01730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01731 es-01731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01732 es-01732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01733 es-01733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01734 es-01734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01735 es-01735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01736 es-01736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01737 es-01737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01738 es-01738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01739 es-01739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01740 es-01740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01741 es-01741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01742 es-01742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01743 es-01743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01744 es-01744
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01745 es-01745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01746 es-01746
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01747 es-01747
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01748 es-01748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01749 es-01749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01750 es-01750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01751 es-01751
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01752 es-01752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01753 es-01753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01754 es-01754
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01755 es-01755
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01756 es-01756
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01757 es-01757
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01758 es-01758
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01759 es-01759
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01760 es-01760
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01761 es-01761
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01762 es-01762
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01763 es-01763
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01764 es-01764
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01765 es-01765
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01766 es-01766
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01767 es-01767
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01768 es-01768
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01769 es-01769
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01770 es-01770
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01771 es-01771
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01772 es-01772
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01773 es-01773
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01774 es-01774
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01775 es-01775
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-04361 es-04361
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coanbega S.A. SevillaFactory sign:
Other: 14 Lasa
es-00771 es-00771
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01000 es-01000
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., AlicanteFactory sign:
Other: Football on the background
es-02781 es-02781
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Compania del sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A. MalagaFactory sign:
es-04247 es-04247
Brand: Coca Cola Coke R.S.I. No 29.416/V
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-03155 es-03155
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., AsturiasFactory sign:
es-00861 es-00861
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-03754 es-03754
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cia. Del Sur de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
Other: Player 8 Sergi on the background
es-00864 es-00864
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-00772 es-00772
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00863 es-00863
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-00862 es-00862
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01630 es-01630
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01183 es-01183
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-01562 es-01562
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01626 es-01626
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01627 es-01627
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01628 es-01628
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-01629 es-01629
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02624 es-02624
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-02464 es-02464
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02258 es-02258
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-02465 es-02465
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., MalagaFactory sign:
es-02625 es-02625
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-03767 es-03767
Brand: Coca Cola Light 350
Brewery: Factory sign:
es-03157 es-03157
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-03752 es-03752
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-03753 es-03753
Brand: Coca Cola Light al Limon
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-01861 es-01861
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
Other: Letter U on the background
es-00773 es-00773
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValanciaFactory sign:
es-00221 es-00221
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-03755 es-03755
Brand: Coca Cola Light Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-03156 es-03156
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N La CorunaFactory sign:
es-03756 es-03756
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Factory sign:
es-03757 es-03757
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-03758 es-03758
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-04570 es-04570
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.Factory sign:
es-04571 es-04571
Brand: Coca Cola zero sin cafeina
Brewery: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.Factory sign:
es-01862 es-01862
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00437 es-00437
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-02466 es-02466
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-00857 es-00857
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., BadajozFactory sign:
es-02535 es-02535
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-02780 es-02780
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-00858 es-00858
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., AsturiasFactory sign:
es-00859 es-00859
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-00860 es-00860
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-02534 es-02534
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Casbega S.A., MadridFactory sign:
es-01178 es-01178
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01179 es-01179
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Begano S.A., S/N A CorunaFactory sign:
es-01625 es-01625
Brand: Coca Cola Mira Debajo
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
Other: Text Busca Mas 985412321 N3P5 on the background
es-03759 es-03759
Brand: Coca Cola 350 ml
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-03760 es-03760
Brand: Coca Cola 350 ml
Brewery: Norbega, S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya)Factory sign:
es-02536 es-02536
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-03751 es-03751
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Asturbega S.A., Siero (Asturias)Factory sign:
es-02537 es-02537
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
es-01631 es-01631
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02626 es-02626
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Colebega S.A., ValenciaFactory sign:
es-02538 es-02538
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-03769 es-03769
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sin Cafeina
Brewery: Refrescos Envasados del sur S.A., SevillaFactory sign:
es-04245 es-04245
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cobega S.A., BarcelonaFactory sign:
Other: 16 Santi
et-00008 et-00008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: East Africa Bottling Share CompanyFactory sign:
et-00034 et-00034
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink
Brewery: East Africa Bottling Share CompanyFactory sign:
et-00037 et-00037
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink
Brewery: East Africa Bottling Share Co.Factory sign:
et-00032 et-00032
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: East Africa Bottling Share CompanyFactory sign:
Other: Text and numbers on a grid on the background
fi-07265 fi-07265
Brand: Coca Cola sekoitettu Helsingissä
Brewery: Oy Amri AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00509 fi-00509
Brand: Coca Cola sekoitettu Turussa
Brewery: Oy Aurana AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-09041 fi-09041
Brand: Coca Cola sekoitettu Turussa
Brewery: Oy Aurana Ab, TurkuFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-08349 fi-08349
Brand: Coca Cola sekoitettu Turussa
Brewery: Oy Aurana AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-08369 fi-08369
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Text Coke on the background. Factory sign colour red
fi-02323 fi-02323
Brand: Coca Cola sekoitettu Tampereella
Brewery: Pirve OyFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00499 fi-00499
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Aurana Ab Turku ÅboFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-06244 fi-06244
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Aurana Ab Turku - ÅboFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-07195 fi-07195
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Aurana Ab Turku - ÅboFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to fi-6244
fi-06245 fi-06245
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Aurana Ab Turku ÅboFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-01771 fi-01771
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-01772 fi-01772
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00650 fi-00650
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign color red
fi-01547 fi-01547
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 1 markka
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-02868 fi-02868
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-06355 fi-06355
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-08307 fi-08307
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-07042 fi-07042
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 1 markka
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-06356 fi-06356
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-06365 fi-06365
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Auran Panimo Oy TurkuFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-06050 fi-06050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00098 fi-00098
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
fi-06353 fi-06353
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00506 fi-00506
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hartwall HkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00510 fi-00510
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hartwall HkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00507 fi-00507
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hartwall HkiFactory sign:
fi-00511 fi-00511
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hartwall HkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-07191 fi-07191
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hartwall Pirkkala, BirkalaFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00512 fi-00512
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
fi-00514 fi-00514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00515 fi-00515
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00516 fi-00516
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00517 fi-00517
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-01609 fi-01609
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00518 fi-00518
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00520 fi-00520
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-00521 fi-00521
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
fi-07719 fi-07719
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
fi-00522 fi-00522
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00523 fi-00523
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-00525 fi-00525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-01347 fi-01347
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-05824 fi-05824
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-01630 fi-01630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-03961 fi-03961
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-06330 fi-06330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: 2013 McDonalds, Factory sign colour red
fi-09133 fi-09133
Brand: Coca Cola Made in Suomi
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-00987 fi-00987
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-07238 fi-07238
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-00526 fi-00526
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-00527 fi-00527
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-01372 fi-01372
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-05293 fi-05293
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-01687 fi-01687
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-03970 fi-03970
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-01688 fi-01688
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-06172 fi-06172
Brand: Coca Cola Light Jean Paul Gaultier
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-06195 fi-06195
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-06265 fi-06265
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: 2012 McDonalds, Factory sign colour black
fi-07500 fi-07500
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Calories
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-07818 fi-07818
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-09042 fi-09042
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Made in Suomi
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-05905 fi-05905
Brand: Coca Cola 250ml 125 years
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: 2012 McDonalds, Factory sign colour silver
fi-07417 fi-07417
Brand: Coca Cola since 1886
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour silver
fi-08052 fi-08052
Brand: Coca Cola Original Taste
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-00099 fi-00099
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 1. Who is the winner? Kumpi voittaa?
fi-07287 fi-07287
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 2. Who's first? Kumpi ensin?
fi-00100 fi-00100
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 3. Let's bet on it! Lyödäänkö vetoa?
fi-00101 fi-00101
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 4. I can't do it! Mä en pärjää!
fi-06469 fi-06469
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 5. You're a swot! Sä oot pinko!
fi-00102 fi-00102
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 6. That's too much for me! Kunto ei kestä!
fi-00103 fi-00103
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 7. Let's race! Otetaanko kisa?
fi-00104 fi-00104
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 8. Yours with love... Hellästi sinun...
fi-00105 fi-00105
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 9. Eyes like stars! Tähtisilmä!
fi-06128 fi-06128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 10. Let's go to the pictures! Mentäskös leffaan?
fi-00106 fi-00106
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 12. Do you agree? Synkkaako?
fi-00107 fi-00107
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 13. It's a good band! Hyvä bändi!
fi-00108 fi-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 14. The drummer's missed a beat! Rumpali sekoo!
fi-00109 fi-00109
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 15. You're on the wrong track! Olet väärillä jäljillä!
fi-00110 fi-00110
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 16. Off the target! Ohi meni!
fi-06470 fi-06470
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 17. Come for a snack! Tule iltapalalle!
fi-06471 fi-06471
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 18. I'm thirsty! Janottaa!
fi-00111 fi-00111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 19. I'm starving! Nälättää!
fi-00112 fi-00112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 20. Buy me something good! Tarjoatko hyvää?
fi-00113 fi-00113
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 21. Coming for Coke? Tuletko Cokikselle?
fi-00114 fi-00114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 22. Still thirsty? Lähtikö jano?
fi-06472 fi-06472
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 23. What nice clothes! Kivat vaatteet!
fi-06143 fi-06143
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 24. I'm so sorry! Olen pahoillani!
fi-06473 fi-06473
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 25. Don't you like it? Eikö maistu?
fi-00115 fi-00115
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 26. Don't be greedy! Älä ahmi!
fi-00116 fi-00116
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 27. Feeling better? Piristääkö?
fi-00117 fi-00117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 28. A lively bag! Piristävä pakkaus!
fi-06474 fi-06474
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 30. Your jeans are a good fit! Sun farkut istuu!
fi-00118 fi-00118
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 31. Take off your hat! Hattu pois...
fi-06795 fi-06795
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 32. Let's go for a swim! Mennäänkö uimaan?
fi-00119 fi-00119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 33. Go away! Mene mäkeen!
fi-00120 fi-00120
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 34. Come for a walk! Lähde lenkille!
fi-06475 fi-06475
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 35. You dance well! Sä tanssit hyvin!
fi-00121 fi-00121
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 36. Watch it! Pian mä nipistän!
fi-00122 fi-00122
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 37. Nice girl! Kiva tyttö!
fi-00123 fi-00123
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 39. Pug nose! Nöpönenä!
fi-00124 fi-00124
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 40. You are joking! Älä narraa!
fi-00125 fi-00125
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 42. Who's your favourite? Kuka on suosikkisi?
fi-06144 fi-06144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 43. What a mob! Hurja joukko!
fi-07591 fi-07591
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 44. My favourite music! Mun mielimusaa!
fi-00126 fi-00126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 45. Look sharp! Ole tarkkana!
fi-06476 fi-06476
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 46. Wake up! Herätys!
fi-00127 fi-00127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 47. You're like Marilyn Monroe! Olet kuin Marilyn!
fi-07592 fi-07592
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 48. I want you! Mä haluan sut!
fi-06477 fi-06477
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 49. Come here! Tule tänne!
fi-07840 fi-07840
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 50. Have a Coke! Ota Cokista!
fi-00128 fi-00128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 51. Sit somewhere else! Vaihda pöytää!
fi-00129 fi-00129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 52. Shall we dance? Mentäskös tanssimaan?
fi-00130 fi-00130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 53. We'll never part! Ei erota koskaan!
fi-07841 fi-07841
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 54. Tight spot! Piukat paikat!
fi-07288 fi-07288
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 55. Wear a skirt! Pidä hametta!
fi-06478 fi-06478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 57. I'm buying! Mä tarjoan!
fi-00131 fi-00131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 58. Just a little peck! Suukko poskelle!
fi-00132 fi-00132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 59. What's your favourite colour? Mikä on lempivärisi?
fi-06479 fi-06479
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 60. Nice bit of stuff! Herkkupala!
fi-07289 fi-07289
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 61. Change the record! Vaihda levyä!
fi-00133 fi-00133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 62. Put it in the dust-pin! Pistä roskiin!
fi-00134 fi-00134
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 63. You smell nice! Tuoksut hyvältä!
fi-00135 fi-00135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 64. Do you collect these? Keräätkö näitä?
fi-06480 fi-06480
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 65. Yeah, yeah... Juu, juu...
fi-07028 fi-07028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 66. Hold my hand! Pidä mua kädestä!
fi-00136 fi-00136
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 67. Now the love story begins! Nyt alkaa love story!
fi-06481 fi-06481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 68. Push/Pull! Vedä/Työnnä!
fi-06482 fi-06482
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 69. Get away with you! Häivy!
fi-00137 fi-00137
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 70. Hands off! Näpit irti!
fi-00138 fi-00138
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 71. A stroke of luck! Onnenpotku!
fi-00139 fi-00139
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 73. Behave yourself! Olehan kunnolla!
fi-00140 fi-00140
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 74. Superstar! Supertähti!
fi-00141 fi-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 75. A nice chap! Mukava kaveri!
fi-06483 fi-06483
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 76. The cap sends its love Korkilta terkkuja!
fi-00142 fi-00142
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 77. How are you? Mitä kuuluu?
fi-06484 fi-06484
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 78. Hello! Terve!
fi-00143 fi-00143
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 79. Get off my back! Lakkaa kiusaamasta!
fi-09697 fi-09697
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 81. Cut it out! Lopeta tuo!
fi-06485 fi-06485
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 83. Excuse me! Anteeksi!
fi-06486 fi-06486
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 84. I misjudged you! Ymmärsin sinut väärin!
fi-09698 fi-09698
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 85. Pretty as a cap! Nätti kuin korkki!
fi-00144 fi-00144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 86. I got a cap! Tuli korkki!
fi-07842 fi-07842
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 87. Do you like this cap? Pidätkö korkista?
fi-00145 fi-00145
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 88. Are we friends? Ollaanko ystäviä?
fi-00146 fi-00146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 89. You're joking! Älä juksaa mua!
fi-06487 fi-06487
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 90. The cap of a good bottle! Hyvän pullon korkki!
fi-00147 fi-00147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 91. This is a Coke cap! Tämä on Cokis-korkki
fi-00148 fi-00148
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 92. Remember the cap! Muista korkkia!
fi-06129 fi-06129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 94. Just ask! Kysy pois vain!
fi-00149 fi-00149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 95. Here and now! Tässä ja nyt!
fi-00150 fi-00150
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 97. Tell us a joke! Kerro vitsi!
fi-06488 fi-06488
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 98. Catch the cap! Ota korkki kiinni!
fi-00151 fi-00151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 99. Don't fret! Älä suutu!
fi-00152 fi-00152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 2. Who's first? Kumpi ensin?
fi-06130 fi-06130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 3. Let's bet on it! Lyödäänkö vetoa?
fi-06131 fi-06131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 4. I can't do it! Mä en pärjää!
fi-00153 fi-00153
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 5. You're a swot! Sä oot pinko!
fi-00154 fi-00154
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 6. That's too much for me! Kunto ei kestä!
fi-06792 fi-06792
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 7. Let's race! Otetaanko kisa?
fi-05936 fi-05936
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 8. Yours with love... Hellästi sinun...
fi-05937 fi-05937
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 9. Eyes like stars! Tähtisilmä!
fi-05938 fi-05938
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 10. Let's go to the pictures! Mentäskös leffaan?
fi-05939 fi-05939
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 11. Take a hint... Tää on vinkki...
fi-00155 fi-00155
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 12. Do you agree? Synkkaako?
fi-07835 fi-07835
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 14. The drummer's missed a beat! Rumpali sekoo!
fi-00156 fi-00156
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 15. You're on the wrong track! Olet väärillä jäljillä!
fi-00157 fi-00157
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 16. Off the target! Ohi meni!
fi-00158 fi-00158
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 17. Come for a snack! Tule iltapalalle!
fi-05940 fi-05940
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 18. I'm thirsty! Janottaa!
fi-00159 fi-00159
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 19. I'm starving! Nälättää!
fi-06132 fi-06132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 20. Buy me something good! Tarjoatko hyvää?
fi-06629 fi-06629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 21. Coming for Coke? Tuletko Cokikselle?
fi-07284 fi-07284
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 22. Still thirsty? Lähtikö jano?
fi-07285 fi-07285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 23. What nice clothes! Kivat vaatteet!
fi-06133 fi-06133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 24. I'm so sorry! Olen pahoillani!
fi-05941 fi-05941
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 25. Don't you like it? Eikö maistu?
fi-05942 fi-05942
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 26. Don't be greedy! Älä ahmi!
fi-05943 fi-05943
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 27. Feeling better? Piristääkö?
fi-05944 fi-05944
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 28. A lively bag! Piristävä pakkaus!
fi-00160 fi-00160
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 29. Hello there! Kukkuluuruu!
fi-00161 fi-00161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 30. Your jeans are a good fit! Sun farkut istuu!
fi-05945 fi-05945
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 31. Take off your hat! Hattu pois...
fi-05946 fi-05946
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 32. Let's go for a swim! Mennäänkö uimaan?
fi-00162 fi-00162
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 33. Go away! Mene mäkeen!
fi-00163 fi-00163
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 34. Come for a walk! Lähde lenkille!
fi-06422 fi-06422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 35. You dance well! Sä tanssit hyvin!
fi-07836 fi-07836
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 37. Nice girl! Kiva tyttö!
fi-05947 fi-05947
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 38. Put on your best clothes! Parasta päälle!
fi-00164 fi-00164
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 40. You're joking! Älä narraa!
fi-00165 fi-00165
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 41. You are doing well! Sulla jytää!
fi-05948 fi-05948
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 43. What a mob! Hurja joukko!
fi-00166 fi-00166
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 44. My favourite music! Mun mielimusaa!
fi-06134 fi-06134
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 45. Look sharp! Ole tarkkana!
fi-00167 fi-00167
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 46. Wake up! Herätys!
fi-06793 fi-06793
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 47. You're like Marilyn Monroe! Olet kuin Marilyn!
fi-07837 fi-07837
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 51. Sit somewhere else! Vaihda pöytää!
fi-05949 fi-05949
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 48. I want you! Mä haluan sut!
fi-06135 fi-06135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 52. Shall we dance? Mentäskös tanssimaan?
fi-05950 fi-05950
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 53. We'll never part! Ei erota koskaan!
fi-00168 fi-00168
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 54. Tight spot! Piukat paikat!
fi-00169 fi-00169
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 55. Wear a skirt! Pidä hametta!
fi-05951 fi-05951
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 56. Can I see you home? Pääsiskö saatolle?
fi-00170 fi-00170
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 57. I'm buying! Mä tarjoan!
fi-05952 fi-05952
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 58. Just a little peck! Suukko poskelle!
fi-00171 fi-00171
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 59. What's your favourite colour? Mikä on lempivärisi?
fi-06794 fi-06794
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 60. Nice bit of stuff! Herkkupala!
fi-00172 fi-00172
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 61. Change the record! Vaihda levyä!
fi-00173 fi-00173
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 62. Put it in the dust-pin! Pistä roskiin!
fi-07863 fi-07863
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 63. You smell nice! Tuoksut hyvältä!
fi-07590 fi-07590
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 64. Do you collect these? Keräätkö näitä?
fi-06423 fi-06423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 65. Yeah, yeah... Juu, juu...
fi-00174 fi-00174
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 66. Hold my hand! Pidä mua kädestä!
fi-00175 fi-00175
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 67. Now the love story begins! Nyt alkaa love story!
fi-00176 fi-00176
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 68. Push/Pull! Vedä/Työnnä!
fi-00177 fi-00177
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 69. Get away with you! Häivy!
fi-00178 fi-00178
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 70. Hands off! Näpit irti!
fi-07030 fi-07030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 71. A stroke of luck! Onnenpotku!
fi-00179 fi-00179
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 72. You're a skinflint! Olet kitsastelija!
fi-00180 fi-00180
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 73. Behave yourself! Olehan kunnolla!
fi-05953 fi-05953
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 74. Superstar! Supertähti!
fi-05954 fi-05954
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 75. A nice chap! Mukava kaveri!
fi-00181 fi-00181
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 76. The cap sends its love Korkilta terkkuja!
fi-07031 fi-07031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 77. How are you? Mitä kuuluu?
fi-00182 fi-00182
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 78. Hello! Terve!
fi-07032 fi-07032
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 79. Get off my back! Lakkaa kiusaamasta!
fi-00183 fi-00183
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 80. Devil's dozen! 'Kolmetoista!'
fi-00184 fi-00184
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 81. Cut it out! Lopeta tuo!
fi-00185 fi-00185
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 82. All set! Kaikki valmiina!
fi-07838 fi-07838
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 83. Excuse me! Anteeksi!
fi-00186 fi-00186
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 84. I misjudged you! Ymmärsin sinut väärin!
fi-00187 fi-00187
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 85. Pretty as a cap! Nätti kuin korkki!
fi-00188 fi-00188
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 88. Are we friends? Ollaanko ystäviä?
fi-06424 fi-06424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 89. You're joking! Älä juksaa mua!
fi-00189 fi-00189
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 90. The cap of a good bottle! Hyvän pullon korkki!
fi-06136 fi-06136
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 91. This is a Coke cap! Tämä on Cokis-korkki
fi-05955 fi-05955
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 92. Remember the cap! Muista korkkia!
fi-05956 fi-05956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 93. Act now! Toimi heti!
fi-06137 fi-06137
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 94. Just ask! Kysy pois vain!
fi-07286 fi-07286
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 95. Here and now! Tässä ja nyt!
fi-00190 fi-00190
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 96. Too good! Hyvää!
fi-00191 fi-00191
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 98. Catch the cap! Ota korkki kiinni!
fi-00192 fi-00192
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 99. Don't fret! Älä suutu!
fi-00193 fi-00193
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 100. A little smile! Pieni hymy!
fi-09123 fi-09123
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 1. Who is the winner? Kumpi voittaa?
fi-09059 fi-09059
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 2. Who's first? Kumpi ensin?
fi-09699 fi-09699
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 3. Let's bet on it! Lyödäänkö vetoa?
fi-09124 fi-09124
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 6. That's too much for me! Kunto ei kestä!
fi-07295 fi-07295
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 9. Eyes like stars! Tähtisilmä!
fi-09063 fi-09063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 12. Do you agree? Synkkaako?
fi-07127 fi-07127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 14. The drummer's missed a beat! Rumpali sekoo!
fi-07128 fi-07128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 15. You're on the wrong track! Olet väärillä jäljillä!
fi-07296 fi-07296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 18. I'm thirsty! Janottaa!
fi-09064 fi-09064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 19. I'm starving! Nälättää!
fi-09125 fi-09125
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 22. Still thirsty? Lähtikö jano?
fi-09065 fi-09065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 23. What nice clothes! Kivat vaatteet!
fi-06425 fi-06425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 25. Don't you like it? Eikö maistu?
fi-09066 fi-09066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 29. Hello there! Kukkuluuruu!
fi-07129 fi-07129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 30. Your jeans are a good fit! Sun farkut istuu!
fi-07297 fi-07297
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 31. Take off your hat! Hattu pois...
fi-09067 fi-09067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 34. Come for a walk! Lähde lenkille!
fi-09126 fi-09126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 38. Put on your best clothes! Parasta päälle!
fi-09068 fi-09068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 43. What a mob! Hurja joukko!
fi-07130 fi-07130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 45. Look sharp! Ole tarkkana!
fi-09069 fi-09069
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 47. You're like Marilyn Monroe! Olet kuin Marilyn!
fi-06426 fi-06426
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 48. I want you! Mä haluan sut!
fi-06796 fi-06796
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 49. Come here! Tule tänne!
fi-06427 fi-06427
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 51. Sit somewhere else! Vaihda pöytää!
fi-09700 fi-09700
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 53. We'll never part! Ei erota koskaan!
fi-09070 fi-09070
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 55. Wear a skirt! Pidä hametta!
fi-07298 fi-07298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 56. Can I see you home? Pääsiskö saatolle?
fi-09071 fi-09071
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 57. I'm buying! Mä tarjoan!
fi-06428 fi-06428
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 59. What's your favourite colour? Mikä on lempivärisi?
fi-09072 fi-09072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 60. Nice bit of stuff! Herkkupala!
fi-09073 fi-09073
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 61. Change the record! Vaihda levyä!
fi-07299 fi-07299
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 62. Put it in the dust-pin! Pistä roskiin!
fi-09074 fi-09074
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 63. You smell nice! Tuoksut hyvältä!
fi-09127 fi-09127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 64. Do you collect these? Keräätkö näitä?
fi-09075 fi-09075
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 65. Yeah, yeah... Juu, juu...
fi-06429 fi-06429
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 66. Hold my hand! Pidä mua kädestä!
fi-09701 fi-09701
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 69. Get away with you! Häivy!
fi-06430 fi-06430
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 72. You're a skinflint! Olet kitsastelija!
fi-06431 fi-06431
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 73. Behave yourself! Olehan kunnolla!
fi-09076 fi-09076
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 74. Superstar! Supertähti!
fi-09077 fi-09077
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 75. A nice chap! Mukava kaveri!
fi-07300 fi-07300
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 77. How are you? Mitä kuuluu?
fi-09128 fi-09128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 78. Hello! Terve!
fi-09702 fi-09702
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 79. Get off my back! Lakkaa kiusaamasta!
fi-06432 fi-06432
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 80. Devil's dozen! "Kolmetoista!"
fi-09078 fi-09078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 82. All set! Kaikki valmiina!
fi-09079 fi-09079
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 86. I got a cap! Tuli korkki!
fi-06797 fi-06797
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 88. Are we friends? Ollaanko ystäviä?
fi-00194 fi-00194
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 94. Just ask! Kysy pois vain!
fi-09080 fi-09080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 95. Here and now! Tässä ja nyt!
fi-06433 fi-06433
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 100. A little smile! Pieni hymy!
fi-06153 fi-06153
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 1. Nat Colen lempinimi? "King"
fi-06118 fi-06118
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 2. West Side Storyn säveltäjä? Bernstein
fi-06155 fi-06155
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 3. Buddy Hollyn ensimmäinen levy? That'll Be the Day
fi-00195 fi-00195
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 4. Bill Haley and his... Comets
fi-05830 fi-05830
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 5. Kenen sankaritar oli Peggy Sue? Buddy Holly
fi-00196 fi-00196
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 6. Kuka lauloi 'Hello Mary Lou'? Ricky Nelson
fi-06156 fi-06156
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 7. Elviksen ensimmäinen filmi? "Love Me Tender"
fi-06119 fi-06119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 9. Clark Cablen ja Marilynin yhteinen filmi? Sopeutumattomat
fi-06157 fi-06157
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 10. "Be-Bop-A-Lula", kenen biisi? Gene Vincent
fi-06158 fi-06158
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 11. "Heartbreak Hotel" - milloin levytetty? 1956
fi-07626 fi-07626
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 12. Milloin Paul Anka kävi Suomessa? 1959
fi-07116 fi-07116
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 14. Elviksen syntymäkaupunki? Tupelo
fi-00197 fi-00197
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 15. "Rio Bravo" päätähti? John Wayne
fi-00198 fi-00198
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 16. 'Johnny B. Goode', kenen biisi? Chuck Berry
fi-06159 fi-06159
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 17. Kuka lauloi suomeksi "Lazzarellan"? Laila Kinnunen
fi-06120 fi-06120
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 18. James Deanin ensimmäinen filmi? Eedenistä itään
fi-06628 fi-06628
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 20. Over the Rainbow - kenen tunnussävel? Judy Garland
fi-06121 fi-06121
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 21. Elviksen vaimo? Priscilla Beaulieu
fi-00199 fi-00199
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 23. "Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä" - tuottaja? Mike Todd
fi-06122 fi-06122
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 24. "Too Young", kuka lauloi? Nat "King" Cole
fi-09696 fi-09696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 25. Paul Ankan ensimmäinen biisi? Diana
fi-07627 fi-07627
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 26. "Great Ball of Fire " - kenen biisi? Jerry Lee Lewis
fi-00200 fi-00200
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 27. Kuka oli "Etäisten laaksojen mies"? Alan Ladd
fi-00201 fi-00201
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 29. "Alaston satama" - kuka pääosassa? Marlon Brando
fi-07628 fi-07628
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 32. "Love letters in the Sand", kuka lauloi? Pat Boone
fi-07629 fi-07629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 33. "Tutti..." Frutti
fi-06160 fi-06160
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 34. Little Richardin oikea nimi? Richard Penniman
fi-06124 fi-06124
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 35. "Tonight, tonight", mistä filmistä? "West Side Story"
fi-06123 fi-06123
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 36. "Rave On", kenen biisi? Buddy Holly
fi-07630 fi-07630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 37. "See You Later...?" Alligator
fi-06161 fi-06161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 38. Antoine Dominon lempinimi? Fats
fi-06125 fi-06125
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 39. "Suklaasydän", kuka lauloi? Brita Koivunen
fi-06162 fi-06162
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 40. "Long Tall Sally" - kuka lauloi? Little Richard
fi-07117 fi-07117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 41. James Deanin viimeinen filmi? "Jättiläinen"
fi-06126 fi-06126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 44. "Marilynin oikeat etunimet? Norma Jean
fi-07631 fi-07631
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 43. "It's Now or..." Never
fi-07632 fi-07632
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 45. "You are my Destiny", kuka sävelsi? Paul Anka
fi-07633 fi-07633
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 46. Cliff Richardsin yhtye? The Shadows
fi-06163 fi-06163
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 47. Elviksen kampaus? Ankanpyrstö
fi-06164 fi-06164
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 48. Judy Garlandin tytär? Liza Minnelli
fi-06165 fi-06165
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 49. "Rock and Roll Music", kuka sävelsi? Chuck Berry
fi-00202 fi-00202
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 50. Carl Perkins, mikä musan laji? Rockabilly
fi-07131 fi-07131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 1. Nat Colen lempinimi? "King"
fi-07301 fi-07301
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 7. Elviksen ensimmäinen filmi? "Love Me Tender "
fi-06980 fi-06980
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 11. "Heartbreak Hotel" - milloin levytetty? 1956
fi-07132 fi-07132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 12. Milloin Paul Anka kävi Suomessa? 1959
fi-09174 fi-09174
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 13. Missä filmissä Tony Curtis esitti naista? A. Piukat Paikat
fi-07848 fi-07848
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 18. James Deanin ensimmäinen filmi? Eedenistä itään
fi-07133 fi-07133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 19. "Rock around the Clock", mistä filmistä? "Älä käännä heille selkääsi"
fi-07302 fi-07302
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 21. Elviksen vaimo? Priscilla Beaulieu
fi-07303 fi-07303
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 24. "Too Young ", kuka lauloi? Nat "King " Cole
fi-07304 fi-07304
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 26. "Great Ball of Fire " - kenen biisi? Jerry Lee Lewis
fi-06981 fi-06981
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 27. Kuka oli "Etäisten laaksojen mies"? Alan Ladd
fi-07305 fi-07305
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 29. "Alaston satama " - kuka pääosassa? Marlon Brando
fi-06982 fi-06982
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 31. "Only you" Ketkä lauloivat? The Platters
fi-07634 fi-07634
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 34. Little Richardin oikea nimi? Richard Penniman
fi-07306 fi-07306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 38. Antoine Dominon lempinimi? Fats
fi-07307 fi-07307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 40. "Long Tall Sally " - kuka lauloi? Little Richard
fi-07308 fi-07308
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 44. "Marilynin oikeat etunimet? Norma Jean
fi-07309 fi-07309
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 45. "You are my Destiny ", kuka sävelsi? Paul Anka
fi-07310 fi-07310
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 46. Cliff Richardsin yhtye? The Shadows
fi-07311 fi-07311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 47. Elviksen kampaus? Ankanpyrstö
fi-00281 fi-00281
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 1. Tämä puoli ylöspäin!
fi-00282 fi-00282
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 2. Suukko emännälle!
fi-00283 fi-00283
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 3. Naura edes!
fi-00284 fi-00284
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 4. Eipäs juoda pullosta!
fi-00285 fi-00285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 5. Halaa minua!
fi-00286 fi-00286
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 6. Vapaa?
fi-00287 fi-00287
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 7. Hellitä vähän!
fi-00288 fi-00288
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 8. Minä haluan jos sinä haluat!
fi-00289 fi-00289
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 9. Hei, kulta!
fi-00290 fi-00290
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 10. Suostun kaikkeen!
fi-00291 fi-00291
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 11. Hymyä huuleen!
fi-00292 fi-00292
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 12. Olen retkahtanut sinuun!
fi-00293 fi-00293
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 13. En minä tiedä
fi-00294 fi-00294
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 14. Liian myöhään!
fi-00295 fi-00295
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 15. Kuuletko huonosti?
fi-00296 fi-00296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 16. Nyt mennään!
fi-00297 fi-00297
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 17. Loppuun myyty!
fi-00298 fi-00298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 18. Ymmärrätkö?
fi-00417 fi-00417
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 19. Minulla on vaikeuksia
fi-00418 fi-00418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 20. Raiteille!
fi-00421 fi-00421
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 21. Juuko?
fi-00500 fi-00500
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 22. Tanssitaanko?
fi-00501 fi-00501
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 23. Vaihdetaanko?
fi-00502 fi-00502
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 24. Sorry!
fi-00503 fi-00503
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 25. Yritä uudelleen!
fi-01779 fi-01779
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 26. Pussaa mua jos osaat!
fi-01780 fi-01780
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 27. Mikä sun nimi on?
fi-01781 fi-01781
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 28. Mä tykkään susta!
fi-01782 fi-01782
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 29. Sä oot nuija!
fi-01783 fi-01783
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 30. Ei taas!
fi-01784 fi-01784
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 31. Päivää korkki!
fi-01785 fi-01785
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 32. Vielä yksi!
fi-01786 fi-01786
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 33. Mä tulen perässä
fi-07583 fi-07583
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 34. Siitä on kysymys
fi-01787 fi-01787
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 36. Valitse sanasi!
fi-01788 fi-01788
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 37. Varattu?
fi-01789 fi-01789
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 38. Ei ikinä!
fi-01790 fi-01790
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 39. Hei ystäväiseni!
fi-01791 fi-01791
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 40. Miten menee?
fi-01792 fi-01792
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 41. Katso eteesi!
fi-01793 fi-01793
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 42. Soita huomenna!
fi-01794 fi-01794
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 43. Mä oon auki!
fi-01795 fi-01795
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 44. Mä oon pullolapsi
fi-01796 fi-01796
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 45. No entä sitten?
fi-01797 fi-01797
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 46. Halusit sä jotain?
fi-01798 fi-01798
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 47. Ilta on pelastettu!
fi-01799 fi-01799
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 48. No ihan varmasti!
fi-01800 fi-01800
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 49. Mitä sais olla?
fi-01801 fi-01801
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 50. Mulle kanssa!
fi-01802 fi-01802
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 51. Ota kylmästi!
fi-01803 fi-01803
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 52. Heti vai myöhemmin?
fi-01804 fi-01804
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 53. Juu kiitos, kohta!
fi-01805 fi-01805
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 54. Pussaa mua pitkään!
fi-01806 fi-01806
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 55. Ha ha ha!
fi-01807 fi-01807
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 56. Meidän kesken...
fi-01808 fi-01808
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 57. Älä viettele minua!
fi-01809 fi-01809
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 58. Leikitäänkö?
fi-01810 fi-01810
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 59. Sano jotain söpöä!
fi-01811 fi-01811
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 60. Ota rennosti!
fi-01812 fi-01812
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 61. Anteeksi!
fi-01813 fi-01813
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 62. Nynny!
fi-01814 fi-01814
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 63. Mitä muut tekee?
fi-01815 fi-01815
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 64. Mikä on suunta?
fi-01816 fi-01816
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 65. Lisää!
fi-01817 fi-01817
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 66. Seuraa minua!
fi-01818 fi-01818
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 67. Onks tää paikka vapaa?
fi-01819 fi-01819
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 68. Ota se riski!
fi-01820 fi-01820
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 69. Mitä me nyt tehdään?
fi-01821 fi-01821
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 70. Täysosuma!
fi-01822 fi-01822
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 71. Milloin sä tulet?
fi-01823 fi-01823
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 72. Nyt tai ei koskaan!
fi-01824 fi-01824
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 73. Mua kiinnostaa kaikki!
fi-01825 fi-01825
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 74. Tule toistekin!
fi-01826 fi-01826
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 75. Sekosit sä?
fi-01827 fi-01827
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 76. Bingo!
fi-01828 fi-01828
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 77. Sä olet huippu!
fi-01829 fi-01829
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 78. Kiitos
fi-01830 fi-01830
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 79. Ihan varmasti!
fi-01831 fi-01831
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 80. Onko asia selvä?
fi-01832 fi-01832
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 81. Anna mennä vaan!
fi-01833 fi-01833
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 82. Onko lisää?
fi-07029 fi-07029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 83. Mitä sä voihkit?
fi-01834 fi-01834
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 84. Onks mulla mahiksia?
fi-07584 fi-07584
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 85. Mitä sun korkissa lukee?
fi-07738 fi-07738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 86. Oliks se kivaa?
fi-01835 fi-01835
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 87. Yritetäänkö?
fi-01836 fi-01836
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 88. Tee se!
fi-01837 fi-01837
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 89. Minun vai sinun?
fi-01838 fi-01838
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 90. Kuka sammuttaa valot?
fi-01839 fi-01839
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 91. Älä stressaannu!
fi-07739 fi-07739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 92. Jankutanko minä?
fi-01840 fi-01840
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 93. Ajattele huomista!
fi-01841 fi-01841
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 94. Minä en lavertele!
fi-01842 fi-01842
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 95. Tehdään jotain modee!
fi-01843 fi-01843
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 96. Mitkä ennakkoluulot!
fi-01844 fi-01844
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 97. Kiinnostaako?
fi-01845 fi-01845
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 98. Tuletko tänne?
fi-01846 fi-01846
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 99. Ilomielin!
fi-01847 fi-01847
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 100. Mikä on pelin henki?
fi-02119 fi-02119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 101. Ei hyväksytä!
fi-02210 fi-02210
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 103. Kamalaa!
fi-08002 fi-08002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 105. Ihanaa...
fi-02314 fi-02314
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 106. Vie mut kotiin, kulta!
fi-08003 fi-08003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 107. Vesi on syvää!
fi-02315 fi-02315
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 108. Kili-kili.
fi-08004 fi-08004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 110. Täällä vetää vai mitä?
fi-02316 fi-02316
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 112. Vauhdin hurmaa?
fi-02805 fi-02805
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 114. Surkeeta, vai mitä?
fi-02806 fi-02806
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 115. Näyttää pahalta.
fi-02809 fi-02809
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 119. Ole hyvä!
fi-02810 fi-02810
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 120. Älä välitä!
fi-02902 fi-02902
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 121. Sottapytty!
fi-08005 fi-08005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 123. En osaa sanoa.
fi-01553 fi-01553
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 125. Ota mua kädestä kiinni!
fi-08006 fi-08006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 126. Tykkäätsä musta?
fi-08007 fi-08007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 128. Sait sä potkut?
fi-02903 fi-02903
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 129. Älä murjota!
fi-02904 fi-02904
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 131. Pehmeä lasku tänään?
fi-03367 fi-03367
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 132. Kaikki tykkää susta.
fi-03368 fi-03368
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 133. Tuletko hippoihin?
fi-03369 fi-03369
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 136. Korkkipää!
fi-03370 fi-03370
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 138. Pieni päivänpaiste?
fi-07740 fi-07740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 139. Kato mikä tipu?
fi-03371 fi-03371
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 146. Mene...
fi-03372 fi-03372
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 150. Läskipää!
fi-08008 fi-08008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 151. Heitä huulta!
fi-03373 fi-03373
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 152. Viilipytty vauhdissa!
fi-03374 fi-03374
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 153. Pänniikö?
fi-08009 fi-08009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 154. Se on jautaa!
fi-03375 fi-03375
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 155. Tykinruokaa!
fi-03376 fi-03376
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 156. Pikku brysselinkaalini!
fi-03377 fi-03377
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 158. Nyt saa riittää!
fi-03378 fi-03378
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 159. Pelataanko?
fi-08010 fi-08010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 160. Pidätkö Brahmsista?
fi-08011 fi-08011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 161. Mitä sä tuijotat?
fi-08012 fi-08012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 167. Olenks mä mukana?
fi-03379 fi-03379
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 168. Älä koske mua!
fi-03380 fi-03380
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 171. Väsyttääkö?
fi-03381 fi-03381
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 172. Törppö!
fi-03382 fi-03382
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 174. Olet kaikkeni!
fi-03383 fi-03383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 176. Hevosenleikkiä!
fi-03384 fi-03384
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 178. Räsypokkaa!
fi-08314 fi-08314
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 182. Sekä että
fi-03385 fi-03385
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 183. Kiva kundi?
fi-06078 fi-06078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 187. Anna hiusten hulmuta!
fi-03386 fi-03386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 189. Hyppää suksille!
fi-08013 fi-08013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 193. Kyllä luonto opettaa!
fi-03387 fi-03387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 196. Miten ois porilainen?
fi-03388 fi-03388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 197. Onks sulla hintaa?
fi-03389 fi-03389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 198. Savua ja menoa?
fi-03390 fi-03390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 200. Kävele hitaasti!
fi-09709 fi-09709
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 1. Tämä puoli ylöspäin!
fi-09099 fi-09099
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 2. Suukko emännälle!
fi-07138 fi-07138
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 3. Naura edes!
fi-07139 fi-07139
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 5. Halaa minua!
fi-09100 fi-09100
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 7. Hellitä vähän!
fi-07323 fi-07323
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 9. Hei, kulta!
fi-09101 fi-09101
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 11. Hymyä huuleen!
fi-09710 fi-09710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 14. Liian myöhään!
fi-07324 fi-07324
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 16. Nyt mennään!
fi-07325 fi-07325
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 17. Loppuun myyty!
fi-09102 fi-09102
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 19. Minulla on vaikeuksia
fi-07326 fi-07326
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 20. Raiteille!
fi-07327 fi-07327
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 22. Tanssitaanko?
fi-09103 fi-09103
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 24. Sorry!
fi-09711 fi-09711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 25. Yritä uudelleen!
fi-07328 fi-07328
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 29. Sä oot nuija!
fi-09712 fi-09712
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 30. Ei taas!
fi-09713 fi-09713
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 31. Päivää korkki!
fi-09714 fi-09714
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 32. Vielä yksi!
fi-07329 fi-07329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 33. Mä tulen perässä
fi-07330 fi-07330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 40. Miten menee?
fi-09715 fi-09715
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 45. No entä sitten?
fi-09716 fi-09716
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 47. Ilta on pelastettu!
fi-09717 fi-09717
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 48. No ihan varmasti!
fi-09104 fi-09104
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 51. Ota kylmästi!
fi-07331 fi-07331
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 54. Pussaa mua pitkään!
fi-09105 fi-09105
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 56. Meidän kesken...
fi-09106 fi-09106
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 58. Leikitäänkö?
fi-07332 fi-07332
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 61. Anteeksi!
fi-07333 fi-07333
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 62. Nynny!
fi-09107 fi-09107
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 63. Mitä muut tekee?
fi-07334 fi-07334
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 66. Seuraa minua!
fi-09108 fi-09108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 67. Onks tää paikka vapaa?
fi-09109 fi-09109
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 70. Täysosuma!
fi-09718 fi-09718
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 71. Milloin sä tulet?
fi-09110 fi-09110
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 74. Tule toistekin!
fi-07140 fi-07140
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 75. Sekosit sä?
fi-07335 fi-07335
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 76. Bingo!
fi-09719 fi-09719
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 77. Sä olet huippu!
fi-09111 fi-09111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 79. Ihan varmasti!
fi-09720 fi-09720
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 82. Onko lisää?
fi-09112 fi-09112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 84. Onks mulla mahiksia?
fi-09721 fi-09721
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 86. Oliks se kivaa?
fi-09722 fi-09722
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 89. Minun vai sinun?
fi-07336 fi-07336
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 90. Kuka sammuttaa valot?
fi-09723 fi-09723
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 92. Jankutanko minä?
fi-09724 fi-09724
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 94. Minä en lavertele!
fi-07337 fi-07337
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 95. Tehdään jotain modee!
fi-09725 fi-09725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 97. Kiinnostaako?
fi-09113 fi-09113
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 104. Viva Finlandia!
fi-09114 fi-09114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 127. Isin poika?
fi-09115 fi-09115
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 150. Läskipää!
fi-09726 fi-09726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 166. Hoida itsesi!
fi-05296 fi-05296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 170. Kysyt vielä!
fi-09116 fi-09116
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 172. Törppö!
fi-03391 fi-03391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 176. Hevosenleikkiä!
fi-09117 fi-09117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 199. Mistä sä sen tiedät?
fi-09118 fi-09118
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 103. Kamalaa!
fi-09727 fi-09727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 106. Vie mut kotiin, kulta!
fi-09728 fi-09728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 107. Vesi on syvää!
fi-09729 fi-09729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 113. Hyvä poika.
fi-09730 fi-09730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 120. Älä välitä!
fi-09731 fi-09731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 121. Sottapytty!
fi-09732 fi-09732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 125. Ota mua kädestä kiinni!
fi-09119 fi-09119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 128. Sait sä potkut?
fi-09120 fi-09120
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 149. Tuutko siivelle?
fi-09733 fi-09733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 162. Miksi sä noin teet?
fi-09734 fi-09734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 170. Kysyt vielä!
fi-09735 fi-09735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 171. Väsyttääkö?
fi-09736 fi-09736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 172. Törppö!
fi-07141 fi-07141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 184. Kiva kimuli?
fi-09737 fi-09737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 186. Jänishousu!
fi-09738 fi-09738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 195. Ikuisesti!
fi-07741 fi-07741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 101. Ei hyväksytä!
fi-03398 fi-03398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 102. Mahalasku?
fi-03399 fi-03399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 103. Kamalaa!
fi-03400 fi-03400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 104. Viva Finlandia!
fi-03401 fi-03401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 105. Ihanaa...
fi-03402 fi-03402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 106. Vie mut kotiin, kulta!
fi-03403 fi-03403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 107. Vesi on syvää!
fi-03404 fi-03404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 108. Kili-kili.
fi-03405 fi-03405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 109. Selvä se.
fi-03406 fi-03406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 110. Täällä vetää vai mitä?
fi-03407 fi-03407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 111. Älä hermostu!
fi-03408 fi-03408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 112. Vauhdin hurmaa?
fi-03409 fi-03409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 113. Hyvä poika.
fi-03410 fi-03410
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 114. Surkeeta, vai mitä?
fi-07995 fi-07995
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 115. Näyttää pahalta.
fi-03411 fi-03411
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 116. Miten ois?
fi-03412 fi-03412
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 117. Tärppääkö?
fi-03413 fi-03413
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 118. Käy kiinni!
fi-07575 fi-07575
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 119. Ole hyvä!
fi-07996 fi-07996
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 120. Älä välitä!
fi-03414 fi-03414
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 121. Sottapytty!
fi-07576 fi-07576
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 122. Laskeudumme!
fi-03415 fi-03415
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 123. En osaa sanoa.
fi-03416 fi-03416
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 124. Pelkäätsä pimeää, kulta?
fi-03417 fi-03417
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 125. Ota mua kädestä kiinni!
fi-03418 fi-03418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 126. Tykkäätsä musta?
fi-03419 fi-03419
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 127. Isin poika?
fi-03420 fi-03420
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 128. Sait sä potkut?
fi-03421 fi-03421
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 129. Älä murjota!
fi-03422 fi-03422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 130. Näpit irti!
fi-07997 fi-07997
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 131. Pehmeä lasku tänään?
fi-03423 fi-03423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 132. Kaikki tykkää susta.
fi-07998 fi-07998
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 133. Tuletko hippoihin?
fi-03424 fi-03424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 134. No nyt mua onnisti!
fi-03425 fi-03425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 135. Tule tyynysotaan!
fi-03426 fi-03426
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 136. Korkkipää!
fi-03427 fi-03427
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 137. Pänniiks sua?
fi-03428 fi-03428
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 138. Pieni päivänpaiste?
fi-03429 fi-03429
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 139. Kato mikä tipu?
fi-03430 fi-03430
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 140. Maata näkyvissä!
fi-03431 fi-03431
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 141. Mennäänkö jatkoille?
fi-03432 fi-03432
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 142. Myöhemmin...
fi-03433 fi-03433
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 143. Onnenpekka!
fi-03434 fi-03434
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 144. Love story?
fi-03435 fi-03435
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 145. Ramppikuume?
fi-03436 fi-03436
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 146. Mene...
fi-03437 fi-03437
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 147. Älä unohda mua!
fi-03438 fi-03438
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 148. Mitkä on synsteemit?
fi-03439 fi-03439
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 149. Tuutko siivelle?
fi-03440 fi-03440
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 150. Läskipää!
fi-03441 fi-03441
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 151. Heitä huulta!
fi-03442 fi-03442
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 152. Viilipytty vauhdissa!
fi-03443 fi-03443
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 153. Pänniikö?
fi-03444 fi-03444
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 154. Se on jautaa!
fi-03445 fi-03445
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 155. Tykinruokaa!
fi-03446 fi-03446
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 156. Pikku brysselinkaalini!
fi-03447 fi-03447
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 157. Sano jotain kivaa!
fi-07999 fi-07999
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 158. Nyt saa riittää!
fi-03448 fi-03448
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 159. Pelataanko?
fi-03449 fi-03449
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 160. Pidätkö Brahmsista?
fi-03450 fi-03450
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 161. Mitä sä tuijotat?
fi-03451 fi-03451
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 162. Miksi sä noin teet?
fi-03452 fi-03452
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 163. Hoida omat asiasi!
fi-03453 fi-03453
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 164. Laiskamato?
fi-03454 fi-03454
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 165. Jatka vain uimista!
fi-03455 fi-03455
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 166. Hoida itsesi!
fi-03456 fi-03456
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 167. Olenks mä mukana?
fi-08000 fi-08000
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 168. Älä koske mua!
fi-03457 fi-03457
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 169. Nyt on juhlat!
fi-03458 fi-03458
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 170. Kysyt vielä!
fi-03459 fi-03459
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 171. Väsyttääkö?
fi-03460 fi-03460
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 172. Törppö!
fi-03461 fi-03461
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 173. Onko sulla mun numero?
fi-07577 fi-07577
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 174. Olet kaikkeni!
fi-03462 fi-03462
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 175. Joko taas!
fi-03463 fi-03463
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 176. Hevosenleikkiä!
fi-03464 fi-03464
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 177. Pysy kuvioissa!
fi-03465 fi-03465
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 178. Räsypokkaa!
fi-03466 fi-03466
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 179. Pitipäs sattua!
fi-03467 fi-03467
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 180. Tahdon pusun!
fi-03468 fi-03468
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 181. Rakastaa, ei rakasta?
fi-03469 fi-03469
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 182. Sekä että
fi-03470 fi-03470
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 183. Kiva kundi?
fi-03471 fi-03471
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 184. Kiva kimuli?
fi-03472 fi-03472
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 185. Sammuttakaa valot!
fi-03473 fi-03473
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 186. Jänishousu!
fi-06086 fi-06086
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 188. Kiitos samoin!
fi-03474 fi-03474
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 190. Hei kulta!
fi-03475 fi-03475
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 191. Yritäs nyt selvitä!
fi-03476 fi-03476
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 192. Hii-op!
fi-03477 fi-03477
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 193. Kyllä luonto opettaa!
fi-03478 fi-03478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 194. Tykkäätsä pikkelsistä?
fi-03479 fi-03479
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 195. Ikuisesti!
fi-08001 fi-08001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 197. Onks sulla hintaa?
fi-03480 fi-03480
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 199. Mistä sä sen tiedät?
fi-03481 fi-03481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 200. Kävele hitaasti!
fi-03636 fi-03636
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 1. Paavo Maijanen, mikä soitin? Basso
fi-03637 fi-03637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 2. Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis, levytysvuosi? 1956
fi-03638 fi-03638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 3. Elvis Presleyn kotikaupunki? Memphis
fi-03639 fi-03639
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 4. Elvis ........... Presley Aron
fi-03640 fi-03640
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 5. Pretty Vacant, kenen levy? Sex Pistols
fi-03641 fi-03641
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 6. I'm in You, kenen levy? Peter Frampton
fi-03642 fi-03642
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 7. Eric Faulkner, syntymäaika? 21.10.1954
fi-06145 fi-06145
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 8. Pepe Willbergin ensimmäinen yhtye? Islanders
fi-03643 fi-03643
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 9. It's a Game, mikä yhtye? Bay City Rollers
fi-03644 fi-03644
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 10. The Sensational ...........? Alex Harvey Band
fi-03645 fi-03645
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 11. Jimmy Page, mikä yhtye? Led Zeppelin
fi-03646 fi-03646
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 12. Led Zeppelin -filmi? Song Remains The Same
fi-03647 fi-03647
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 13. Kuka soittaa rumpuja Bamboossa? Vesa Olkkola
fi-03648 fi-03648
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 14. 1935 ... 1977? Elvis Presley
fi-03649 fi-03649
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 15. Bamboon keski-ikä? 17 vuotta
fi-06080 fi-06080
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 16. Minä vuonna perustettiin ABBA? 1972
fi-03650 fi-03650
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 17. Remun syntymäaika? 10.01.1948
fi-03651 fi-03651
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 18. Sikke, Vesku, Peku ja Pertsa, mikä yhtye? Bamboo
fi-06081 fi-06081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 19. Mistä lyhennys ELO? Electric Light Orchestra
fi-03652 fi-03652
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 20. Eric, Woody, Les ja Derek, mikä yhtye? Bay City Rollers
fi-03653 fi-03653
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 21. Irock-LP, mikä levy-yhtiö? Love Records
fi-06523 fi-06523
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 22. Burlesque, mikä kansallisuus? Englantilainen
fi-06146 fi-06146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 23. Bamboo, mistä kaupungista? Lahdesta
fi-03654 fi-03654
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 24. Linda ...........? Ronstadt
fi-03655 fi-03655
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 25. Bright Lights and Back Alleys, kenen LP? Smokie
fi-03656 fi-03656
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 26. Steve Harley and ...........? Cockney Rebel
fi-03657 fi-03657
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 27. Tasty, kenen LP? The Shadows
fi-03658 fi-03658
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 28. Ile Kallion soolo-LP? Irock
fi-03659 fi-03659
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 29. Tsugu Way, kenen LP? Hurriganes
fi-03660 fi-03660
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 30. Ile Kallion syntymäaika? 18.11.1955
fi-06147 fi-06147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 31. Cristine McVie ja Stevie Nicks, minkä yhtyeen naisjäsenet? Fleetwood Mac
fi-03661 fi-03661
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 32. Iggy ...........? Pop
fi-03662 fi-03662
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 33. Chris, Terry, Alan ja Peter, mikä yhtye? Smokie
fi-06148 fi-06148
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 34. Cisse Häkkisen LP? Teen Dreams
fi-03663 fi-03663
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 35. Checkpoint, kenen LP? Sailor
fi-03664 fi-03664
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 36. Mitä tyyliä edustaa Ramones? Punk-Rock
fi-03665 fi-03665
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 37. Elviksen talon nimi Memphisissä? Graceland
fi-03666 fi-03666
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 38. I'll meet You at Midnight, kenen esittämä?
fi-03667 fi-03667
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 39. Stupidity, kenen LP? Dr. Feelgoodin
fi-03668 fi-03668
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 40. Eddie & Hot-Rods, mistä maasta? Englannista
fi-03669 fi-03669
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 41. Josè Feliciano, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03670 fi-03670
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 42. John Mayall, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03671 fi-03671
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 43. At the speed of sound, kenen LP? Wings
fi-03672 fi-03672
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 44. Wired, kenen LP? Jeff Beck
fi-03673 fi-03673
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 45. A Night on the Town, kenen LP? Rod Stewart
fi-06082 fi-06082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 46. Solisti Dr. Feelgoodissa? Lee Brilleaux
fi-03674 fi-03674
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 47. Rock'n roll music, kenen LP? Beatles
fi-03675 fi-03675
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 48. Dancing Queen, minkä yhtyeen levy? Abban
fi-03676 fi-03676
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 49. No Reason to cry, kenen LP? Eric Clapton
fi-03677 fi-03677
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 50. Reggae, mikä on alkuperämaa? Jamaica
fi-03678 fi-03678
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 51. Josè Feliciano, mistä maasta? Puerto Ricosta
fi-03679 fi-03679
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 52. Frank Zappa, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03680 fi-03680
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 53. Englannin johtava musiikkilehti? Melody Maker
fi-06149 fi-06149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 54. Kuka soittaa kitaraa Wings-yhtyeessä? Denny Laine
fi-03681 fi-03681
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 55. John Coughlan, instrumentti? Rummut
fi-06083 fi-06083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 56. Heroes, kenen LP? David Bowie
fi-03682 fi-03682
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 57. Making love and music, kenen LP? Dr. Hook
fi-06524 fi-06524
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 58. Reg D Wight, taiteilijanimi? Elton John
fi-03683 fi-03683
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 59. Ace Frehley, mikä yhtye? Kiss
fi-03684 fi-03684
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 60. David Jones, taiteilijanimi? David Bowie
fi-03685 fi-03685
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 61. Ron Wood, mikä yhtye? Rolling Stones
fi-03686 fi-03686
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 62. Entinen valokuvamalli, nykyinen poptähti, kuka? Twiggy
fi-06150 fi-06150
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 63. Jan Svensson, syntymäaika 05.04.1950, taiteilijanimi? Harpo
fi-03687 fi-03687
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 64. Atlantic Crossing, kuka laulaa? Rod Stewart
fi-03688 fi-03688
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 65. Aftermath, kenen LP? Rolling Stones
fi-03689 fi-03689
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 66. Robert Plant, laulusolisti, mikä yhtye? Led Zeppelin
fi-03690 fi-03690
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 67. Derek Longmuir, rummut, mikä yhtye? Bay City Rollers
fi-03691 fi-03691
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 68. Moonshadow, kuka laulaa? Cat Stevens
fi-03692 fi-03692
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 69. Bogue Man, ketkä soittavat? Roxy Music
fi-03693 fi-03693
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 70. Slow Down World, kenen LP? Donovan
fi-03694 fi-03694
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 71. Moviestar, kuka laulaa? Harpo
fi-03695 fi-03695
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 72. Wah Wah Watson, mistä yhtyeestä? Herbie Hancock
fi-06084 fi-06084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 73. Ringon viimeisin LP? 4th
fi-03696 fi-03696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 74. Ted Nudgent, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03697 fi-03697
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 75. Mies Abban takana? Stickan Anderson
fi-03698 fi-03698
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 76. Surreal Thing, kenen LP? Kris Kristofferssonin
fi-03699 fi-03699
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 77. X, kenen LP? Chicago
fi-03700 fi-03700
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 78. Alice ...........? Cooper
fi-03701 fi-03701
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 79. ........... Cassidy? David
fi-03702 fi-03702
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 80. ........... Transfer? Manhattan
fi-03703 fi-03703
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 81. David Cock, taiteilijanimi? David Essex
fi-03704 fi-03704
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 82. Blood, ..........., ......................? Sweat & Tears
fi-03705 fi-03705
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 83. Mikä on Stewartin ristimänimi? Rod
fi-06151 fi-06151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 84. Elton John, instrumentti? Piano
fi-03706 fi-03706
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 85. Simon & Garfunkel, ristimänimet? Paul & Art
fi-03707 fi-03707
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 86. Umma - Gumma, kenen LP? Pink Floyd
fi-06152 fi-06152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 87. Bob Marley, minkä lajin musiikkia? Reggae
fi-03708 fi-03708
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 88. Tamla-Motown, mitä se on? Levy-yhtiö
fi-03709 fi-03709
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 89. Harvest, kenen LP? Neil Young
fi-03710 fi-03710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 90. 10 CC, mistä maasta? Englannista
fi-03711 fi-03711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 91. Beatlesien ensimmäisen filmin nimi? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
fi-03712 fi-03712
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 92. Gilbert O'Sullivan, instrumentti? Piano
fi-03713 fi-03713
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 93. Johnny Cash, minkä lajin musiikkia? Countrya ja Westerniä
fi-06525 fi-06525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 94. Eric Claptonin instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03714 fi-03714
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 95. Wingsin naispuolinen jäsen? Linda McCartney
fi-03715 fi-03715
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 96. A Day at the races, kenen LP? Queenin
fi-03716 fi-03716
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 97. 'Kenen laulu', kenen LP? Isokynä Lindholm
fi-03717 fi-03717
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 98. Roll over Beethoven, kenen sävellys? Chuck Berryn
fi-03718 fi-03718
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 99. Hold me tight, kenen sävellys? Lennon - McCartney
fi-03719 fi-03719
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 100. Out of the blue, kenen LP? ELO:n
fi-03720 fi-03720
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 101. Saturday Night Feverin sankari? John Travolta
fi-03721 fi-03721
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 102. Dannyn kesäshown nimi? Danny ja Armi laserajassa
fi-03722 fi-03722
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 103. Dannyn ensilevy? East Virginia
fi-03723 fi-03723
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 104. Mikä yhtye säestää Vickyä? Seikkailijat
fi-03724 fi-03724
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 105. Katri-Helenan sukunimi? Kalaoja
fi-06526 fi-06526
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 106. Onko Irwinillä poika vai tytär? Tytär
fi-03725 fi-03725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 107. Jukka Rautiainen - mikä yhtye? Alwari T.
fi-03726 fi-03726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 108. Alwari T:n kakkosbändi? Juniper
fi-06527 fi-06527
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 109. Teryleeni - kenen ensilevy? Urpon
fi-03727 fi-03727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 110. Montako seinähullua? Seitsemän
fi-03728 fi-03728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 111. Ronski ja ... Exotic
fi-03729 fi-03729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 112. Irina Milan - mikä lauluyhtye? Silhuetit
fi-03730 fi-03730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 113. Tapani Kansan kesäshown tyttötähti? Eini
fi-03731 fi-03731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 114. Onko Sleepy Sleepers punk-yhtye? On
fi-03732 fi-03732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 115. Vuoden levy? Nuoruus
fi-03733 fi-03733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 116. Velton sukunimi? Virtanen
fi-03734 fi-03734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 117. Mistä Juice on kotoisin? Juankoskelta
fi-06528 fi-06528
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 118. Hannelore - kenen sävellys? Mikko Alatalon
fi-06529 fi-06529
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 119. Pepe & ... Paradise
fi-03735 fi-03735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 120. Matin ja Tepon sukunimi? Ruohonen
fi-03736 fi-03736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 121. Ketkä levyttivät Suomessa Cindyn? Kirka ja Anna
fi-03737 fi-03737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 122. Rockivaari Hotanen - kenen levy? Tapani Kansa
fi-03738 fi-03738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 123. Sävellys joka voitti Euroviisut 78? A-ba-ni-bi
fi-03739 fi-03739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 124. Beisarit - milloin viimeksi Suomessa? 1978
fi-03740 fi-03740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 125. Missä Erkki Liikanen asuu? Forssassa
fi-06530 fi-06530
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 126. Queenin laulusolisti? Freddie Mercury
fi-06531 fi-06531
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 127. Nana Moskouri - mikä maa? Kreikka
fi-06085 fi-06085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 128. Baccaroiden etunimet? Maria ja Mayte
fi-03741 fi-03741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: 130. 'Never mind the...' Bollocks
fi-06627 fi-06627
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 1. Paavo Maijanen, mikä soitin? Basso
fi-06200 fi-06200
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 2. Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis, levytysvuosi? 1956
fi-07375 fi-07375
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 3. Elvis Presleyn kotikaupunki? Memphis
fi-07376 fi-07376
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 4. Elvis ........... Presley Aron
fi-07377 fi-07377
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 5. Pretty Vacant, kenen levy? Sex Pistols
fi-03742 fi-03742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 6. I'm in You, kenen levy? Peter Frampton
fi-07378 fi-07378
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 7. Eric Faulkner, syntymäaika? 21.10.1954
fi-07379 fi-07379
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 8. Pepe Willbergin ensimmäinen yhtye? Islanders
fi-07380 fi-07380
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 11. Jimmy Page, mikä yhtye? Led Zeppelin
fi-07839 fi-07839
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 12. Led Zeppelin -filmi? Song Remains The Same
fi-07381 fi-07381
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 13. Kuka soittaa rumpuja Bamboossa? Vesa Olkkola
fi-07382 fi-07382
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 15. Bamboon keski-ikä? 17 vuotta
fi-07383 fi-07383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 16. Minä vuonna perustettiin ABBA? 1972
fi-07384 fi-07384
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 18. Sikke, Vesku, Peku ja Pertsa, mikä yhtye? Bamboo
fi-07385 fi-07385
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 22. Burlesque, mikä kansallisuus? Englantilainen
fi-07386 fi-07386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 23. Bamboo, mistä kaupungista? Lahdesta
fi-03743 fi-03743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 25. Bright Lights and Back Alleys, kenen LP? Smokie
fi-07145 fi-07145
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 27. Tasty, kenen LP? The Shadows
fi-03744 fi-03744
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 28. Ile Kallion soolo-LP? Irock
fi-03745 fi-03745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 29. Tsugu Way, kenen LP? Hurriganes
fi-07387 fi-07387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 31. Cristine McVie ja Stevie Nicks, minkä yhtyeen naisjäsenet? Fleetwood Mac
fi-07388 fi-07388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 33. Chris, Terry, Alan ja Peter, mikä yhtye? Smokie
fi-03746 fi-03746
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 34. Cisse Häkkisen LP? Teen Dreams
fi-07389 fi-07389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 35. Checkpoint, kenen LP? Sailor
fi-07390 fi-07390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 36. Mitä tyyliä edustaa Ramones? Punk-Rock
fi-03747 fi-03747
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 38. I'll meet You at Midnight, kenen esittämä? Smokie
fi-07391 fi-07391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 41. Josè Feliciano, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03748 fi-03748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 42. John Mayall, instrumentti? Kitara
fi-03749 fi-03749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 43. At the speed of sound, kenen LP? Wings
fi-03750 fi-03750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 44. Wired, kenen LP? Jeff Beck
fi-07392 fi-07392
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 45. A Night on the Town, kenen LP? Rod Stewart
fi-03751 fi-03751
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 46. Solisti Dr. Feelgoodissa? Lee Brilleaux
fi-03752 fi-03752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 48. Dancing Queen, minkä yhtyeen levy? Abban
fi-03753 fi-03753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 49. No Reason to cry, kenen LP? Eric Clapton
fi-03754 fi-03754
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 50. Reggae, mikä on alkuperämaa? Jamaica
fi-03755 fi-03755
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 53. Englannin johtava musiikkilehti? Melody Maker
fi-03756 fi-03756
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 54. Kuka soittaa kitaraa Wings-yhtyeessä? Denny Laine
fi-03757 fi-03757
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 55. John Coughlan, instrumentti? Rummut
fi-03758 fi-03758
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 57. Making love and music, kenen LP? Dr. Hook
fi-03759 fi-03759
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 58. Reg D Wight, taiteilijanimi? Elton John
fi-07393 fi-07393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 62. Entinen valokuvamalli, nykyinen poptähti, kuka? Twiggy
fi-03760 fi-03760
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 63. Jan Svensson, syntymäaika 05.04.1950, taiteilijanimi? Harpo
fi-07394 fi-07394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 64. Atlantic Crossing, kuka laulaa? Rod Stewart
fi-07395 fi-07395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 65. Aftermath, kenen LP? Rolling Stones
fi-07396 fi-07396
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 67. Derek Longmuir, rummut, mikä yhtye? Bay City Rollers
fi-03761 fi-03761
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 68. Moonshadow, kuka laulaa? Cat Stevens
fi-03762 fi-03762
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 70. Slow Down World, kenen LP? Donovan
fi-07397 fi-07397
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 72. Wah Wah Watson, mistä yhtyeestä? Herbie Hancock
fi-03763 fi-03763
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 73. Ringon viimeisin LP? 4th
fi-03764 fi-03764
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 75. Mies Abban takana? Stickan Anderson
fi-07398 fi-07398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 77. X, kenen LP? Chicago
fi-03765 fi-03765
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 80. ........... Transfer? Manhattan
fi-07399 fi-07399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 84. Elton John, instrumentti? Piano
fi-07400 fi-07400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 85. Simon & Garfunkel, ristimänimet? Paul & Art
fi-07401 fi-07401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 86. Umma - Gumma, kenen LP? Pink Floyd
fi-03766 fi-03766
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 87. Bob Marley, minkä lajin musiikkia? Reggae
fi-07146 fi-07146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 88. Tamla-Motown, mitä se on? Levy-yhtiö
fi-07402 fi-07402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 90. 10 CC, mistä maasta? Englannista
fi-03767 fi-03767
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 91. Beatlesien ensimmäisen filmin nimi? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
fi-03768 fi-03768
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 92. Gilbert O'Sullivan, instrumentti? Piano
fi-03769 fi-03769
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 93. Johnny Cash, minkä lajin musiikkia? Countrya ja Westerniä
fi-03770 fi-03770
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 95. Wingsin naispuolinen jäsen? Linda McCartney
fi-03771 fi-03771
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 96. A Day at the races, kenen LP? Queenin
fi-07403 fi-07403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 97. "Kenen laulu ", kenen LP? Isokynä Lindholm
fi-03772 fi-03772
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 99. Hold me tight, kenen sävellys? Lennon - McCartney
fi-07404 fi-07404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 101. Saturday Night Feverin sankari? John Travolta
fi-07405 fi-07405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 102. Dannyn kesäshown nimi? Danny ja Armi laserajassa
fi-07406 fi-07406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 105. Katri-Helenan sukunimi? Kalaoja
fi-07407 fi-07407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 106. Onko Irwinillä poika vai tytär? Tytär
fi-07408 fi-07408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 107. Jukka Rautiainen - mikä yhtye? Alwari T.
fi-07409 fi-07409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 109. Teryleeni - kenen ensilevy? Urpon
fi-07410 fi-07410
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 121. Ketkä levyttivät Suomessa Cindyn? Kirka ja Anna
fi-07411 fi-07411
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 122. Rockivaari Hotanen - kenen levy? Tapani Kansa
fi-07412 fi-07412
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 123. Sävellys joka voitti Euroviisut 78? A-ba-ni-bi
fi-07413 fi-07413
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 127. Nana Moskouri - mikä maa? Kreikka
fi-07414 fi-07414
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 128. Baccaroiden etunimet? Maria ja Mayte
fi-07147 fi-07147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 129. Bob Marley - mikä musa? Reggae
fi-07415 fi-07415
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pirve Oy PirkkalaFactory sign:
Other: 130. "Never mind the... " Bollocks
fi-08050 fi-08050
Brand: Coca Cola Light Refreshing Taste
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
fi-01445 fi-01445
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-05882 fi-05882
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-01446 fi-01446
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-02274 fi-02274
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour black
fi-05883 fi-05883
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour white
fi-06863 fi-06863
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SinebrychoffFactory sign:
fi-02282 fi-02282
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Oy Hartwall AbFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-01268 fi-01268
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 1 markka
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab HelsinkiFactory sign:
Other: Factory sign colour red
fi-07910 fi-07910
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 2. Suukko emännälle!
fi-07911 fi-07911
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 4. Eipäs juoda pullosta!
fi-07912 fi-07912
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 5. Halaa minua!
fi-07913 fi-07913
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 6. Vapaa?
fi-07914 fi-07914
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 9. Hei, kulta!
fi-07915 fi-07915
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 10. Suostun kaikkeen!
fi-07916 fi-07916
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 11. Hymyä huuleen!
fi-07917 fi-07917
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 13. En minä tiedä
fi-07918 fi-07918
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 14. Liian myöhään!
fi-07919 fi-07919
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 15. Kuuletko huonosti?
fi-07920 fi-07920
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 16. Nyt mennään!
fi-07921 fi-07921
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 17. Loppuun myyty!
fi-07922 fi-07922
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 18. Ymmärrätkö?
fi-07923 fi-07923
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 19. Minulla on vaikeuksia
fi-07924 fi-07924
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 20. Raiteille!
fi-07925 fi-07925
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 21. Juuko?
fi-07926 fi-07926
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 22. Tanssitaanko?
fi-07927 fi-07927
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 24. Sorry!
fi-07928 fi-07928
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 26. Pussaa mua jos osaat!
fi-07929 fi-07929
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 27. Mikä sun nimi on?
fi-07930 fi-07930
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 28. Mä tykkään susta!
fi-07931 fi-07931
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 29. Sä oot nuija!
fi-07932 fi-07932
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 30. Ei taas!
fi-07933 fi-07933
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 31. Päivää korkki!
fi-07934 fi-07934
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 33. Mä tulen perässä
fi-07935 fi-07935
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 34. Siitä on kysymys
fi-06281 fi-06281
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 35. Kivaa!
fi-07937 fi-07937
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 36. Valitse sanasi!
fi-07938 fi-07938
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 38. Ei ikinä!
fi-07939 fi-07939
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 45. No entä sitten?
fi-07940 fi-07940
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 46. Halusit sä jotain?
fi-07941 fi-07941
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 47. Ilta on pelastettu!
fi-07942 fi-07942
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 48. No ihan varmasti!
fi-07943 fi-07943
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 50. Mulle kanssa!
fi-07944 fi-07944
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 51. Ota kylmästi!
fi-07945 fi-07945
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 52. Heti vai myöhemmin?
fi-07946 fi-07946
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 53. Juu kiitos, kohta!
fi-07947 fi-07947
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 55. Ha ha ha!
fi-07948 fi-07948
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 56. Meidän kesken...
fi-07949 fi-07949
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 58. Leikitäänkö?
fi-07950 fi-07950
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 60. Ota rennosti!
fi-07951 fi-07951
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 61. Anteeksi!
fi-07952 fi-07952
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 63. Mitä muut tekee?
fi-07953 fi-07953
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 64. Mikä on suunta?
fi-07954 fi-07954
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 66. Seuraa minua!
fi-07955 fi-07955
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 67. Onks tää paikka vapaa?
fi-07956 fi-07956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 68. Ota se riski!
fi-07957 fi-07957
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 69. Mitä me nyt tehdään?
fi-07958 fi-07958
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 71. Milloin sä tulet?
fi-07959 fi-07959
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 72. Nyt tai ei koskaan!
fi-07960 fi-07960
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 73. Mua kiinnostaa kaikki!
fi-07961 fi-07961
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 74. Tule toistekin!
fi-07107 fi-07107
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 75. Sekosit sä?
fi-06282 fi-06282
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 77. Sä olet huippu!
fi-07963 fi-07963
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 78. Kiitos
fi-07964 fi-07964
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 79. Ihan varmasti!
fi-07965 fi-07965
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 80. Onko asia selvä?
fi-07966 fi-07966
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 81. Anna mennä vaan!
fi-07967 fi-07967
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 88. Tee se!
fi-07968 fi-07968
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 89. Minun vai sinun?
fi-07969 fi-07969
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 90. Kuka sammuttaa valot?
fi-07970 fi-07970
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 92. Jankutanko minä?
fi-07971 fi-07971
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 93. Ajattele huomista!
fi-07972 fi-07972
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 95. Tehdään jotain modee!
fi-07973 fi-07973
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 96. Mitkä ennakkoluulot!
fi-07974 fi-07974
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 97. Kiinnostaako?
fi-07975 fi-07975
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 99. Ilomielin!
fi-07976 fi-07976
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Oy Hartwall Ab TurkuFactory sign:
Other: 100. Mikä on pelin henki?
fr-00159 fr-00159
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriseFactory sign:
fr-00362 fr-00362
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriseFactory sign:
fr-01749 fr-01749
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriceFactory sign:
fr-00561 fr-00561
Brand: Coca Cola EAN Code 54492509 25 cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriseFactory sign:
fr-01991 fr-01991
Brand: Coca Cola EAN Code 54492509 25 cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners FranceFactory sign:
fr-01534 fr-01534
Brand: EAN Code 54491250 Original Taste Coca Cola 200ml e
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners FranceFactory sign:
fr-01383 fr-01383
Brand: Coca Cola depuis 1886 250ml Ean code 54492509
Brewery: Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-00363 fr-00363
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00712 fr-00712
Brand: Coca Cola ouvre du bonheur
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-01382 fr-01382
Brand: Coca Cola depuis 1886
Brewery: Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-01932 fr-01932
Brand: Coca Cola Gout Original 5449 2509
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners FranceFactory sign:
fr-01384 fr-01384
Brand: Coca Cola Light sans calorie
Brewery: Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-01565 fr-01565
Brand: Coca Cola Light no calories
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners FranceFactory sign:
fr-01566 fr-01566
Brand: Coca Cola Ligt lemon
Brewery: Coca-Cola European Partners FranceFactory sign:
fr-01679 fr-01679
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe Provencale de Boissons Gazeuses S.A.Factory sign:
fr-01680 fr-01680
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe Parisienne de Boissons Gazeuses S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00050 fr-00050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00051 fr-00051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00819 fr-00819
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Coke
fr-01009 fr-01009
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl.
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00066 fr-00066
Brand: Coca Cola 25 cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-01854 fr-01854
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.P.B.G.Factory sign:
fr-00067 fr-00067
Brand: Coca Cola 19cl
Brewery: S.R.B.G. LunevilleFactory sign:
fr-00686 fr-00686
Brand: Coca Cola 19cl
Brewery: S.P.B.G. ClamartFactory sign:
fr-01010 fr-01010
Brand: Coca Cola 19cl.
Brewery: S.P.B.G. ClamartFactory sign:
Other: Text 2 Points La Boutique de Coca-Cola on the background
fr-00687 fr-00687
Brand: Coca Cola 19cl
Brewery: S.R.B.G. MiribelFactory sign:
fr-01615 fr-01615
Brand: Coca Cola 19 Cl. Soda aus extraits Vegeta
Brewery: Societe Regionale de Boissons Gazeuses, S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00339 fr-00339
Brand: Coca Cola 25 cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00429 fr-00429
Brand: Coca Cola 25 cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00096 fr-00096
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriseFactory sign:
fr-00144 fr-00144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00393 fr-00393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprise, MoulineauxFactory sign:
fr-01748 fr-01748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterpriceFactory sign:
fr-00081 fr-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.R.B.G.Factory sign:
fr-00585 fr-00585
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00052 fr-00052
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprise SAFactory sign:
fr-00224 fr-00224
Brand: Coca Cola Light Sans sucre
Brewery: Emb. Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-00225 fr-00225
Brand: Coca Cola Light Sans sucre
Brewery: Emb. Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-01823 fr-01823
Brand: Coca Cola Light Sans sucre
Brewery: Emb. Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-00340 fr-00340
Brand: Coca Cola Light 25cl
Brewery: Emb. Coca-Cola Ent.Factory sign:
fr-00825 fr-00825
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00996 fr-00996
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 250ml Ean code 90338120
Brewery: Coca-Cola EnterepriseFactory sign:
fr-01396 fr-01396
Brand: Zero Sucres Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-00226 fr-00226
Brand: Coca Cola Light Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00227 fr-00227
Brand: Coca Cola Vanille
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00228 fr-00228
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Coca-Cola EntrepriseFactory sign:
fr-00562 fr-00562
Brand: Coca Cola Blak
Brewery: Factory sign:
fr-00574 fr-00574
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sud Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00575 fr-00575
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: So Co BoFactory sign:
fr-00576 fr-00576
Brand: Coca Cola 25 cl
Brewery: Sud Boissons S.A.Factory sign:
fr-00578 fr-00578
Brand: Coca Cola Light 25 cl
Brewery: SocoboFactory sign:
fr-00577 fr-00577
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: So Co BoFactory sign:
gb-00259 gb-00259
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-00424 gb-00424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-00620 gb-00620
Brand: Coca Cola Sparkling Soft Drink
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-01140 gb-01140
Brand: Coca Cola Sparkling Soft Drink
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-00425 gb-00425
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
gb-01141 gb-01141
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
gb-00781 gb-00781
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gb-01764 gb-01764
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd.Factory sign:
gb-00780 gb-00780
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
gb-00854 gb-00854
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
gb-00377 gb-00377
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola & Schweppes Beverages Ltd.Factory sign:
gb-01705 gb-01705
Brand: Coca Cola Ssoft drink with vegetable extracts Cont. 190 ml
Brewery: Coca-Cola & Schweppes Beverages Ltd. UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-00435 gb-00435
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
gb-01190 gb-01190
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola & Schweppes Beverages Ltd, UxbridgeFactory sign:
Other: Text 2 tokens music4you cash value 0.002p on the background
ge-00033 ge-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gh-00013 gh-00013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00020 gh-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00067 gh-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
Other: Text 50th Anniversary Logo Ghana on the background
gh-00021 gh-00021
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00076 gh-00076
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00028 gh-00028
Brand: Coca Cola 6 BMW
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00035 gh-00035
Brand: Coca Cola c 2,500
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00009 gh-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00058 gh-00058
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00019 gh-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00016 gh-00016
Brand: Coca Cola 6 BMW
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gh-00090 gh-00090
Brand: Coca Cola c2,500
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana LimitedFactory sign:
gm-00017 gm-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Gambega LtdFactory sign:
gm-00002 gm-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Gambega Ltd.Factory sign:
gm-00003 gm-00003
Brand: Coca Cola D 3.00
Brewery: Gambega Ltd.Factory sign:
gn-00014 gn-00014
Brand: Coca Cola Boisson Rafraichissant
Brewery: Bonagui S.A.Factory sign:
gn-00006 gn-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Guinee S.A., Bonagui S.A.Factory sign:
gr-00543 gr-00543
Brand: Coca Cola 260 Athinai
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00544 gr-00544
Brand: Coca Cola 260 Trikala
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00545 gr-00545
Brand: Coca Cola 260 Athinai
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00385 gr-00385
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00631 gr-00631
Brand: Coca Cola Per 250 ml Athina
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00632 gr-00632
Brand: Coca Cola Per 250 ml Patra
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
Other: Greek text on the background
gr-00601 gr-00601
Brand: Coca Cola Rodiaki Potopoipsa A.E.
Brewery: Pomegranate DrinksFactory sign:
gr-00013 gr-00013
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens
gr-00014 gr-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens
gr-00015 gr-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens
gr-00118 gr-00118
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Kliafa Company S.A.Factory sign:
gr-00095 gr-00095
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
gr-00448 gr-00448
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00607 gr-00607
Brand: Coca Cola Coke simata katatethenta
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00166 gr-00166
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00350 gr-00350
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00453 gr-00453
Brand: Coca Cola 250ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00355 gr-00355
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00065 gr-00065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens in use till 2000
gr-00066 gr-00066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens in use till 1998-9
gr-00067 gr-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens in use till 2000
gr-00068 gr-00068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens in use till 1998-9
gr-00096 gr-00096
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
gr-00117 gr-00117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Kliafa Company S.A.Factory sign:
gr-00154 gr-00154
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00306 gr-00306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text BMW Bike on the background
gr-00307 gr-00307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Football
gr-00308 gr-00308
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kapelaki
gr-00309 gr-00309
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: SP. Boat
gr-00310 gr-00310
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Cool Bag
gr-00311 gr-00311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Fanella
gr-00312 gr-00312
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Football
gr-00313 gr-00313
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tattoo
gr-00664 gr-00664
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00663 gr-00663
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling CompanyFactory sign:
gr-00432 gr-00432
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00433 gr-00433
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00434 gr-00434
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00435 gr-00435
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00436 gr-00436
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00437 gr-00437
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00438 gr-00438
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00439 gr-00439
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00440 gr-00440
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00441 gr-00441
Brand: Coca Cola Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00108 gr-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Kliafa Company S.A.Factory sign:
gr-00109 gr-00109
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Kliafa Company S.A.Factory sign:
gr-00254 gr-00254
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00078 gr-00078
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.E.EFactory sign:
Other: Bottled at Athens till 1996
gr-00252 gr-00252
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00253 gr-00253
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
gr-00251 gr-00251
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
gl-00014 gl-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nuuk Imeq A/SFactory sign:
gl-00015 gl-00015
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nuuk Imeq A/SFactory sign:
gt-00009 gt-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Atlantida S.A.Factory sign:
gt-00029 gt-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Central S.A.Factory sign:
gy-00018 gy-00018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Banks D.I.H. LimitedFactory sign:
gy-00019 gy-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Banks D.I.H. LimitedFactory sign:
gy-00001 gy-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Banks Dih Ltd. Georgetown GuyanaFactory sign:
hk-00003 hk-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Swire Coca-Cola HK Ltd.Factory sign:
hk-00008 hk-00008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Swire Coca-Cola HK Ltd.Factory sign:
hk-00006 hk-00006
Brand: Coca Cola 355mL
Brewery: Swire Coca-Cola HK Ltd.Factory sign:
hk-00035 hk-00035
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 192mL
Brewery: Swire Bottlers Ltd., 61 Quarry Bay St., Hong KongFactory sign:
hk-00007 hk-00007
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 355mL
Brewery: Swire Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
hn-00002 hn-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cerveceria Hondurena S.A.Factory sign:
hr-00002 hr-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
hr-00085 hr-00085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Hrvatska d.d.Factory sign:
hr-00252 hr-00252
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Hrvatska d.o.o.Factory sign:
hr-00241 hr-00241
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Hrvatska d.o.o.Factory sign:
hr-00097 hr-00097
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00014 hu-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00442 hu-00442
Brand: Coca Cola Palackozzaa Györi Italarugyar RT
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00368 hu-00368
Brand: Coca Cola Palackozza a Buliz Tiszakecsken
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00466 hu-00466
Brand: Coca Cola Palackozza a Buliz Tiszakecsken
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00545 hu-00545
Brand: Coca Cola Törv. Ved. Palackozza a Buliv Budapesten MSZ ARA. 4,70Ft+ü
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00578 hu-00578
Brand: Coca Cola Törv. Ved. Palackozza a Buliv Budapesten Memsz 1526 Ara Ft 3,- + ü
Brewery: Budapesti Liköripari Vallalat (BULIV)Factory sign:
hu-00550 hu-00550
Brand: Coca Cola Törv. Ved. MSZ Palackozza a Nagykanizsai Italarugyar KFT 0,2l
Brewery: CCA Italaru Kft. BudapestiFactory sign:
hu-00015 hu-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00153 hu-00153
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00056 hu-00056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
hu-00264 hu-00264
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages (Magyarorszag) KFTFactory sign:
hu-00265 hu-00265
Brand: Coca Cola 200ml
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages (Magyarorszag) KFTFactory sign:
hu-00263 hu-00263
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages (Magyarorszag) KFTFactory sign:
hu-00469 hu-00469
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages (Magyarorszag) KFTFactory sign:
id-00194 id-00194
Brand: Coca Cola depkes ri no md. 6010045
Brewery: P.T. Tirtalina Bottling Co. SurabayaFactory sign:
id-00045 id-00045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Tirtalina Bottling Co.Factory sign:
id-00102 id-00102
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coca-Cola Tirtalina Bottling Co. unit BaliFactory sign:
id-00189 id-00189
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Depkes RI NO MC 9830760
Brewery: PT Tirtalina Bottling Co. SurabayaFactory sign:
id-00046 id-00046
Brand: Coca Cola Always
Brewery: Coca-Cola Pan Java Bottling Co.Factory sign:
id-00013 id-00013
Brand: Coca Cola Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00138 id-00138
Brand: Coca Cola Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00155 id-00155
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pt. Bangun Wenang Beverages Co.Factory sign:
id-00157 id-00157
Brand: Coca Cola Halal Bpom RI MD 150018007001
Brewery: Pt. Bangun Wenang Beverages Co.Factory sign:
id-00188 id-00188
Brand: Coca Cola Halal MD 150010033349
Brewery: PT Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00134 id-00134
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 1000 Promosi
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Indosenia BottlingFactory sign:
id-00135 id-00135
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 1000 Promosi
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Indosenia BottlingFactory sign:
id-00133 id-00133
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 1000 Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Indosenia BottlingFactory sign:
id-00026 id-00026
Brand: Coca Cola Rp. 1400 Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil Indosenia BottlingFactory sign:
id-00073 id-00073
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 1500 Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00210 id-00210
Brand: Coca Cola #HappyBreak
Brewery: PT Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00014 id-00014
Brand: Promosi Coca Cola Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
Other: Text on the background
id-00039 id-00039
Brand: Promosi Coca Cola Halal
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to id-0014
id-00164 id-00164
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 3000
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
id-00163 id-00163
Brand: Coca Cola Rp 3000 Promo
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling IndonesiaFactory sign:
Other: Text Konten axisers.net 7336 on the background
ie-00030 ie-00030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Bottling Company (Dublin) Ltd.Factory sign:
ie-00041 ie-00041
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers (Ulster) Ltd.Factory sign:
ie-00067 ie-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers (Ulster) Ltd.Factory sign:
ie-00037 ie-00037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (Dublin) Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00006 il-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00210 il-00210
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00016 il-00016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00021 il-00021
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00050 il-00050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00025 il-00025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Central Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00273 il-00273
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00044 il-00044
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text 10 AN on the background
il-00209 il-00209
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00022 il-00022
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00049 il-00049
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00023 il-00023
Brand: Diet Coca Cola Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00051 il-00051
Brand: Diet Coca Cola Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00017 il-00017
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00181 il-00181
Brand: Diet Coke
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00182 il-00182
Brand: Diet Coke
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00106 il-00106
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00107 il-00107
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00119 il-00119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00237 il-00237
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00149 il-00149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00108 il-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00120 il-00120
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00147 il-00147
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00121 il-00121
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00122 il-00122
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00148 il-00148
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00169 il-00169
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00258 il-00258
Brand: Sprite 2010 The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00177 il-00177
Brand: Sprite 2010 The Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00207 il-00207
Brand: Sprite
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00145 il-00145
Brand: Sprite Diet
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00176 il-00176
Brand: Sprite Diet
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00205 il-00205
Brand: Sprite Diet
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00204 il-00204
Brand: Sprite Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00256 il-00256
Brand: Sprite
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00257 il-00257
Brand: Sprite
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00261 il-00261
Brand: Fanta 2019 the Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Coca Cola Israel Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00066 il-00066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00067 il-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00161 il-00161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00064 il-00064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text 10 AN on the background
il-00063 il-00063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Central Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text + 2297 on the background
il-00068 il-00068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Central Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00069 il-00069
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Central Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00072 il-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Central Bottling Company Ltd.Factory sign:
il-00062 il-00062
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00061 il-00061
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00141 il-00141
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00065 il-00065
Brand: Diet Coca Cola Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00076 il-00076
Brand: Diet Coca Cola Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00084 il-00084
Brand: Diet Coca Cola Lemon
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00102 il-00102
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00103 il-00103
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00152 il-00152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00100 il-00100
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00112 il-00112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00101 il-00101
Brand: Coca Cola Diet
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00110 il-00110
Brand: Coca Cola Diet
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00111 il-00111
Brand: Coca Cola Diet
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00113 il-00113
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00322 il-00322
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
il-00114 il-00114
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
in-00442 in-00442
Brand: Coca Cola 3164
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00131 in-00131
Brand: Coca Cola 6433
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Bottling Southwest Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00132 in-00132
Brand: Coca Cola 6675
Brewery: Enrich Agro Food Prod. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00446 in-00446
Brand: Coca Cola 6675
Brewery: Enrich Agro Food Products Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00395 in-00395
Brand: Coca Cola 6682
Brewery: Superior Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00133 in-00133
Brand: Coca Cola 6682-R
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Bottling Southwest P. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00134 in-00134
Brand: Coca Cola 6682-R
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Bottling Southwest P. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00135 in-00135
Brand: Coca Cola 6682
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Bottling Southwest Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00136 in-00136
Brand: Coca Cola 9134
Brewery: Brindavan Agro Ind. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00137 in-00137
Brand: Coca Cola 9134
Brewery: Brindavan Agro Industries Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00138 in-00138
Brand: Coca Cola 9134
Brewery: Brindavan Agro Ind. Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Exchange this crown for your prize from your friendly retailer Pik-a-Hrithik Photocard on the background
in-00162 in-00162
Brand: Coca Cola 9134
Brewery: Brindavan Agro Ind. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00290 in-00290
Brand: Coca Cola 9250/1
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00182 in-00182
Brand: Coca Cola 11186
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00006 in-00006
Brand: Coca Cola 11186
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00224 in-00224
Brand: Coca Cola 11188
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00015 in-00015
Brand: Coca Cola 11361
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00396 in-00396
Brand: Coca Cola 11361
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00139 in-00139
Brand: Coca Cola 11407
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages P. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00140 in-00140
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Chennai Bottling Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Exchange this metal cap for a Coffy Bite on the background
in-00141 in-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Bottling Southwest Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00291 in-00291
Brand: Coca Cola 2922
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00292 in-00292
Brand: Coca Cola 2922
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00293 in-00293
Brand: Coca Cola 3050
Brewery: Ludhiana Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00538 in-00538
Brand: Coca Cola 6682-R
Brewery: Hindustan Aqua Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00294 in-00294
Brand: Coca Cola 9250/1
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00382 in-00382
Brand: Coca Cola 9250/1
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00474 in-00474
Brand: Coca Cola 9250/1
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00367 in-00367
Brand: Coca Cola 10636
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00539 in-00539
Brand: Coca Cola 11189
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00295 in-00295
Brand: Coca Cola 11834
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00296 in-00296
Brand: Coca Cola 11834
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00462 in-00462
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., GoaFactory sign:
in-00540 in-00540
Brand: Coca Cola fssat
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00541 in-00541
Brand: Coca Cola fssat
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00552 in-00552
Brand: Coca Cola fssat
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00553 in-00553
Brand: Coca Cola fssat
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00554 in-00554
Brand: Coca Cola fssat
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
in-00618 in-00618
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., HapurFactory sign:
in-00619 in-00619
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., GujaratFactory sign:
in-00620 in-00620
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., VaranasiFactory sign:
in-00621 in-00621
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wave Beverages Pvt. Ltd., PunjabFactory sign:
in-00297 in-00297
Brand: Coca Cola 2922
Brewery: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Try again Conditons apply on the background
in-00298 in-00298
Brand: Coca Cola 11834
Brewery: Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text SMS Coke etc on the background
ir-00074 ir-00074
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
is-00015 is-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Vifilfell H.F.Factory sign:
is-00013 is-00013
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Vifilfell H.F.Factory sign:
it-00134 it-00134
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-00135 it-00135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02976 it-02976
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia SpAFactory sign:
it-00136 it-00136
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03175 it-03175
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia SpAFactory sign:
it-00292 it-00292
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-00147 it-00147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sosib l.e C. s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-00148 it-00148
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sibem S.p.AFactory sign:
it-03812 it-03812
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-03813 it-03813
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-05684 it-05684
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno IVA B1
Brewery: Sibeb S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-00320 it-00320
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
it-00384 it-00384
Brand: Coca Cola 20cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03150 it-03150
Brand: Coca Cola 25cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-01299 it-01299
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-03174 it-03174
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.R.L.Factory sign:
it-03810 it-03810
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.R.L.Factory sign:
it-03353 it-03353
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.R.L.Factory sign:
it-02491 it-02491
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sibeg s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-05409 it-05409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sibeg S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-02638 it-02638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03173 it-03173
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03149 it-03149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02521 it-02521
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-02637 it-02637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-03811 it-03811
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
it-01436 it-01436
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltyd. UxbridgeFactory sign:
it-04334 it-04334
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-02640 it-02640
Brand: Coca Cola Hai Vinto
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02670 it-02670
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.R.L.Factory sign:
it-04024 it-04024
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.R.L.Factory sign:
it-02132 it-02132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Imbottigliata Dalla Clerca S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02439 it-02439
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-04357 it-04357
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno I.V.A. B2
Brewery: Sibeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-00250 it-00250
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sribeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05989 it-05989
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno I.V.A. B1 - 19 cl.
Brewery: FAGIB S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02300 it-02300
Brand: Coca Cola 19 cl.
Brewery: Sribeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03289 it-03289
Brand: Coca Cola 19 cl.
Brewery: Sibeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03290 it-03290
Brand: Coca Cola 19 cl.
Brewery: Svibeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05638 it-05638
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno I.V.A.B1 19 cl.
Brewery: Siber S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05639 it-05639
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno I.V.A. B3 75 cl.
Brewery: Sadib - S.c.L.Factory sign:
it-03291 it-03291
Brand: Coca Cola 76 cl.
Brewery: Sadib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05319 it-05319
Brand: Coca Cola Cl. 19
Brewery: Famib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05322 it-05322
Brand: Coca Cola Cl. 19
Brewery: Sbibeg S.p.a.Factory sign:
it-05323 it-05323
Brand: Coca Cola Contrassegno I.V.A. B 1Cl. 19
Brewery: Svibeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-00212 it-00212
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Dalla Clerca S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05659 it-05659
Brand: Coca Cola Marchio Registrato Contrassegno I.V.A. B1
Brewery: Fagib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-04332 it-04332
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l. MilanoFactory sign:
it-02459 it-02459
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-04020 it-04020
Brand: Coca Cola Light 20cl
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bevande Italia s.r.l. MilanoFactory sign:
it-02639 it-02639
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Socib S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-05395 it-05395
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Sibeg s.r.l.Factory sign:
it-04526 it-04526
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-04333 it-04333
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-04382 it-04382
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l.Factory sign:
it-02734 it-02734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
it-01749 it-01749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Clerca S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-02548 it-02548
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sribeg S.p.A.Factory sign:
it-03688 it-03688
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Clerca S.p.A.Factory sign:
jm-00014 jm-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasserie de la Couronne S.A.Factory sign:
jo-00004 jo-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jo-00009 jo-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jo-00016 jo-00016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00028 jp-00028
Brand: Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00031 jp-00031
Brand: Coca Cola JAS
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00754 jp-00754
Brand: Coca Cola JAS 2-15-6
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00765 jp-00765
Brand: Coca Cola JAS 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00630 jp-00630
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00673 jp-00673
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00674 jp-00674
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00667 jp-00667
Brand: Coca Cola S Jas
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00610 jp-00610
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 6-2-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00666 jp-00666
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 6-2-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00665 jp-00665
Brand: Coca cola Zero 6-2-31 ETA
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00046 jp-00046
Brand: Coca Cola 1-7-1
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00565 jp-00565
Brand: Coca Cola 6-2-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00735 jp-00735
Brand: Coca Cola JAS 1378
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00032 jp-00032
Brand: Fanta Grape
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00137 jp-00137
Brand: Fanta Grape
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00033 jp-00033
Brand: Fanta Orange
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00034 jp-00034
Brand: Sprite
Brewery: Coca Cola in Cyukyo Corp.Factory sign:
jp-00223 jp-00223
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Japan Suzuki Fronte 7S Custom
jp-00224 jp-00224
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Japan Honda Accord Ex-5
jp-00225 jp-00225
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Japan Nissan Fairlady Z
jp-00227 jp-00227
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Japan Toyota 2000GT
jp-00228 jp-00228
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Japan Isuzu 117 Coupe XC-J
jp-00229 jp-00229
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia De Tomaso Pantera GTS
jp-00230 jp-00230
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Dino 308 GT4
jp-00233 jp-00233
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Ferrari 308 GTB
jp-00498 jp-00498
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Ferrari 308 GTB
jp-00234 jp-00234
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Ferrari 275 GTB4
jp-00236 jp-00236
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Maserati Ghibli SS
jp-00237 jp-00237
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Maserati Merak
jp-00239 jp-00239
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Fiat 124 Abarth Rally
jp-00241 jp-00241
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Alfa Romeo 33 Navajo Bertone
jp-00243 jp-00243
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Lamborghini Iota
jp-00244 jp-00244
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Italia Lamborghini Miura
jp-00248 jp-00248
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Lotus Elite
jp-00249 jp-00249
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Lotus Espri
jp-00251 jp-00251
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Ford GT40
jp-00252 jp-00252
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. AC ME 3000
jp-00253 jp-00253
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. MGB GT
jp-00254 jp-00254
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Aston Martin V8
jp-00255 jp-00255
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Bentley Corniche Convertible
jp-00256 jp-00256
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Bristol 412
jp-00258 jp-00258
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: U.K. Vauxhall Cavalier
jp-00260 jp-00260
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Plymouth Barracuda Road Runner
jp-00261 jp-00261
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Buick Skyhawk
jp-00262 jp-00262
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Oldsmobile Starfire SX
jp-00265 jp-00265
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Chevrolet Corvette
jp-00266 jp-00266
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Chevrolet Vega GT
jp-00267 jp-00267
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Pontiac Astre SJ
jp-00268 jp-00268
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
jp-00503 jp-00503
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
jp-00478 jp-00478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: USA Pontiac Firebird Formula
jp-00270 jp-00270
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: France Peugeot 504 Coupe
jp-00481 jp-00481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: West German Porsche Carrera
jp-00281 jp-00281
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: West German BMW 3.0 CSL
jp-00282 jp-00282
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: West German Porche 914 2.0S
jp-00285 jp-00285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: West German Opel Kadett Aero
jp-00286 jp-00286
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Switzerland Monteverdi Berlinetta
jp-00287 jp-00287
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Canada Bricklin SV-1
jp-00288 jp-00288
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sweden Saab 96L
jp-00505 jp-00505
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sweden Saab 96L
jp-00482 jp-00482
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 131
jp-00483 jp-00483
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00484 jp-00484
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00485 jp-00485
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Porsche 911
jp-00508 jp-00508
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00511 jp-00511
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
jp-00451 jp-00451
Brand: Coca Cola 33
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00455 jp-00455
Brand: Coca Cola 33
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00456 jp-00456
Brand: Coca Cola 33
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00460 jp-00460
Brand: Coca Cola 33
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00450 jp-00450
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00454 jp-00454
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00457 jp-00457
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00458 jp-00458
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00459 jp-00459
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00462 jp-00462
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00463 jp-00463
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00453 jp-00453
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00452 jp-00452
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00461 jp-00461
Brand: Coca Cola 7-9-31
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00512 jp-00512
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00513 jp-00513
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00514 jp-00514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Star Wars
jp-00532 jp-00532
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: far
jp-00533 jp-00533
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: lead
jp-00534 jp-00534
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: palace
jp-00535 jp-00535
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: stare
jp-00536 jp-00536
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: up
jp-00537 jp-00537
Brand: Coca Cola 180
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: young
jp-00539 jp-00539
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: dance
jp-00540 jp-00540
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: master
jp-00541 jp-00541
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: nineteen
jp-00542 jp-00542
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: nuisance
jp-00543 jp-00543
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: own
jp-00544 jp-00544
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: place
jp-00545 jp-00545
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: recover
jp-00546 jp-00546
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: respect
jp-00547 jp-00547
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: sit
jp-00548 jp-00548
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: skill
jp-00549 jp-00549
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: stamp
jp-00550 jp-00550
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: strong
jp-00551 jp-00551
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: sudden
jp-00552 jp-00552
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: think
jp-00553 jp-00553
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: time
jp-00554 jp-00554
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: warm
jp-00555 jp-00555
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: when
jp-00556 jp-00556
Brand: Coca Cola 310
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: work
ke-00017 ke-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Mount Kenya Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
ke-00122 ke-00122
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Rift Valley Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
ke-00093 ke-00093
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
ke-00020 ke-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Mount Kenya Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00047 ke-00047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00025 ke-00025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
ke-00035 ke-00035
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers Ltd. MombasaFactory sign:
ke-00070 ke-00070
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rift Valley Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00072 ke-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00147 ke-00147
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink KbS
Brewery: Rift Valley Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00148 ke-00148
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink
Brewery: Rift Valley Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00105 ke-00105
Brand: Coca Cola Original Taste SM# 463
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00124 ke-00124
Brand: Coca Cola Original Taste SM# 12968
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers LTD. MombasaFactory sign:
ke-00144 ke-00144
Brand: Coca Cola Original taste SM# 463
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00037 ke-00037
Brand: Coca Cola 17 /=
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers Ltd. MombasaFactory sign:
ke-00036 ke-00036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers Ltd. MombasaFactory sign:
ke-00048 ke-00048
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00165 ke-00165
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coastal Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00091 ke-00091
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Coca-Cola Chota chapaa na Coca-Cola Jaribu Tena on the background
ke-00058 ke-00058
Brand: Coca Cola Kshs 20
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00106 ke-00106
Brand: Coca Cola Original Taste
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00104 ke-00104
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00103 ke-00103
Brand: Coca Cola Original Taste
Brewery: Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
ke-00129 ke-00129
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated soft drink
Brewery: Kisii Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
kg-00003 kg-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kg-00006 kg-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kh-00002 kh-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
kh-00003 kh-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to kh-0002
kh-00004 kh-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
kh-00007 kh-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
kh-00010 kh-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text on the background
kh-00019 kh-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Cambodia Beverage Company Ltd.Factory sign:
kr-00007 kr-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
kr-00111 kr-00111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola CompanyFactory sign:
kr-00101 kr-00101
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kr-00161 kr-00161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kr-00099 kr-00099
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kr-00100 kr-00100
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kr-00126 kr-00126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kz-00006 kz-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kz-00007 kz-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kz-00133 kz-00133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kz-00103 kz-00103
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kz-00162 kz-00162
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: JV Coca-Cola Almaty Bottlers LLPFactory sign:
kz-00119 kz-00119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lb-00016 lb-00016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lk-00107 lk-00107
Brand: Coca Cola Rt. Pr. Rs. 3.45
Brewery: Pure Beverages Company Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00004 lk-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pure Beverages Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00051 lk-00051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd TekkawatteFactory sign:
lk-00061 lk-00061
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Pure Beverages Co Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00104 lk-00104
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00050 lk-00050
Brand: Coca Cola 20
Brewery: Coca Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd Tekkawatte BiyagamaFactory sign:
lk-00073 lk-00073
Brand: Coca Cola Rs. 25/-
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd., TekkawatteFactory sign:
lk-00123 lk-00123
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00099 lk-00099
Brand: Coca Cola Medium Sugal Level
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd.Factory sign:
lk-00133 lk-00133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: Text Stand a Change to WIN Rs. 100,00 Send to P.O. Box 06 Biyagama on the background
lr-00003 lr-00003
Brand: Coca Cola LD$25
Brewery: Liberia Coca-Cola Bottling Company (LCCBC)Factory sign:
lt-00036 lt-00036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lt-00329 lt-00329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lt-00374 lt-00374
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lu-00070 lu-00070
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Soutirages Luxembourgeois SA HowaldFactory sign:
lu-00042 lu-00042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
lu-00041 lu-00041
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
lu-00040 lu-00040
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
ly-00004 ly-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00001 ma-00001
Brand: Coca Cola DH 2,50
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00091 ma-00091
Brand: Coca Cola DH 2,80
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Picture and number 2000 in the background
ma-00030 ma-00030
Brand: Coca Cola (2002 Fifa World Cup Korea Japan)
Brewery: C.B.G.S. MarrakechFactory sign:
ma-00015 ma-00015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00130 ma-00130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe des Boissons-Gazeuses du Souss S.a. AgadirFactory sign:
ma-00122 ma-00122
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00101 ma-00101
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Atlas Bottling Company TangierFactory sign:
ma-00117 ma-00117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: C.B.G.S. MarrakechFactory sign:
ma-00141 ma-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: La Societe des Boissons-Gazeuses du SoussFactory sign:
ma-00025 ma-00025
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: C.B.G.S. MarrakechFactory sign:
ma-00026 ma-00026
Brand: Coca Cola 2.80
Brewery: S.B.M. CasablancaFactory sign:
ma-00027 ma-00027
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: C.B.G.S. MarrakechFactory sign:
ma-00077 ma-00077
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00028 ma-00028
Brand: Coca Cola 2,00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00029 ma-00029
Brand: Coca Cola 3,00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00071 ma-00071
Brand: Coca Cola DH 2,50
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00115 ma-00115
Brand: Coca Cola DH 3,00
Brewery: C.B.G.N.Factory sign:
ma-00153 ma-00153
Brand: Coca Cola DH 3,50 AUT.S/ONSSA no BG. 19.7.13
Brewery: La Societe des Boissons-Gazeuses du SoussFactory sign:
ma-00061 ma-00061
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.B.G.S.Factory sign:
Other: Picture of a Motorbike front tire on the background
ma-00045 ma-00045
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Background similar to ma-0050
ma-00046 ma-00046
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0045
ma-00047 ma-00047
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0045
ma-00048 ma-00048
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0045
ma-00064 ma-00064
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00049 ma-00049
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Background similar to ma-0046
ma-00050 ma-00050
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0049
ma-00051 ma-00051
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0049
ma-00052 ma-00052
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0049
ma-00053 ma-00053
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Background similar to ma-0046
ma-00054 ma-00054
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0053
ma-00055 ma-00055
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0053
ma-00056 ma-00056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0053
ma-00066 ma-00066
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00067 ma-00067
Brand: Coca Cola 2.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00068 ma-00068
Brand: Coca Cola 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00085 ma-00085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00086 ma-00086
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0085
ma-00087 ma-00087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0085
ma-00088 ma-00088
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ma-0085
ma-00089 ma-00089
Brand: Coca Cola DH 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coca Cola on the background
ma-00100 ma-00100
Brand: Coca Cola DH 3.00
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00113 ma-00113
Brand: Coca Cola 2010
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00114 ma-00114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00107 ma-00107
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00108 ma-00108
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
ma-00058 ma-00058
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Symbol on the background
md-00020 md-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.R.L. Coca-Cola Imbuteliere ChisinauFactory sign:
md-00111 md-00111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: S.R.L. Coca-Cola Imbuteliere ChisinauFactory sign:
mg-00002 mg-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries Star Madagascar S.A.Factory sign:
mg-00009 mg-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries Star Madagascar S.A.Factory sign:
mg-00017 mg-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries Star Madagascar S.A.Factory sign:
mk-00009 mk-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Skopje BreweryFactory sign:
Other: City; Skopje
mk-00022 mk-00022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
mn-00010 mn-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
mr-00001 mr-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
mr-00009 mr-00009
Brand: Coca Cola Soboma
Brewery: Factory sign:
mr-00005 mr-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
mr-00006 mr-00006
Brand: Coca Cola Soboma-Nouakchott
Brewery: Factory sign:
mr-00010 mr-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SOBOMA, NouackchottFactory sign:
mr-00011 mr-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: SOBOMA, NouackchottFactory sign:
mt-00021 mt-00021
Brand: Coca Cola 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00095 mt-00095
Brand: Coca Cola 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00022 mt-00022
Brand: Coca Cola 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00162 mt-00162
Brand: Coca Cola 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00168 mt-00168
Brand: Coca Cola 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00169 mt-00169
Brand: Coca Cola 192ml
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00165 mt-00165
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00023 mt-00023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mt-00004 mt-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
mt-00134 mt-00134
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 30cl
Brewery: General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
mu-00005 mu-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Phoenix Camp. Minerals Ltd., Phoenix, Ile MauriceFactory sign:
mu-00006 mu-00006
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Phoenix Camp. Minerals Ltd., Phoenix, Ile MauriceFactory sign:
mu-00045 mu-00045
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Soft Drink with Vegetable Extracts
Brewery: Phoenix Camp Minerals LimitedFactory sign:
mu-00007 mu-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Phoenix Camp. Minerals Ltd., Phoenix, Ile MauriceFactory sign:
mu-00027 mu-00027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Phoenix Beverages LimitedFactory sign:
mu-00008 mu-00008
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Phoenix Camp. Minerals Ltd., Phoenix, Ile MauriceFactory sign:
mu-00028 mu-00028
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Phoenix Beverages LimitedFactory sign:
mu-00040 mu-00040
Brand: Coca Cola Boisson Rafraichissante
Brewery: Phoenix Camp Minerals Ltd.Factory sign:
mw-00022 mw-00022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Southern Bottlers, Makata Road, Blantyre, MalawiFactory sign:
mw-00025 mw-00025
Brand: Coca Cola MS 18
Brewery: Southern Bottlers Ltd., Makata Road, BlantyreFactory sign:
mw-00026 mw-00026
Brand: Coca Cola MS 18
Brewery: Southern Bottlers Ltd., Makata Road, BlantyreFactory sign:
mw-00021 mw-00021
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Southern Bottlers, Makata Road, Blantyre, MalawiFactory sign:
mw-00023 mw-00023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Southern Bottlers, Makata Road, Blantyre, MalawiFactory sign:
mw-00024 mw-00024
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink 100 Years of the Coca-Cola Bottle
Brewery: Southern Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
mx-00088 mx-00088
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rica S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00089 mx-00089
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Rica S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00273 mx-00273
Brand: Coca Cola El Buzon de los Deseos
Brewery: Emb. del Sureste S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00325 mx-00325
Brand: Coca Cola El Buzon de los Deseos
Brewery: Embotelladora Los Altos, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00324 mx-00324
Brand: Coca Cola El Buzon de los Deseos
Brewery: Embotelladora del Caribe, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00283 mx-00283
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora del Caribe, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00090 mx-00090
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: De Toluca S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00371 mx-00371
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Envasadas del Pacifico S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00510 mx-00510
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00617 mx-00617
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00712 mx-00712
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00711 mx-00711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00769 mx-00769
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Compania Embotelladora del Fuerte S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02043 mx-02043
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Compania Embotelladora del Fuerte S. de R.L.Factory sign:
mx-00093 mx-00093
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Monclova S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00311 mx-00311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00405 mx-00405
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00501 mx-00501
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02019 mx-02019
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00266 mx-00266
Brand: Coca Cola $2.50
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00312 mx-00312
Brand: Coca Cola $3.00
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00750 mx-00750
Brand: Coca Cola $ 3.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00267 mx-00267
Brand: Coca Cola $3.50
Brewery: Refrescos Victoria del Centro, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00313 mx-00313
Brand: Coca Cola $3.50
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00268 mx-00268
Brand: Coca Cola $4.00
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00618 mx-00618
Brand: Coca Cola $4.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Las Margaritas, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00478 mx-00478
Brand: Coca Cola $5.00
Brewery: Las Margaritas, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00482 mx-00482
Brand: Coca Cola Refresco $5.00
Brewery: Las Margaritas, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00751 mx-00751
Brand: Coca Cola $ 5.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00158 mx-00158
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas MundialesFactory sign:
mx-00314 mx-00314
Brand: Coca Cola tu mejor lugar
Brewery: Embotelladora La Bufa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00315 mx-00315
Brand: Coca Cola Colecciona tu Recetario $2.50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00316 mx-00316
Brand: Coca Cola Colecciona tu Recetario $3.50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02001 mx-02001
Brand: KB Zones Coca Cola $3.00
Brewery: Embotelladora Tamaulipeca, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00317 mx-00317
Brand: Coca Cola Gol Gana
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text China 987 on the background
mx-00318 mx-00318
Brand: Coca Cola Gol Gana $2.50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Alemania 109 on the background
mx-00320 mx-00320
Brand: Coca Cola Gol Para
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00319 mx-00319
Brand: Coca Cola Gol Para $3.00
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00321 mx-00321
Brand: Coca Cola 1 detalle
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00322 mx-00322
Brand: Coca Cola 1 detalle Arma tu Cascarita
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00323 mx-00323
Brand: Coca Cola $4.00 el Tesoro de la Navidad
Brewery: Embotelladoras Arca, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00347 mx-00347
Brand: Coca Cola SOS
Brewery: Refrescos Victoria del Centro, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00346 mx-00346
Brand: Coca Cola Light SOS
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00364 mx-00364
Brand: Coca Cola Konec-t
Brewery: Embotelladora Lagunera S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00481 mx-00481
Brand: Coca Cola Konec-t
Brewery: Embotelladora Los Altos S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00365 mx-00365
Brand: Coca Cola El Pueblo de las Buenas acciones $4.50
Brewery: Embotelladora la Favorita S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00366 mx-00366
Brand: Coca Cola El Pueblo de las Buenas acciones $4.50
Brewery: Embotelladora Lagunera S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00367 mx-00367
Brand: Dale mas sabor a tus somidas con Coca Cola & Tupperware
Brewery: Embotelladora Lagunera S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00427 mx-00427
Brand: Participa en Con sabor familiar Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Arca, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Gracias por Participar on the background
mx-00428 mx-00428
Brand: Arbolitos Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora San Luis, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00479 mx-00479
Brand: Cachivaches Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00429 mx-00429
Brand: Cachivaches Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00480 mx-00480
Brand: Vasos Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Zapopan, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00485 mx-00485
Brand: Coca Cola Participa en la promocion Todo el mundo a la mesa
Brewery: Embotelladora San Luis S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00726 mx-00726
Brand: Coca Cola Participa en la promocion Todo el mundo a la mesa
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00498 mx-00498
Brand: Coca Cola Unidos hacemos la magia realidad
Brewery: Coordinacion Industrial Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00499 mx-00499
Brand: Coca Cola Unidos hacemos la magia realidad
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00500 mx-00500
Brand: Coca Cola Unidos hacemos la magia realidad
Brewery: Embotelladora San Luis S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00518 mx-00518
Brand: Coca Cola Unidos hacemos la magia realidad
Brewery: Embotelladora Zapopan, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00877 mx-00877
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00878 mx-00878
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00879 mx-00879
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00502 mx-00502
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00623 mx-00623
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00682 mx-00682
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00503 mx-00503
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00504 mx-00504
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00505 mx-00505
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00506 mx-00506
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00507 mx-00507
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00622 mx-00622
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00508 mx-00508
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00509 mx-00509
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00621 mx-00621
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00619 mx-00619
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00620 mx-00620
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00685 mx-00685
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00686 mx-00686
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00687 mx-00687
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00688 mx-00688
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00689 mx-00689
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00690 mx-00690
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Bepensa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00691 mx-00691
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00692 mx-00692
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00693 mx-00693
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00694 mx-00694
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00695 mx-00695
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00696 mx-00696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00845 mx-00845
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01874 mx-01874
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01875 mx-01875
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01876 mx-01876
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01877 mx-01877
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01878 mx-01878
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01879 mx-01879
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01880 mx-01880
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01881 mx-01881
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01882 mx-01882
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01883 mx-01883
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01884 mx-01884
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01885 mx-01885
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01886 mx-01886
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01887 mx-01887
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01888 mx-01888
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01889 mx-01889
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01890 mx-01890
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01891 mx-01891
Brand: Coca Cola 100 Anos de la Botella Coca-Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01892 mx-01892
Brand: Coca Cola 100 Anos de la Botella Coca-Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01893 mx-01893
Brand: Coca Cola 100 Anos de la Botella Coca-Cola
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02022 mx-02022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00091 mx-00091
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00220 mx-00220
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Emb. del SuresteFactory sign:
mx-00363 mx-00363
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora San Luis S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00333 mx-00333
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora La Bufa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00265 mx-00265
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00092 mx-00092
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Monclova S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00329 mx-00329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Panamco Azteca, Embotelladores MexicanosFactory sign:
Other: Text Inglaterra 2 inc2hc + flag on the background
mx-00330 mx-00330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebiads Mundiales, S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Jamaica 2 imf2if + flag on the background
mx-00024 mx-00024
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: De Reynosa S.A.Factory sign:
mx-00094 mx-00094
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Cuernavaca S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00219 mx-00219
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00208 mx-00208
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladores Mexicanos of Coca ColaFactory sign:
mx-00025 mx-00025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nayar S.A.Factory sign:
mx-00470 mx-00470
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Coke Australia on the background
mx-00578 mx-00578
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Coke Australia
mx-00579 mx-00579
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: China
mx-00514 mx-00514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Refresquera Peninsular, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00155 mx-00155
Brand: Coca Cola $2.00
Brewery: Bebidas MundialesFactory sign:
mx-00262 mx-00262
Brand: Coca Cola $2.50
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00263 mx-00263
Brand: Coca Cola $3.50
Brewery: Refrescos Victoria del Centro, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00264 mx-00264
Brand: Coca Cola $4.00
Brewery: Embotelladora la Victoria S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00469 mx-00469
Brand: Coca Cola $2.50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A.Factory sign:
mx-00335 mx-00335
Brand: Coca Cola Light $2.50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A.Factory sign:
mx-00406 mx-00406
Brand: Coca Cola Light $3.00
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00156 mx-00156
Brand: Coca Cola Light $1.20
Brewery: Bebidas MundialesFactory sign:
mx-02018 mx-02018
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02114 mx-02114
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Light
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00471 mx-00471
Brand: Coca Cola $ 320
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Picture of a cartoon Chip on the background
mx-00332 mx-00332
Brand: Coca Cola $400
Brewery: Refrescos del Bajio, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Yo-Yo super Brincandola la Cerca + picture on the background
mx-00153 mx-00153
Brand: Coca Cola $500
Brewery: Jugos NaturalesFactory sign:
mx-00154 mx-00154
Brand: Coca Cola $500
Brewery: DelmistFactory sign:
mx-00472 mx-00472
Brand: Coca Cola $ 500
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Juega por $200.000 on the background
mx-00221 mx-00221
Brand: Coca Cola $550
Brewery: Embotelladora sin RivalFactory sign:
mx-00473 mx-00473
Brand: Coca Cola $600 Barcelona '92
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Juega por $50'000.000 Melbourne, 1956 on the background
mx-00574 mx-00574
Brand: Coca Cola $500
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: El Libro De La Selva
mx-00575 mx-00575
Brand: Coca Cola $500
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: La Sirenita
mx-00576 mx-00576
Brand: Coca Cola $1000
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: La Cenicienta
mx-00577 mx-00577
Brand: Coca Cola $1000
Brewery: Industria Embotelladora de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Robin Hood
mx-01894 mx-01894
Brand: Coca Cola $ 2.00
Brewery: Embotelladora de Cuautla S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text 5 Como Esta + 1$ = Sobre on the background
mx-00474 mx-00474
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Tlalnepantla S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Corea on the background
mx-00331 mx-00331
Brand: Coca Cola Promocion Navidad 98
Brewery: Panamco Azteca, Embotelladores MexicanosFactory sign:
mx-00029 mx-00029
Brand: Coca Cola Construye tu Villa
Brewery: Yoli De Acapulco S.A.Factory sign:
mx-00157 mx-00157
Brand: Coca Cola HieLoCos Alien
Brewery: Embotelladora La BufaFactory sign:
mx-00674 mx-00674
Brand: Coca Cola HieLoCos Alien
Brewery: Ind. Refresquera Peninsular, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: 5 como esta + $2,50=Sobre Coca Cola on the background
mx-00327 mx-00327
Brand: Coca Cola MiniAutos
Brewery: Embotelladora La Bufa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00328 mx-00328
Brand: Coca Cola I Leva el mejor Sabor
Brewery: Embotelladora la Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00334 mx-00334
Brand: Coca Cola Vasolimpicos
Brewery: Embotelladora la Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00151 mx-00151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora La BufaFactory sign:
mx-00152 mx-00152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora La BufaFactory sign:
mx-00608 mx-00608
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00752 mx-00752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02023 mx-02023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00095 mx-00095
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: De Toluca S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00096 mx-00096
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Lagunera S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01741 mx-01741
Brand: Coca Cola Life
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00388 mx-00388
Brand: Las tapas felices Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Envasadas del Pacifico, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text $0.50 Descuento on the background
mx-00410 mx-00410
Brand: Coca Cola $4.00 Tapipesos vale $0.50
Brewery: Embotelladoras Arca S.A.B. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00368 mx-00368
Brand: Coca Cola Paripesos vale $1.00
Brewery: Grupo Embotellador Cimsa, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00487 mx-00487
Brand: Tapipesos vale $0.50 Coca Cola
Brewery: Coordinacion Industrial Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00336 mx-00336
Brand: Coca Cola $3.00
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Text Sigue Participando on the background
mx-00411 mx-00411
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Sigue participando on the background
mx-01461 mx-01461
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02034 mx-02034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01738 mx-01738
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01729 mx-01729
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00412 mx-00412
Brand: Coca Cola Promo Tapas amarillas
Brewery: Embotelladoras Arca S.A.B. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Text Lado 1 Gra Liquido on the background
mx-00413 mx-00413
Brand: Coca Cola Promo Tapas amarillas
Brewery: Embotelladoras Arca S.A.B. de C.V.Factory sign:
Other: Lado 2 pensa 00.00, top similar to mx-0412
mx-01462 mx-01462
Brand: Coca Cola $6.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01895 mx-01895
Brand: Coca Cola $6.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Las Margaritas, S.A.P.I. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01896 mx-01896
Brand: Coca Cola $7.00 precio sugerido
Brewery: Las Margaritas, S.A.P.I. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01731 mx-01731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01732 mx-01732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01734 mx-01734
Brand: Coca Cola Haz feliz a alguien.
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01733 mx-01733
Brand: Coca Cola Haz feliz a alguien.
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01736 mx-01736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01735 mx-01735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01463 mx-01463
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01740 mx-01740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01737 mx-01737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01730 mx-01730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01739 mx-01739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Propimex, S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01975 mx-01975
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02017 mx-02017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02115 mx-02115
Brand: Coca Cola Sin Azucar
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00407 mx-00407
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Embotelladoras Arca S.A.B. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00486 mx-00486
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00713 mx-00713
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Propimex , S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01728 mx-01728
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Embotelladoras Bepensa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02020 mx-02020
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01759 mx-01759
Brand: el depa Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Bebidas Arca, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-01974 mx-01974
Brand: Coca Cola $5 precio sugerido
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-02021 mx-02021
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S. de R.L. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00475 mx-00475
Brand: Coca Cola Las tapas de los Juegos Olimpicos
Brewery: Refrescos Victoria del Centro, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00477 mx-00477
Brand: Coca Cola Las tapas de los Juegos Olimpicos $5.00
Brewery: Embotelladora La Favorita, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00589 mx-00589
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00467 mx-00467
Brand: Coca Cola GR
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00468 mx-00468
Brand: Coca Cola A
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00515 mx-00515
Brand: Coca Cola A
Brewery: Propimex, S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00293 mx-00293
Brand: Fanta
Brewery: Coca Cola Femsa S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
mx-00210 mx-00210
Brand: Coca Cola $3,50
Brewery: Bebidas Mundiales S.A.Factory sign:
mx-02061 mx-02061
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora de Colima S.A. de C.V.Factory sign:
my-00001 my-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
my-00005 my-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
my-00011 my-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
my-00024 my-00024
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Fraser & Neave Sdn. Bhd.Factory sign:
my-00069 my-00069
Brand: Coca Cola Minuman Berperisa Berkarbonat
Brewery: Fraser & Neave (M) SDN. BHDFactory sign:
mv-00001 mv-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: MAWCFactory sign:
mz-00003 mz-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Sabco S.a.r.l.Factory sign:
mz-00005 mz-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Sabco (Mozambique) S.A.R.L.Factory sign:
mz-00001 mz-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Sosun s.a.r.l.Factory sign:
na-00018 na-00018
Brand: Coca Cola N$ 2.30
Brewery: Namibia BeveragesFactory sign:
ng-00004 ng-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe Des Brasseries Et Boissons Gazeuses Du NigerFactory sign:
ng-00037 ng-00037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nigerian Bottling Company PLCFactory sign:
ng-00055 ng-00055
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nigerian Bottling Company PLCFactory sign:
ng-00010 ng-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nigerian Bottling Company PLCFactory sign:
ni-00031 ni-00031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
ni-00042 ni-00042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Industria Nacional de Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
nl-00205 nl-00205
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Fresh - Co Bottling B.V. EDEFactory sign:
nl-01548 nl-01548
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Nederlandse Coca-Cola Bottelmaatschappij B.V.Factory sign:
nl-00906 nl-00906
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00907 nl-00907
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00599 nl-00599
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca ColaFactory sign:
nl-01372 nl-01372
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01378 nl-01378
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01901 nl-01901
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00976 nl-00976
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Nederland B.V. RotterdamFactory sign:
nl-02438 nl-02438
Brand: Coca Cola since 1886
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Nederland B.V.Factory sign:
nl-01042 nl-01042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01527 nl-01527
Brand: Coca Cola Soest
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00600 nl-00600
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca ColaFactory sign:
nl-01371 nl-01371
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01902 nl-01902
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01852 nl-01852
Brand: Light Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00904 nl-00904
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00905 nl-00905
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-02358 nl-02358
Brand: Coca Cola Light no calories
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Nederland B.V.Factory sign:
nl-00823 nl-00823
Brand: Coca Cola Special 'Contour Bottle'
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01335 nl-01335
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-01524 nl-01524
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00511 nl-00511
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00513 nl-00513
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
nl-00514 nl-00514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-01093 no-01093
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
no-01301 no-01301
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: A/S L. Macks Olbryggeri og MineralvandfabrikFactory sign:
no-01665 no-01665
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
no-00357 no-00357
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Aass Bryggeri DrammenFactory sign:
Other: 254 En gang til!
no-01087 no-01087
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 548 Jeg er vill ... Vil du?
no-00359 no-00359
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S. OlsoFactory sign:
Other: 2 Forkjola?
no-01107 no-01107
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S. OsloFactory sign:
Other: Bad aldri alene 1
no-01091 no-01091
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S. OsloFactory sign:
Other: Be meg ut 1
no-01108 no-01108
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S. OsloFactory sign:
Other: Held avstand! 1
no-01109 no-01109
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S. OsloFactory sign:
Other: Opp med periskopet 3
no-01110 no-01110
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Narvik Mineralvannfabrik A/S NarvikFactory sign:
Other: Ryggsekk på maden? 3
no-00427 no-00427
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 7 Dette er et overfall
no-00431 no-00431
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 7 Redd for spokelser?
no-01128 no-01128
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Trangt om plassen 1
no-01129 no-01129
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Kul deg ned! 2
no-01130 no-01130
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Tigeren er los! 2
no-01131 no-01131
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Tillater De, froken? 4
no-01132 no-01132
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er på diett 6
no-01133 no-01133
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Dette er et overfall 7
no-01647 no-01647
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Ringnes A/SFactory sign:
Other: Husk nodvendig utstyr 7
no-01149 no-01149
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri Tr. heimFactory sign:
Other: Er farvannet klart? 2
no-01150 no-01150
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri Tr. heimFactory sign:
Other: Hopp i havet! 3
no-01241 no-01241
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Hansa Bergen - AndalsnesFactory sign:
Other: Ja, vi gorker 1
no-00047 no-00047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: HansaFactory sign:
Other: Text Frank N . Stein? 1243 on the background
no-01084 no-01084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S L. Mack's Olbryggeri TromsoFactory sign:
Other: Spent nå?
no-01151 no-01151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S L. Mack's Olbryggeri TromsoFactory sign:
Other: 0640 Du er mitt leksikon
no-01658 no-01658
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S L. Mack's Olbryggeri TromsoFactory sign:
Other: 1306 You can't win them all...
no-01152 no-01152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Hansa Bergen - AndalsnesFactory sign:
Other: Gi meg ditt svar 5280
no-01153 no-01153
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nora Mineralvann A/SFactory sign:
Other: Se gorken sa storken 8960
no-00059 no-00059
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00358 no-00358
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00256 no-00256
Brand: Coca Cola 2004 Jubileum
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00340 no-00340
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Dykking forbudt! on the background
no-01646 no-01646
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
no-00341 no-00341
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Besøk bestemor! on the background
no-00342 no-00342
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to no-0341, text Gaffel i øyet... on the background
no-00343 no-00343
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to no-0341, text Spre ryktet! on the background
no-00549 no-00549
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: G.I.D (glad i deg)
no-00550 no-00550
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hva står på menyen?
no-00551 no-00551
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inkassovarsel
no-00552 no-00552
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Takk som byr...
no-00553 no-00553
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ånden i flasken...
no-00554 no-00554
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Alltid beredt!
no-00555 no-00555
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bare en time til!
no-00556 no-00556
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Besøk bestemor!
no-00557 no-00557
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bytt frisør!
no-00626 no-00626
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: C og bli Z
no-00627 no-00627
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er en god venn
no-00558 no-00558
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er omringet!
no-00628 no-00628
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er skjønn i kveld
no-00629 no-00629
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dykking forbudt!
no-00559 no-00559
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En dans i boblerus?
no-00630 no-00630
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Er du online?
no-00560 no-00560
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Flørting pågår
no-00561 no-00561
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Førstemann til bunns!
no-00562 no-00562
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gaffel i øyet...
no-00563 no-00563
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gjesp søker munn
no-00631 no-00631
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Glemt passordet?
no-00564 no-00564
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gork i parken
no-00565 no-00565
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hils alle kjente!
no-00566 no-00566
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Indianarane kjem!
no-00632 no-00632
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg bor alene...
no-00567 no-00567
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er på rømmen
no-00633 no-00633
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Keg er sjefen!
no-00568 no-00568
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg tar et hint
no-00569 no-00569
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kakemonster
no-00634 no-00634
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kalde føtter
no-00570 no-00570
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kan man ønske mer?
no-00571 no-00571
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kjøl deg ned!
no-00572 no-00572
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Lukk øynene og vent!
no-00635 no-00635
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Lukk øynene og vent!
no-00573 no-00573
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Mygg søker blodgiver
no-00574 no-00574
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Og du vil?
no-00575 no-00575
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Om hyssingen ryker...
no-00576 no-00576
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: oss.to@kino?
no-00577 no-00577
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ring brukerstøtte
no-00578 no-00578
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Rødmer jeg?
no-00579 no-00579
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sett meg tillbake
no-00580 no-00580
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sjarmer meg!
no-00636 no-00636
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil, du er på tv!
no-00581 no-00581
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil til meg, vennen!
no-00637 no-00637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Spre ryktet!
no-00582 no-00582
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Stopp snømannen!
no-00583 no-00583
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tøff i pysjamas
no-00638 no-00638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Vis meg tigerblikket!
no-00584 no-00584
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Å nei! Det igjen...
no-00360 no-00360
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00407 no-00407
Brand: Coca Cola Light 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00056 no-00056
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00057 no-00057
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00467 no-00467
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00362 no-00362
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
no-00505 no-00505
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Arendals Bryggeri og Mineralvandfabrik A/SFactory sign:
Other: 299 Frittstående?
no-00509 no-00509
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Arendals Bryggeri og Mineralvandfabrik A/SFactory sign:
Other: 323 Pent brukt!
no-00889 no-00889
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 1 Stopp en halv
no-00487 no-00487
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 2 En skrue løs - mutter?
no-00890 no-00890
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 4 Tørk vekk gliset!
no-00891 no-00891
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 5 Fritidsklovn?
no-00892 no-00892
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 8 Helrått!
no-00893 no-00893
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 10 Har du fått inn høyet?
no-00894 no-00894
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 14 Takk - det går!
no-00895 no-00895
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 17 Si froskemann til meg.
no-00896 no-00896
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 18 Gå hjem og jogg.
no-00897 no-00897
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 20 Helt strøken.
no-00898 no-00898
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 21 Slå ut håret.
no-00899 no-00899
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 22 Dårlig lite.
no-00900 no-00900
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 26 Fri i kveld..?
no-00901 no-00901
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 27 Åpen for forslag?
no-00902 no-00902
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 29 All stans forbudt!
no-00903 no-00903
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 31 Hold pusten - jeg tenker!
no-00904 no-00904
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 33 Lite tøff!
no-00905 no-00905
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 34 Vekk me'n!
no-00906 no-00906
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 35 Goddag - lille venn.
no-00907 no-00907
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 36 Trenger du frisk luft!
no-00908 no-00908
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 39 Tro det eller ei.
no-00909 no-00909
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 40 Full pinne.
no-00910 no-00910
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 42 Alltid plass til en til.
no-00911 no-00911
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 45 Er du med...
no-00912 no-00912
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 46 Bak min rygg.
no-00913 no-00913
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 48 Ta meg på kornet.
no-00914 no-00914
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 51 Jeg nekter!
no-00915 no-00915
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 55 Full spiker.
no-00916 no-00916
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 58 Din frekkis...
no-00917 no-00917
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 60 Rett på sak, I love you.
no-00918 no-00918
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 61 Sjøldigger.
no-00919 no-00919
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 62 Hovor var du igår?
no-00920 no-00920
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 63 Hvor skal du?
no-00921 no-00921
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 64 Norsktoppen de luxe!
no-00922 no-00922
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 67 Bort i veggen.
no-00923 no-00923
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 69 Er du bleik, oljesjeik?
no-00924 no-00924
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 70 På gjensyn.
no-00925 no-00925
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 71 En ting av gangen!
no-00926 no-00926
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 72 Sikkert ikke.
no-00927 no-00927
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 73 For sent!
no-00928 no-00928
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 74 Gi meg en god grunn.
no-00929 no-00929
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 75 Slitne greier.
no-00930 no-00930
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 77 Hvor og når?
no-00931 no-00931
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 78 Er du blakk, din gamp?
no-00932 no-00932
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 79 Den er for tjukk.
no-00933 no-00933
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 80 Den dama!
no-00934 no-00934
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 81 Hold på meg!
no-00935 no-00935
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 82 Jo før jo heller.
no-00936 no-00936
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 83 Kjem du ikveld...?
no-00937 no-00937
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 84 Jeg ser deg nok.
no-00938 no-00938
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 85 Hvis du tør.
no-00939 no-00939
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 89 Slå av for kjente!
no-00940 no-00940
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 90 Ikke prøv deg!
no-00941 no-00941
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 92 Jeg melder meg ut!
no-00942 no-00942
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 93 Betal ved påstingning.
no-00943 no-00943
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 95 Døren er låst!
no-00944 no-00944
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 96 Smil litt!
no-00945 no-00945
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 98 Hunden er løs.
no-00946 no-00946
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 100 Bare hyggelig!
no-00947 no-00947
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 104 Hei sveis!
no-00948 no-00948
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 108 Får jeg et kyss?
no-00949 no-00949
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 109 Vil du ha en klem?
no-00950 no-00950
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 110 Ikke størst, men best!
no-00951 no-00951
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 113 Stol på meg!
no-00952 no-00952
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 114 Når enden er god sitter du bedre.
no-00953 no-00953
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 115 Alle snakker on været!
no-00954 no-00954
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 116 Grip sjansen nå!
no-00955 no-00955
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 117 Du danser som en løve.
no-00956 no-00956
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 118 Ikke klem så hardt!
no-00957 no-00957
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 120 Nå eller aldri!
no-00958 no-00958
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 121 Til lykke med dagen!
no-00959 no-00959
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 123 Vil du vite mer?
no-00960 no-00960
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 124 Jeg er fortapt!
no-00961 no-00961
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 125 Feil størrelse?
no-00962 no-00962
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 126 Er du sløv?
no-00963 no-00963
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 128 Mist ikke motet.
no-00964 no-00964
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 130 Lyst på noe godt?
no-00965 no-00965
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 131 Hold meg utenfor.
no-00966 no-00966
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 133 Nei godtas ikke.
no-00967 no-00967
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 135 Ingen røk uten ild.
no-00968 no-00968
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 136 Får jeg følge deg hjem?
no-00969 no-00969
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 141 Jeg betaler!
no-00970 no-00970
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 143 I mørket er alle katter grå.
no-00971 no-00971
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 144 Tråkket jeg på deg?
no-00972 no-00972
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 145 Du danser som en vond drøm.
no-00973 no-00973
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 146 Ikke skryt!
no-00974 no-00974
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 150 Kjærlighet frabes!
no-00975 no-00975
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 152 Imorgen?
no-00976 no-00976
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 154 Ja takk!
no-00977 no-00977
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 155 Trøtt i trynet?
no-00978 no-00978
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 156 Gir du katten?
no-00979 no-00979
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 157 Takk - jeg biter selv.
no-00980 no-00980
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 160 Easy rider..
no-00981 no-00981
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 161 Huff!
no-00982 no-00982
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 162 Jeg er heltent!
no-00983 no-00983
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 163 Jeg sier ikke nei!
no-00984 no-00984
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 164 Finn på no' nytt!
no-00985 no-00985
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 165 Det låter surt!
no-00986 no-00986
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 166 Jeg kan ikke vente.
no-00987 no-00987
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 167 Shake hands, kompis?
no-00988 no-00988
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 168 Jeg biter ikke på!
no-00989 no-00989
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 171 Kvelden er reddet!
no-00990 no-00990
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 172 Er du interessert?
no-00991 no-00991
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 175 Skal vi??
no-00992 no-00992
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 179 Alle går hjem!
no-00993 no-00993
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 180 Toppen!
no-00994 no-00994
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 188 Er det ikke det ene, så...
no-00995 no-00995
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 192 Tjaaa..
no-00996 no-00996
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 193 Svøm videre!
no-00997 no-00997
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 196 Jeg kommer etter!
no-00998 no-00998
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 199 Skal... Skal ikke...
no-00999 no-00999
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 201 Oss imellom...
no-01000 no-01000
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 204 Jeg bare spør?
no-01001 no-01001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 205 Tar jeg feil?
no-00490 no-00490
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 207 Skynd deg langsomt!
no-01002 no-01002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 209 En-null til deg!
no-01003 no-01003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 214 Kommer du nærmere?
no-01004 no-01004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 216 Du gjør fremskritt!
no-01005 no-01005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 222 Ringer du ikveld?
no-01006 no-01006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 229 Klapp igjen fella!
no-01007 no-01007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 231 Gi det du har!
no-01008 no-01008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 233 Spis mere grøt, småen!
no-00493 no-00493
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 234 Bedre after eight enn aldri!
no-01009 no-01009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 235 Var det alt?
no-00494 no-00494
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 237 Dett var dett!
no-01010 no-01010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 239 Litt mer enn vanlig...!
no-00495 no-00495
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 241 Skal vi se på månen?
no-00496 no-00496
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 244 Kvitt eller dobbelt...?
no-00497 no-00497
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 245 Kil meg sakte...!
no-01011 no-01011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 246 Baksmell, skatten min?
no-01012 no-01012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 249 Dra meg i øret!
no-01013 no-01013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 250 Gjør det barbent!
no-01014 no-01014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 253 Skal vi vedde?
no-01015 no-01015
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 257 Har du hybel?
no-00500 no-00500
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 258 Egen inngang?
no-01016 no-01016
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 261 Sett sjøbein.
no-01017 no-01017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 262 Strekk kjølen, kompis!
no-01018 no-01018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 265 Heng deg på...
no-01019 no-01019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 267 Er du Jumbo? Jet!
no-01020 no-01020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 270 Ring oftere..
no-01021 no-01021
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 275 Det er alt for sjelden!
no-00502 no-00502
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 275 Havregamp!
no-01022 no-01022
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 281 Sleaføre...
no-01023 no-01023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 283 Gjett en gang til...
no-01024 no-01024
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 284 Alt nå?
no-01025 no-01025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 288 Det er bare meg...
no-01026 no-01026
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 289 Månelyst?
no-01027 no-01027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 292 På to hjul...?
no-01028 no-01028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 293 Han gjør det bra!
no-01029 no-01029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 295 Du, din lakris...!
no-01030 no-01030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 296 Jeg kan ikke vente!
no-01031 no-01031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 302 Er du bakglatt?
no-01032 no-01032
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 304 Bli med på kino?
no-01033 no-01033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 305 Rene buljongparet!
no-01034 no-01034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 306 Bruk fantasi!
no-01035 no-01035
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 307 Noe for meg...?
no-01036 no-01036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 308 Når som helst!
no-01037 no-01037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 310 Slå meg ut!
no-01038 no-01038
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 312 Det ligger i luften...
no-01039 no-01039
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 313 Stikk den!
no-01040 no-01040
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 317 Den spiker'n!
no-00507 no-00507
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 319 Trykk her!
no-00508 no-00508
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 323 Pent brukt!
no-00510 no-00510
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 324 Den som ler sist...
no-01041 no-01041
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 326 Hva nå - lille venn?
no-01424 no-01424
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 327 Søtt of godt...
no-00511 no-00511
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 329 Jeg vil hjem!
no-01042 no-01042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 330 Jeg lover ingen ting...
no-01043 no-01043
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 331 Har jeg forlovet meg????
no-01044 no-01044
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg Mineralvann A/S OsloFactory sign:
Other: 339 Din skyld!
no-00488 no-00488
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 178 Hvordan vet du det?
no-00489 no-00489
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 195 Salut!
no-00491 no-00491
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 228 Kutt ut!
no-00492 no-00492
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 230 Hei tante!
no-00498 no-00498
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 247 Klinger det...?
no-00499 no-00499
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 248 Raska på!
no-00501 no-00501
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 269 Tror du på storken?
no-00503 no-00503
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 286 Jeg gjør det ikke!
no-00504 no-00504
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 287 Jeg kan ikke for det...
no-00506 no-00506
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 303 Stiv i nedslagsfeltet?
no-00512 no-00512
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 341 Flåklypa Grand Prix.
no-00513 no-00513
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 343 Bra pedaler!
no-00514 no-00514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 339 Se forover ved avstigningen.
no-00515 no-00515
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 344 Svai stilk!
no-00516 no-00516
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 352 Svart kveld?
no-00517 no-00517
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 359 Hei, blei..!
no-00518 no-00518
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 368 Skrubb!
no-00519 no-00519
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 391 Legid på torvet?
no-00520 no-00520
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 393 Helt på tuppa!
no-00521 no-00521
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 394 Gå sakte!
no-00522 no-00522
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 399 Skal vi forandre oss?
no-00523 no-00523
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 400 Landkjenning, folkens!
no-00524 no-00524
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 401 Spør vekk!
no-00525 no-00525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 403 Ankertorvets rose?
no-00526 no-00526
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 407 Freske fraspark.
no-00527 no-00527
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 413 Brems ned!
no-00528 no-00528
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 415 Bak mål!
no-00529 no-00529
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 416 Let nature be your teacher!
no-00530 no-00530
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 420 Gå sakte!
no-00531 no-00531
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 421 Love story?
no-00532 no-00532
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 422 Full stopp.
no-00533 no-00533
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 425 Butter'u?
no-00534 no-00534
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 426 Helt pyton!
no-00535 no-00535
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 431 Gla'i mei?
no-00536 no-00536
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 437 Liker noen meg?
no-00537 no-00537
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 456 Liker du Pickles?
no-00538 no-00538
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 458 Stikk'a!
no-00539 no-00539
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 461 Ikke flip.
no-00540 no-00540
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 463 Ikke no, krymping.
no-00541 no-00541
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 465 Freak.
no-00542 no-00542
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 468 Siste stikk?
no-00543 no-00543
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 471 På me'skia!
no-00544 no-00544
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 478 Skal vi leke?
no-00545 no-00545
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 479 Smil litt, da!
no-00546 no-00546
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 480 Kyllingbein?
no-00547 no-00547
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 484 Det flasker seg!
no-00548 no-00548
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Jarlsberg - Gruppen, Oslo, Tønsberg, ArendalFactory sign:
Other: 492 På kanten!
no-00740 no-00740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 1 Stopp en halv
no-00741 no-00741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 4 Tørk vekk gliset!
no-00742 no-00742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 22 Dårlig lite.
no-00743 no-00743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 24 Bor du i telt?
no-00744 no-00744
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 25 Jeg er jeger - er du vill?
no-00745 no-00745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 27 Åpen for forslag?
no-00746 no-00746
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 33 Lite tøff!
no-00747 no-00747
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 36 Trenger du frisk luft!
no-00748 no-00748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 45 Er du med...
no-00749 no-00749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 67 Bort i veggen.
no-00750 no-00750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 74 Gi meg en god grunn.
no-00751 no-00751
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 78 Er du blakk, din gamp?
no-00752 no-00752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 82 Jo før jo heller.
no-00753 no-00753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 92 Jeg melder meg ut!
no-00754 no-00754
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 109 Vil du ha en klem?
no-00755 no-00755
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 111 Slå på tråden!
no-00756 no-00756
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 113 Stol på meg!
no-00757 no-00757
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 115 Alle snakker om været!
no-00758 no-00758
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 123 Vil du vite mer?
no-00759 no-00759
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 127 Luringen!
no-00760 no-00760
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 140 Sover du?
no-00761 no-00761
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 143 I mørket er alle katter grå.
no-00762 no-00762
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 156 Gir du katten?
no-01304 no-01304
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 170 Når kommer du?
no-01305 no-01305
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 171 Kvelden er reddet!
no-01306 no-01306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 172 Er du interessert?
no-01307 no-01307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 173 Hei, elskiing!
no-01308 no-01308
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 174 Jeg får lov... får du?
no-01309 no-01309
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 175 Skal vi?
no-01310 no-01310
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 176 Kanskje...
no-01311 no-01311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 177 Ikke nå igjen...
no-01322 no-01322
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 178 Hvordan vet du det?
no-01312 no-01312
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 181 Opptatt, dessverre!
no-01313 no-01313
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 182 Stikk!
no-01314 no-01314
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 183 Hvor som helst...
no-01315 no-01315
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 186 Fly lavt!
no-01316 no-01316
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 187 Våkne opp!
no-01317 no-01317
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 189 Korka!
no-01318 no-01318
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 190 Hatten av!
no-01319 no-01319
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 191 Kan du ikke?
no-01320 no-01320
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 192 Tjaaa..
no-01321 no-01321
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 194 Nei takk, damenes!
no-01333 no-01333
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 195 Salut!
no-01323 no-01323
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 196 Jeg kommer etter!
no-01324 no-01324
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 197 Er jeg heldig ikveld?
no-01325 no-01325
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 198 Ledig?
no-01326 no-01326
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 199 Skal... skal ikke...
no-01327 no-01327
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 200 Vil du holde meg I hånden?
no-01328 no-01328
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 201 Oss imellom...
no-01329 no-01329
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 203 18 - 18 1/2 - 19...
no-01330 no-01330
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 204 Jeg bare spør?
no-01331 no-01331
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 205 Tar jeg feil?
no-01332 no-01332
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 206 Send meg hjem!
no-01334 no-01334
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 208 Ikke vær dum ...
no-01335 no-01335
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 209 En-null til deg!
no-01336 no-01336
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 210 Ikke vær så sint'a!
no-01337 no-01337
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 213 Sailors ... oboy!
no-01338 no-01338
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 214 Kommer du nærmere?
no-01339 no-01339
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 215 Vær litt frampå...
no-01340 no-01340
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 216 Du gjør fremskritt!
no-01341 no-01341
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 217 Lyrikk & Panikk!
no-01342 no-01342
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 218 Den klarte du bra!
no-01343 no-01343
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 219 Bingo!
no-01344 no-01344
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 222 Ringer du ikveld?
no-01345 no-01345
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 223 BIi me'a...
no-01346 no-01346
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 224 Len deg ikke ut!
no-01347 no-01347
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 225 Jeg er med på alt!
no-01348 no-01348
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 226 Once more - with feeling?
no-01349 no-01349
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 228 Kutt ut!
no-01350 no-01350
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 231 Gi det du har!
no-01351 no-01351
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 233 Spis mere grøt, småen!
no-01352 no-01352
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 235 Var det alt?
no-01353 no-01353
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 236 Kom igjen!
no-01354 no-01354
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 237 Dett var dett!
no-01355 no-01355
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 238 Den som synder sover ikke...
no-01356 no-01356
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 239 Litt mer enn vanlig...!
no-01357 no-01357
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 240 Hjerteknuser'n!
no-01358 no-01358
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 242 Blanke messingen??
no-01359 no-01359
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 243 Blind høne finner også hane
no-01360 no-01360
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 244 Kvitt eller dobbelt...?
no-01361 no-01361
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 245 Kil meg sakte...!
no-01362 no-01362
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 246 Baksmell, skatten min?
no-01363 no-01363
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 248 Raska på!
no-01364 no-01364
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 250 Gjør det barbent!
no-01365 no-01365
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 251 Gjennomtrekk mellom øra?
no-01366 no-01366
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 252 Mynt eller krone?
no-01367 no-01367
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 253 Skal vi vedde?
no-01368 no-01368
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 254 En gang til!
no-01369 no-01369
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 255 Lås meg inn...
no-01370 no-01370
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 256 Dyrk meg...
no-01371 no-01371
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 258 Egen inngang?
no-01372 no-01372
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 260 Knirker det?
no-01373 no-01373
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 262 Strekk kjølen, kompis!
no-01374 no-01374
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 264 Ta meg på slep...
no-01375 no-01375
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 265 Heng deg på...
no-01376 no-01376
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 266 Take Off!
no-01377 no-01377
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 267 Er du Jumbo? Jet!
no-01378 no-01378
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 268 På streken...?
no-01379 no-01379
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 269 Tror du på storken?
no-01380 no-01380
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 270 Ring oftere...
no-01381 no-01381
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 271 Jeg er påtråkka!
no-01382 no-01382
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 272 Gjerne for meg!
no-01383 no-01383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 273 Elsk din neste... meg!
no-01384 no-01384
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 275 Havregamp!
no-01385 no-01385
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 275 Det er alt for sjelden!
no-01386 no-01386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 276 Er det lovlig?
no-01387 no-01387
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 277 Ta en sjanse!
no-01388 no-01388
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 278 ...den kulemaven!
no-01389 no-01389
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 279 Her står vi...!
no-01390 no-01390
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 280 Kjendis eller Hal-dis?
no-01391 no-01391
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 281 Sleaføre...
no-01392 no-01392
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 283 Gjett en gang til...
no-01393 no-01393
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 284 Alt nå?
no-01394 no-01394
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 285 Gjør hva du vil!
no-01395 no-01395
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 286 Jeg gjør det ikke!
no-01396 no-01396
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 287 Jeg kan ikke for det...
no-01397 no-01397
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 288 Det er bare meg...
no-01398 no-01398
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 289 Månelyst?
no-01399 no-01399
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 290 Prøv en annen!
no-01400 no-01400
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 291 Til saken!
no-01401 no-01401
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 294 Han er kjapp!
no-01402 no-01402
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 296 Jeg kan ikke vente!
no-01403 no-01403
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 297 Frister lykken, frøken?
no-01404 no-01404
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 299 Frittstående?
no-01405 no-01405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 300 Sleiv i nedslaget?
no-01406 no-01406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 301 Smurt deg bort?
no-01407 no-01407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 305 Rene buljongparet!
no-01408 no-01408
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 306 Bruk fantasi!
no-01409 no-01409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 307 Noe for meg...?
no-01410 no-01410
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 309 Kan du tenke deg...?
no-01411 no-01411
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 310 Sla meg ut!
no-01412 no-01412
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 311 Jeg må vel...?
no-01413 no-01413
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 314 Blomster og bier, honey.
no-01414 no-01414
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 315 Er du min...?
no-01415 no-01415
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 316 Jeg er rnot alt!
no-01416 no-01416
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 317 Den spiker'n!
no-01417 no-01417
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 320 Midt i ryggen!
no-01418 no-01418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 321 Jeg streiker!
no-01419 no-01419
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 322 Jeg gleder meg!
no-01420 no-01420
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 323 Pent brukt!
no-01421 no-01421
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 324 Den som ler sist...
no-01422 no-01422
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 325 Et slående argument...
no-01423 no-01423
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 326 Hva nå - lille venn?
no-01425 no-01425
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 328 Ny vri????
no-01426 no-01426
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 329 Jeg vil hjem!
no-01427 no-01427
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 331 Har jeg forlovet meg???
no-01428 no-01428
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 332 Never on Sunday?
no-01429 no-01429
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 333 Ikke si det til noen...
no-01430 no-01430
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 334 Rund og mild...?
no-01431 no-01431
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 335 Du gikk over streken!
no-01432 no-01432
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 336 Litt av et napp!
no-01433 no-01433
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 337 Still deg i køen!
no-01434 no-01434
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 338 Siste stikk!
no-01435 no-01435
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 339 Din skyld!
no-00775 no-00775
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 342 Myk landing ikveld?
no-00776 no-00776
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 350 Tut me'n!
no-00777 no-00777
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 351 Typete?
no-00778 no-00778
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 353 Black out?
no-00779 no-00779
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 357 Pass er meldt!
no-00780 no-00780
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 360 Rypejakt?
no-00781 no-00781
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 366 Mot i brystet - pytt i panne.
no-00782 no-00782
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 386 Land i sikte!
no-00783 no-00783
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 388 Hold meg i hånden!
no-00784 no-00784
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 397 Flink bisk.
no-00785 no-00785
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 406 Pappas gutt?
no-00786 no-00786
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 412 Er'u gira?
no-00787 no-00787
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 417 Rød eller blå!
no-00788 no-00788
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 418 Sprø front?
no-00789 no-00789
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 438 Skru på charmen!
no-00790 no-00790
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 443 Ikke pek!
no-00791 no-00791
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 445 Smørbukk i party'et.
no-00792 no-00792
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 446 Midt i smørøyet?
no-00793 no-00793
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 447 Gled deg, Anton!
no-00794 no-00794
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 448 Gutten i røyken?
no-00795 no-00795
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 452 Merka' du noe?
no-00796 no-00796
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 454 Sprett i sofaen?
no-00797 no-00797
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 457 Barn ikke adgang.
no-00798 no-00798
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 473 12 rette?
no-00799 no-00799
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 474 Vi spleiser!
no-00800 no-00800
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 476 Heia Baltus!
no-00801 no-00801
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 485 Lampefeber?
no-00802 no-00802
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 496 Makabert!
no-00803 no-00803
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 499 Gorker ikke!!
no-00804 no-00804
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 509 Send meg hjem!
no-00805 no-00805
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 511 Siste stikk!
no-00806 no-00806
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 512 Dårlige tider - bruk begge sider!
no-00807 no-00807
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 514 Bingo!
no-00808 no-00808
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 516 Ikke tøys!
no-00809 no-00809
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 519 Jeg gleder meg!
no-00810 no-00810
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 521 Jeg kommer etter!
no-00811 no-00811
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 522 Ringer du ikveld?
no-00812 no-00812
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 523 Jeg er med på alt!
no-00813 no-00813
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 524 Once more - with feeling?
no-00814 no-00814
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 525 Er du helt gork?
no-00815 no-00815
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 526 Gi det du har!
no-00816 no-00816
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 536 Gjerne for meg!
no-00817 no-00817
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 539 Ikke nå igjen...
no-00818 no-00818
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 542 Har du hybel?
no-00819 no-00819
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 544 Den klarte du bra!
no-00820 no-00820
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 547 Nei takk, damenes!
no-00821 no-00821
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 551 Kil meg sakte...!
no-00822 no-00822
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 553 Frittstående?
no-00823 no-00823
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 556 Enveiskjoring!
no-00824 no-00824
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 557 Du gjør fremskritt!
no-00825 no-00825
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 565 Takk det samme.
no-00826 no-00826
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 571 Ta peiling!
no-00827 no-00827
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 573 Til saken!
no-00828 no-00828
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 576 Tror du på storken?
no-00829 no-00829
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 580 Hal inn!
no-00830 no-00830
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 581 Var det alt?
no-00831 no-00831
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 582 Litt mer enn vanlig...!
no-00832 no-00832
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 583 Frister lykken, frøken?
no-00833 no-00833
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 584 Du, din lakris...!
no-00834 no-00834
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 585 Myk landing ikveld?
no-00835 no-00835
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 588 Hjerteknuser'n!
no-00836 no-00836
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 591 Den som synder sover ikke...
no-00837 no-00837
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 601 Merka' du noe?
no-00838 no-00838
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 611 Kjøret går!
no-00839 no-00839
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 620 Og takk for det.
no-00840 no-00840
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 625 Barn ikke adgang.
no-00841 no-00841
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 642 Huff!
no-00842 no-00842
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 652 I mørket er alle katter grå.
no-00843 no-00843
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 656 Din frekkis...
no-00844 no-00844
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 657 Jeg er så sjenert.
no-00845 no-00845
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 663 Den vei høna peker.
no-00846 no-00846
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 666 Mist ikke motet.
no-00847 no-00847
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 687 At du (g)orker!
no-00848 no-00848
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 688 Drunck moon (fullmåne)
no-00849 no-00849
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 703 Meldt savnet?
no-00850 no-00850
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 709 Du er observert
no-00851 no-00851
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 710 Villdyret våkner!
no-00852 no-00852
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 713 Lyst på deg
no-00853 no-00853
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 714 Duggfrisk og deilig?
no-00854 no-00854
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 742 Er du helt utgorka?
no-00855 no-00855
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 745 Teip igjen nebbet.
no-00856 no-00856
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 750 Våpenhvile?
no-00857 no-00857
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 767 P.S. vær rask!
no-00858 no-00858
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 773 Forsvinn ikke gå
no-00859 no-00859
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 781 Me Tarzan, you Jane?
no-00860 no-00860
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 784 Vi'kke leke med deg.
no-00861 no-00861
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 786 Voksenopplæring?
no-00862 no-00862
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 792 Dårlig gli?
no-00863 no-00863
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 818 Smil litt da!
no-00864 no-00864
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 865 Revet hjerte?
no-00865 no-00865
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 878 Demp deg!
no-00866 no-00866
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 881 Når nøden er størst blir man tørst
no-00867 no-00867
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 893 Err' u gyldig?
no-00868 no-00868
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 910 Jer er havren, hvilket nek er du?
no-00869 no-00869
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 939 Fare! Gorking pågår!
no-00870 no-00870
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 972 Ikke brek!
no-00871 no-00871
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 1002 Gled meg stort!
no-00872 no-00872
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Lillehammer Bryggeri, LillehammerFactory sign:
Other: 1009 Oliver trist?
no-00873 no-00873
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 1026 Jeg venter på deg!
no-01045 no-01045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 39 Tro det eller ei.
no-01046 no-01046
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 63 Hvor skal du?
no-01047 no-01047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 68 En spennende dag, Josefine?
no-01048 no-01048
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 81 Hold på meg!
no-01049 no-01049
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 107 Ingen kommentarer!
no-01050 no-01050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 117 Du danser som en løve.
no-01051 no-01051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 180 Toppen!
no-01052 no-01052
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 229 Klapp igjen fella!
no-01053 no-01053
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 407 Freske fraspark.
no-01054 no-01054
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 412 Er'u gira?
no-01055 no-01055
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 414 Klar for landing?
no-01056 no-01056
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 485 Lampefeber?
no-01057 no-01057
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 532 Møt meg på hjørnet...
no-01058 no-01058
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: E.C. Dahls Bryggeri A/S TrondheimFactory sign:
Other: 631 Alle tiders gorkis!
no-01478 no-01478
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: #thirst
no-01673 no-01673
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: <3 U
no-01479 no-01479
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: 4ever
no-01480 no-01480
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: A straw?
no-01481 no-01481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Are U single?
no-01674 no-01674
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: B real, B U!
no-01482 no-01482
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Bottom up!
no-01483 no-01483
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Btw, a Coke
no-01484 no-01484
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Cold kiss next!
no-01675 no-01675
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: CU L8R
no-01485 no-01485
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Do not disturb!
no-01486 no-01486
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Don't shake
no-01487 no-01487
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Drink - don't read!
no-01488 no-01488
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Finally!
no-01489 no-01489
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hello Sunshine! :)
no-01490 no-01490
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hi cutie!
no-01491 no-01491
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I know you want me
no-01492 no-01492
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I've missed u!
no-01493 no-01493
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Imagine!
no-01494 no-01494
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is it true?
no-01495 no-01495
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is that you?
no-01496 no-01496
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep me!
no-01497 no-01497
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep smilin'!
no-01498 no-01498
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Looking good!
no-01499 no-01499
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love love love love
no-01500 no-01500
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love or Friends?
no-01501 no-01501
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love, live, laugh
no-01502 no-01502
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love u 2
no-01503 no-01503
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Me & You!
no-01504 no-01504
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Of course U can!
no-01505 no-01505
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: One more?
no-01506 no-01506
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Open for suggestions
no-01507 no-01507
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Pure <3
no-01508 no-01508
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Ready-Set-Go!
no-01509 no-01509
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Selfie?
no-01510 no-01510
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Soon empty
no-01511 no-01511
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Still looking?
no-01512 no-01512
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Too cool for school
no-01513 no-01513
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U and Me 4ever
no-01514 no-01514
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U r amazing! :-)
no-01515 no-01515
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U're beautiful
no-01516 no-01516
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U+I=BFF
no-01517 no-01517
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Understanding
no-01518 no-01518
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wanna play?
no-01519 no-01519
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We meet again
no-01520 no-01520
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Well done! Now drink
no-01521 no-01521
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: What spelling errror?
no-01522 no-01522
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Who are you? :-)
no-01523 no-01523
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Why look here?
no-01524 no-01524
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wiggle wiggle wiggle
no-01525 no-01525
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Worth the wait
no-01526 no-01526
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Yep, it's true ;)
no-01527 no-01527
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: YOLO
no-00771 no-00771
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: #thirst
no-00772 no-00772
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: <3 U
no-00773 no-00773
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: 4ever
no-00774 no-00774
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: B real, B U!
no-01436 no-01436
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Bottom up!
no-01437 no-01437
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Btw, a Coke
no-01438 no-01438
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: CU L8R
no-01439 no-01439
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Don't shake
no-01440 no-01440
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Drink - don't read!
no-01441 no-01441
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Enjoy me
no-01442 no-01442
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hello Sunshine! :)
no-01443 no-01443
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hi cutie!
no-01444 no-01444
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I know you want me
no-01445 no-01445
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I've missed u!
no-01446 no-01446
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Imagine!
no-01447 no-01447
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is it true?
no-01448 no-01448
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is that you?
no-01449 no-01449
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep me!
no-01450 no-01450
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep smilin'!
no-01451 no-01451
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Kiss me!
no-01452 no-01452
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Looking good!
no-01453 no-01453
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love love love love
no-01454 no-01454
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love or Friends?
no-01455 no-01455
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love u 2
no-01456 no-01456
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Me & You!
no-01457 no-01457
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Of course U can!
no-01458 no-01458
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Open for suggestions
no-01459 no-01459
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Pure <3
no-01460 no-01460
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Soon empty
no-01461 no-01461
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Still looking?
no-01462 no-01462
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U again?
no-01463 no-01463
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U and Me 4ever
no-01464 no-01464
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U+I=BFF
no-01465 no-01465
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Understanding
no-01466 no-01466
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Upside down
no-01467 no-01467
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wanna play?
no-01468 no-01468
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We meet again
no-01469 no-01469
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We're cool!
no-01470 no-01470
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: What spelling errror?
no-01471 no-01471
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Whazzup?
no-01472 no-01472
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Who are you? :-)
no-01473 no-01473
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Why look here?
no-01474 no-01474
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wiggle wiggle wiggle
no-01475 no-01475
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Worth the wait
no-01476 no-01476
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Yep, it's true ;)
no-01477 no-01477
Brand: Original Taste Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: YOLO
no-00768 no-00768
Brand: Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Btw, a Coke
no-00769 no-00769
Brand: Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Do not disturb!
no-00770 no-00770
Brand: Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Of course U can!
no-01528 no-01528
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: #thirst
no-01529 no-01529
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: <3 U
no-01530 no-01530
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: 4ever
no-01531 no-01531
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: A straw?
no-01532 no-01532
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: B real, B U!
no-01533 no-01533
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Bottom up!
no-01534 no-01534
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Btw, a Coke
no-01535 no-01535
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Cold kiss next!
no-01536 no-01536
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: CU L8R
no-01537 no-01537
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Do not disturb!
no-01538 no-01538
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Drink - don't read!
no-01539 no-01539
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Enjoy me
no-01540 no-01540
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hello Sunshine! :)
no-01541 no-01541
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hi cutie!
no-01542 no-01542
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I know you want me
no-01543 no-01543
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I've missed u!
no-01544 no-01544
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Imagine!
no-01545 no-01545
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is it true?
no-01546 no-01546
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is that you?
no-01547 no-01547
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep smilin'!
no-01548 no-01548
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Kiss me!
no-01549 no-01549
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Looking good!
no-01550 no-01550
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love love love love
no-01551 no-01551
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love u 2
no-01552 no-01552
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love, live, laugh
no-01553 no-01553
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Of course U can!
no-01554 no-01554
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: One more?
no-01555 no-01555
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Open for suggestions
no-01556 no-01556
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Ready-Set-Go!
no-01557 no-01557
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Selfie?
no-01558 no-01558
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Soon empty
no-01559 no-01559
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Too cool for school
no-01560 no-01560
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U again?
no-01561 no-01561
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U're beautiful
no-01562 no-01562
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U+I=BFF
no-01563 no-01563
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Understanding
no-01564 no-01564
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We meet again
no-01565 no-01565
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We're cool!
no-01566 no-01566
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Well done! Now drink!
no-01567 no-01567
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: What spelling errror?
no-01568 no-01568
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Whazzup?
no-01569 no-01569
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Why look here?
no-01570 no-01570
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wiggle wiggle wiggle
no-01571 no-01571
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Worth the wait
no-01572 no-01572
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Yep, it's true ;)
no-01573 no-01573
Brand: Sockerfri Zero Sugar Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: YOLO
no-01574 no-01574
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: #thirst
no-01677 no-01677
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: <3 U
no-01575 no-01575
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: 4ever
no-01576 no-01576
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: A straw?
no-01577 no-01577
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Are U single?
no-01578 no-01578
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: B real, B U!
no-01579 no-01579
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Bottom up!
no-01580 no-01580
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Btw, a Coke
no-01581 no-01581
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Buurp!
no-01582 no-01582
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Cold kiss next!
no-01583 no-01583
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: CU L8R
no-01584 no-01584
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Do not disturb!
no-01585 no-01585
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Don't shake
no-01586 no-01586
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Drink - don't read!
no-01587 no-01587
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Enjoy me
no-01678 no-01678
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Finally!
no-01588 no-01588
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hello Sunshine! :)
no-01589 no-01589
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Hi cutie!
no-01590 no-01590
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I know you want me
no-01591 no-01591
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: I've missed u!
no-01592 no-01592
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Imagine!
no-01593 no-01593
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Is that you?
no-01594 no-01594
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep me!
no-01595 no-01595
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Keep smilin'!
no-01596 no-01596
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Kiss me!
no-01597 no-01597
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Looking good!
no-01598 no-01598
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love or Friends?
no-01599 no-01599
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love, live, laugh
no-01600 no-01600
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Love u 2
no-01601 no-01601
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Me & You!
no-01602 no-01602
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Of course U can!
no-01603 no-01603
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: One more?
no-01604 no-01604
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Open for suggestions
no-01605 no-01605
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Pure <3
no-01606 no-01606
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Ready-Set-Go!
no-01607 no-01607
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Selfie?
no-01608 no-01608
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Soon empty
no-01609 no-01609
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Too cool for school
no-01610 no-01610
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U and Me 4ever
no-01611 no-01611
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U r amazing! :-)
no-01612 no-01612
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U're beautiful
no-01613 no-01613
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: U+I=BFF
no-01679 no-01679
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Understanding
no-01614 no-01614
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wanna play?
no-01615 no-01615
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We meet again
no-01616 no-01616
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: We're cool!
no-01617 no-01617
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Well done! Now drink!
no-01618 no-01618
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: What spelling errror?
no-01619 no-01619
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Whazzup?
no-01620 no-01620
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Who are you? :-)
no-01621 no-01621
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Why look here?
no-01622 no-01622
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Wiggle wiggle wiggle
no-01623 no-01623
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: Worth the wait
no-01624 no-01624
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Sugar Sockerfri
Brewery: Coca-Cola Norge ASFactory sign:
Other: YOLO
no-00027 no-00027
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Alt ditt er mitt
no-00028 no-00028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Armkroken venter
no-00029 no-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bad aldri alene
no-00030 no-00030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bare du og jeg
no-00119 no-00119
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Be meg ut
no-00120 no-00120
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bruk rytmeboks
no-00121 no-00121
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Det bruser over
no-00122 no-00122
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Det demrer
no-00123 no-00123
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Det ligger i luften
no-00124 no-00124
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dette er et overfall
no-00125 no-00125
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dette går aldri bra
no-00126 no-00126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dra inn klørne!
no-00127 no-00127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er ikke red, vel?
no-00128 no-00128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er min helt
no-00129 no-00129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En herre med bart
no-00130 no-00130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En liten kinoflørt
no-00131 no-00131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En liten titt?
no-00132 no-00132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En peanøtt til deg
no-00133 no-00133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En pølse med brød
no-00134 no-00134
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Er farvannet klart?
no-00135 no-00135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Etter mørkets frembrudd
no-00136 no-00136
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Festskrekk?
no-00137 no-00137
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Forkjøla?
no-00138 no-00138
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Følg den høye, mørke
no-00139 no-00139
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Fjernvalg - takk
no-00140 no-00140
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Fyll Coca-Cola på tanken
no-00141 no-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gi meg alt på menyen
no-00142 no-00142
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hei små'n, ble du våt?
no-00143 no-00143
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Her en gutten sin!
no-00144 no-00144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Her trengs det skjerpinger
no-00145 no-00145
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hjemme alene
no-00146 no-00146
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hjerter i sambatakt
no-00147 no-00147
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hold avstand!
no-00148 no-00148
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hold ged hjemme!
no-00149 no-00149
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hopp i havet!
no-00150 no-00150
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hoven i dag?
no-00151 no-00151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Husk kontingenten!
no-00152 no-00152
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Husk nødvendig utstyr
no-00153 no-00153
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hvis jeg var deg, villle jeg like meg
no-00154 no-00154
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hvorfor akkurat meg?
no-00155 no-00155
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ingen fare
no-00156 no-00156
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ja, vi gorker
no-00157 no-00157
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg bestemmer!
no-00158 no-00158
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er på diett
no-00159 no-00159
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg ler når jeg tenker på deg
no-00160 no-00160
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg vil ha mat
no-00161 no-00161
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kan du plystre?
no-00162 no-00162
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kanskje i morgen
no-00163 no-00163
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kjære vakre... om du vil
no-00164 no-00164
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Klem i vei
no-00165 no-00165
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Knepp knappen!
no-00166 no-00166
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kontakt ønskes
no-00167 no-00167
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kul deg ned!
no-00168 no-00168
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Mast søker seilbåt
no-00169 no-00169
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Mista kammen?
no-00170 no-00170
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Morgenstund er tulligrunn
no-00171 no-00171
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Når enden er god...
no-00172 no-00172
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Når kommer trikken?
no-00173 no-00173
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Opp med periskopet
no-00174 no-00174
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Opptatt, still i kø
no-00175 no-00175
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Pass på tyngden
no-00176 no-00176
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Punktert, vennen min?
no-00177 no-00177
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: På dans med lodne tær
no-00178 no-00178
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Redd for spøkelser?
no-00179 no-00179
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Rom til leie
no-00180 no-00180
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Røyter du?
no-00181 no-00181
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ryggsekk på magen?
no-00182 no-00182
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Se bedre ut
no-00183 no-00183
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Snill pus
no-00184 no-00184
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Spis mer persille
no-00185 no-00185
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Stikk av, småen!
no-00186 no-00186
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ta plassen min - frue!
no-00187 no-00187
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tillater De, frøken?
no-00188 no-00188
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tom for bensin
no-00189 no-00189
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tom for bensin
no-00190 no-00190
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Trangt om plassen
no-00191 no-00191
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tråkk ikke på plenen
no-00192 no-00192
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ubåt på grunn
no-00193 no-00193
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Under fikenbladet
no-00194 no-00194
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Alltid beredt!
no-00195 no-00195
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bare en time til!
no-00196 no-00196
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Besøk bestemor!
no-00197 no-00197
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bytt frisør!
no-00198 no-00198
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: C og bli Z
no-00199 no-00199
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er en god venn
no-00200 no-00200
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er omringet!
no-00201 no-00201
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er skjønn i kveld
no-00202 no-00202
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dykking forbudt!
no-00203 no-00203
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En dans i boblerus?
no-00204 no-00204
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Er du online?
no-00205 no-00205
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Flørting pågår
no-00206 no-00206
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Førstemann til bunns!
no-00207 no-00207
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: G.I.D (glad i deg)
no-00208 no-00208
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gaffel i øyet...
no-00209 no-00209
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gjesp søker munn
no-00210 no-00210
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Glemt passordet?
no-00211 no-00211
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gork i parken
no-00212 no-00212
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hils alle kjente!
no-00213 no-00213
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hva står på menyen?
no-00214 no-00214
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Indianarane kjem!
no-00215 no-00215
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inkassovarsel
no-00216 no-00216
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg bor alene...
no-00217 no-00217
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er på rømmen
no-00218 no-00218
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er sjefen!
no-00219 no-00219
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg tar et hint
no-00220 no-00220
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kakemonster
no-00221 no-00221
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kalde føtter?
no-00222 no-00222
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kan man ønske mer?
no-00223 no-00223
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kjøl deg ned!
no-00224 no-00224
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Lukk øynene og vent!
no-00225 no-00225
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Mygg søker blodgiver
no-00226 no-00226
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Og du vil?
no-00227 no-00227
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Om hyssingen ryker...
no-00228 no-00228
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: oss.to@kino?
no-00229 no-00229
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ring brukerstøtte
no-00230 no-00230
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Rødmer jeg?
no-00231 no-00231
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sett meg tillbake
no-00232 no-00232
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sjarmer meg!
no-00233 no-00233
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil, du er på tv!
no-00234 no-00234
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil til meg, vennen!
no-00235 no-00235
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Spre ryktet!
no-00236 no-00236
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Stopp snømannen!
no-00237 no-00237
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Takk som byr...
no-00238 no-00238
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tøff i pysjamas
no-00239 no-00239
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Vis dem hvem du er!
no-00240 no-00240
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Vis meg tigerblikket!
no-00241 no-00241
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Å nei! Det igjen...
no-00242 no-00242
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ånden i flasken...
no-00284 no-00284
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Alltid beredt!
no-00285 no-00285
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bare en time til!
no-00286 no-00286
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Besøk bestemor!
no-00287 no-00287
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Bytt frisør!
no-00288 no-00288
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: C og bli Z
no-00289 no-00289
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er en god venn
no-00290 no-00290
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er omringet
no-00291 no-00291
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Du er skjønn i kveld
no-00292 no-00292
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Dykking forbudt!
no-00293 no-00293
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: En dans i boblerus?
no-00294 no-00294
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Er du online?
no-00295 no-00295
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Flørting pågår
no-00296 no-00296
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Førstemann til bunns!
no-00297 no-00297
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: G.I.D (glad i deg)
no-00298 no-00298
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gaffel i øyet...
no-00299 no-00299
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gjesp søker munn
no-00300 no-00300
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Glemt passordet?
no-00301 no-00301
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Gork i parken
no-00302 no-00302
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hils alle kjente!
no-00303 no-00303
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Hva står på menyen?
no-00304 no-00304
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Indianarane kjem!
no-00305 no-00305
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inkassovarsel
no-00306 no-00306
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg bor alene...
no-00307 no-00307
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er på rømmen
no-00308 no-00308
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg er sjefen!
no-00309 no-00309
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Jeg tar et hint
no-00310 no-00310
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kakemonster
no-00311 no-00311
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kalde føtter?
no-00312 no-00312
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kan man ønske mer?
no-00313 no-00313
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Kjøl deg ned!
no-00314 no-00314
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Lukk øynene og vent!
no-00315 no-00315
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Mygg søker blodgiver
no-00316 no-00316
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Og du vil?
no-00317 no-00317
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Om hyssingen ryker...
no-00318 no-00318
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: oss.to@kino?
no-00319 no-00319
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ring brukerstøtte
no-00320 no-00320
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Rødmer jeg?
no-00321 no-00321
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sett meg tillbake
no-00322 no-00322
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Sjarmer meg!
no-00323 no-00323
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil, du er på tv!
no-00324 no-00324
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Smil til meg, vennen!
no-00325 no-00325
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Spre ryktet!
no-00326 no-00326
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Stopp snømannen!
no-00327 no-00327
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Takk som byr...
no-00328 no-00328
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Tøff i pysjamas
no-00329 no-00329
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Vis dem hvem du er!
no-00330 no-00330
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Vis meg tigerblikket!
no-00331 no-00331
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Å nei! Det igjen...
no-00332 no-00332
Brand: Coca Cola Chill 2005
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Ånden i flasken...
no-00243 no-00243
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 1 Pass på tyngden
no-00244 no-00244
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 2 På dans med lodne tær
no-00245 no-00245
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 4 Dra inn klørne!
no-00246 no-00246
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: 6 Jeg ler når jeg tenker på deg
no-00639 no-00639
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1186 Berøring livsvarig!
no-00640 no-00640
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1188 Din for halvtid?
no-00641 no-00641
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1193 Pappa + mamma = meg
no-00642 no-00642
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1198 Aldri så forelsket...
no-00643 no-00643
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1201 Arbeid pågår!
no-00644 no-00644
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1202 Bad aldri alene...
no-00645 no-00645
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1204 Barsk eller?
no-00646 no-00646
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1205 Bekjemp inflasjonen - for enhver pris!
no-00647 no-00647
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1210 Bare på en lørdag?
no-00648 no-00648
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1211 Blomstrende kjærlighet?
no-00649 no-00649
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1214 Can't smile without you...
no-00650 no-00650
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1218 Du nærmer deg!
no-00651 no-00651
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1219 Du, her?
no-00652 no-00652
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1220 Du holder formen ser jeg!
no-00653 no-00653
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1222 Du er i søkelyset!
no-00654 no-00654
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1224 Den evige ener?
no-00655 no-00655
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1225 Del med meg, da!
no-00656 no-00656
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1226 Du er for fersk!
no-00657 no-00657
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1229 Drivhus-kjærlighet?
no-00658 no-00658
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1230 Danse?
no-00659 no-00659
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1231 Dacapo!
no-00660 no-00660
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1233 Er'u lekk?
no-00661 no-00661
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1234 Er lurt før asså!
no-00662 no-00662
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1236 Er du jorda?
no-00663 no-00663
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1237 Ensom du også?
no-00664 no-00664
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1238 Err'u gær'n?
no-00665 no-00665
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1241 Få tilbud!?
no-00666 no-00666
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1242 Fortsett!
no-00667 no-00667
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1243 Frank N. Stein?
no-00668 no-00668
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1244 Ferieplaner?
no-00670 no-00670
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1246 Først Gror'u, så Ammeru'!!
no-00671 no-00671
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1247 Fått øyefeste?
no-00672 no-00672
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1248 Finn på no sjæl'a!
no-00673 no-00673
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1252 Gorke-vaduvill!
no-00674 no-00674
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1253 God jul og grått nytt hår!
no-00675 no-00675
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1254 Hus til leie?
no-00676 no-00676
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1257 Hvis æ fikk være dama di...
no-00677 no-00677
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1259 Teg spiller ingen rolle...
no-00678 no-00678
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1261 Idiotisk å være nevrotisk!
no-00679 no-00679
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1264 Jeg venter!
no-00680 no-00680
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1265 Jeg vil gjerne!
no-00669 no-00669
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1245 Får jeg et bilde av deg?
no-00681 no-00681
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1266 I wanna be like you!
no-00682 no-00682
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1267 Jeg er strømførende!
no-00683 no-00683
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1268 Kle-av-ho-Patra!
no-00684 no-00684
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1269 Kortslutning!
no-00685 no-00685
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1270 Kva har du på menyen?
no-00686 no-00686
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1271 Kom ut, kom fram!
no-00687 no-00687
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1272 Lille Flode
no-00688 no-00688
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1274 Liker du deg?
no-00689 no-00689
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1276 Mot normalt!
no-00690 no-00690
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1279 Nøtte sliten...?
no-00691 no-00691
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1280 Plunder med hue?
no-00692 no-00692
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1282 Pass på blodtrykket...
no-00693 no-00693
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1285 Spanderer du?
no-00694 no-00694
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1286 Sjekking forbudt!
no-00695 no-00695
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1287 Skuffet?
no-00696 no-00696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1288 Snu på sjarmen!
no-00697 no-00697
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1289 Skal du ha (s)kyss?
no-00698 no-00698
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1290 Står du i revers?
no-00699 no-00699
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1291 Signe Strevet
no-00700 no-00700
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1292 Sur for du'a?
no-00701 no-00701
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1293 Trå på krava!
no-00702 no-00702
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1294 Trip idag - støl imorra!
no-00703 no-00703
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1295 Tilsølte bondegutter?
no-00704 no-00704
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1297 Veeeldig morsom!
no-00705 no-00705
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1299 Venter du høyvann?
no-00706 no-00706
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1300 Vi kunne jo prøve...
no-00707 no-00707
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1301 Står det ikke til i dag?
no-00708 no-00708
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1302 Vil du være pusekatten min?
no-00709 no-00709
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1304 Klipp deg i dag!
no-00710 no-00710
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1305 Min siste kjærlighet...
no-00711 no-00711
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1308 What's another year?
no-00712 no-00712
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1309 Fotomodell?
no-00713 no-00713
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1310 Kan jeg møte deg igjen?
no-00714 no-00714
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1313 Take a chance on me?
no-00715 no-00715
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1315 Leker du sjarmør?
no-00716 no-00716
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1316 Kanskje i morgen?
no-00717 no-00717
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1319 Få opp farten!
no-00718 no-00718
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1320 Ikke overvurder kondisen!
no-00719 no-00719
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1322 På fottur i elva?
no-00720 no-00720
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1323 Fartsfantomet!
no-00721 no-00721
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1327 Vann i kneet og bølger i håret?
no-00722 no-00722
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1328 Her trengs det skjerping!
no-00723 no-00723
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1329 Opp med humøret!
no-00724 no-00724
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1330 Finner du no'?
no-00725 no-00725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1331 Let's be friends!
no-00726 no-00726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1332 Fram for humøret!
no-00727 no-00727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1333 Originull?
no-00728 no-00728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1334 Dobbeltsidig forelskelse?
no-00729 no-00729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1336 Venn her, - hvem der?
no-00730 no-00730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1337 Nære nippet på napp!
no-00731 no-00731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1338 Grei deg uten kam!
no-00732 no-00732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1341 Punk(tert)????
no-00733 no-00733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1342 Onkel Skrue(løs)
no-00734 no-00734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1344 Do you think I'm...?
no-00735 no-00735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1346 Dyrk din stjerne!
no-00736 no-00736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1347 Come closer!
no-00737 no-00737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1348 Bjørn på binnejakt?
no-00738 no-00738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1350 Sjekking påbudt!
no-00739 no-00739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A/S Christianssands BryggeriFactory sign:
Other: 1351 Err'u forhåndslagra?
np-00005 np-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Ltd.Factory sign:
np-00006 np-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Ltd.Factory sign:
np-00017 np-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Limited BalajuFactory sign:
np-00029 np-00029
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Limited BalajuFactory sign:
np-00028 np-00028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Ltd.Factory sign:
np-00036 np-00036
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Ltd.Factory sign:
np-00037 np-00037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Limited BalajuFactory sign:
np-00045 np-00045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Limited BalajuFactory sign:
Other: Text Try again on the background
np-00046 np-00046
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bottlers Nepal Limited BalajuFactory sign:
Other: Top similar to np-0045, Redeem this crown for NPR. 1 Offer valid from Jul 7 till Sep 7.2017
pa-00018 pa-00018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Panama S.A.Factory sign:
pa-00040 pa-00040
Brand: Polar Ginger Ale
Brewery: Coca Cola Femsa De Panama S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00081 pe-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Latinoamericana S.A. ElsaFactory sign:
pe-00255 pe-00255
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Latinoamericana S.A. ElsaFactory sign:
pe-00143 pe-00143
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00244 pe-00244
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00144 pe-00144
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00131 pe-00131
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00132 pe-00132
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00133 pe-00133
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00134 pe-00134
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00135 pe-00135
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00136 pe-00136
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00137 pe-00137
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00138 pe-00138
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00139 pe-00139
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00140 pe-00140
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00141 pe-00141
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00142 pe-00142
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pe-0144
pe-00189 pe-00189
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00190 pe-00190
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00191 pe-00191
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00192 pe-00192
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00193 pe-00193
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00194 pe-00194
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00195 pe-00195
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00196 pe-00196
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Ahhh Genaste una Coca-Cola 192 ml gratis
pe-00197 pe-00197
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Ahhh Genaste una Coca-Cola 237 ml gratis
pe-00198 pe-00198
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00199 pe-00199
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00200 pe-00200
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00201 pe-00201
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00202 pe-00202
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00203 pe-00203
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00204 pe-00204
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00205 pe-00205
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00206 pe-00206
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00207 pe-00207
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00208 pe-00208
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00209 pe-00209
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00210 pe-00210
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00211 pe-00211
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00188 pe-00188
Brand: The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00232 pe-00232
Brand: Coca Cola Company Fanta Kola Inglesa
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00145 pe-00145
Brand: Coca Cola S/. 0.50
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00146 pe-00146
Brand: Coca Cola S/. 0.70
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00213 pe-00213
Brand: Coca Cola S/. 0.80
Brewery: Corporacion Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00182 pe-00182
Brand: Coca Cola S/. 2.00
Brewery: Emb. Corporacion Jose R. Lindley S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00130 pe-00130
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Latinoamericana S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00129 pe-00129
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladora Latinoamericana S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00119 pe-00119
Brand: Coca Cola Cap 0-1922 Lts.
Brewery: Factory sign:
pe-00281 pe-00281
Brand: Coca Cola Cap. 0-2957 Lts.
Brewery: Emb. Lima Leopoldo Barton S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00282 pe-00282
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Contenido Neto 1L
Brewery: Emb. Lima Leopoldo Barton S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00283 pe-00283
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Cap. 0,2957 Lts.
Brewery: Emb. Lima Leopoldo Barton S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00280 pe-00280
Brand: Coca Cola Bebida oficial de las Olimpiadas Barcelona'92 Contenido Neto 1 L
Brewery: Lima S.A.Factory sign:
pe-00271 pe-00271
Brand: Coca Cola 2018 ... Al Cosumidor 0800-1-4000
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Company Industria PeruanaFactory sign:
Other: Text Sigue Intertando on the background
pe-00053 pe-00053
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ph-00017 ph-00017
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00077 ph-00077
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ph-0017
ph-00173 ph-00173
Brand: Coca Cola Coca-Cola Hotline Globe-1800 8 888 2653 Smart/pldt - 1800 1 888 2653
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00086 ph-00086
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00058 ph-00058
Brand: Coca Cola P5 Only
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00106 ph-00106
Brand: Open Coca Cola P5
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00127 ph-00127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
ph-00105 ph-00105
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.Factory sign:
Other: Text Text Coke CODE to 2653 on the background
pk-00003 pk-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00020 pk-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00004 pk-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00019 pk-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pk-00037 pk-00037
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00047 pk-00047
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00062 pk-00062
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00063 pk-00063
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00064 pk-00064
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00065 pk-00065
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00093 pk-00093
Brand: Coca Cola 250ml
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd. (CCBPL)Factory sign:
pk-00081 pk-00081
Brand: Coca Cola RS. 20
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pk-00014 pk-00014
Brand: Coca Cola & Nokia
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Ltd.Factory sign:
pl-00108 pl-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00083 pl-00083
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01436 pl-01436
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01437 pl-01437
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-04221 pl-04221
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-00505 pl-00505
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00733 pl-00733
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Letter O on the background
pl-00734 pl-00734
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00735 pl-00735
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00736 pl-00736
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00737 pl-00737
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00738 pl-00738
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00739 pl-00739
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00740 pl-00740
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00741 pl-00741
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00742 pl-00742
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00743 pl-00743
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00744 pl-00744
Brand: Coca Cola Lato Dla Fanon
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to pl-0733
pl-00506 pl-00506
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03050 pl-03050
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00745 pl-00745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-04043 pl-04043
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-04044 pl-04044
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-01442 pl-01442
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-02050 pl-02050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-02063 pl-02063
Brand: Coca Cola infolinia 0-801 110 110
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-02360 pl-02360
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-02340 pl-02340
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-03706 pl-03706
Brand: 200ml Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-01998 pl-01998
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00574 pl-00574
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00848 pl-00848
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03051 pl-03051
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-00516 pl-00516
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01438 pl-01438
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01457 pl-01457
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03017 pl-03017
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03899 pl-03899
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-00510 pl-00510
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-02074 pl-02074
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01999 pl-01999
Brand: Coca Cola Light infolinia 0-801 110 110
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-03697 pl-03697
Brand: Coca Cola Light infolinia 0-801 110 110 www.cokelight.pl
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp, z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-03841 pl-03841
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-03049 pl-03049
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03707 pl-03707
Brand: 200ml Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z o.o.Factory sign:
pl-00142 pl-00142
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text 1996 PLN 150.000 on the background
pl-00532 pl-00532
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-03062 pl-03062
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01619 pl-01619
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Polska Sp. z.o.o.Factory sign:
pl-03063 pl-03063
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
pl-01620 pl-01620
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pt-00444 pt-00444
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Embresa de Cervejas da Madeira LdaFactory sign:
pt-00505 pt-00505
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige Sociedade Industria de Refrigerantes SarlFactory sign:
pt-00792 pt-00792
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00793 pt-00793
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00791 pt-00791
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00031 pt-00031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige S.A.Factory sign:
Other: City; Quinta do Anjo - Palmela
pt-00557 pt-00557
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Empresa de Cerveja da Madeira LdaFactory sign:
pt-00106 pt-00106
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige S.A.Factory sign:
Other: City; Quinta do Anjo - Palmela
pt-01190 pt-01190
Brand: Coca Cola Marca Registada 1996
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
Other: Text Vale Panini on the background
pt-00652 pt-00652
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00554 pt-00554
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
pt-00555 pt-00555
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Refrige S.A.Factory sign:
pt-00795 pt-00795
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00558 pt-00558
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
pt-00204 pt-00204
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00627 pt-00627
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Refrige-Sociedade Industrial de Refrigerantes SAFactory sign:
pt-00559 pt-00559
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
pt-00556 pt-00556
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige S.A.Factory sign:
pt-00794 pt-00794
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige S.A.Factory sign:
pt-00259 pt-00259
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Refrige S.A., Quinta do AnjoFactory sign:
py-00011 py-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
py-00042 py-00042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Paraguay Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
py-00030 py-00030
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
py-00031 py-00031
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
re-00004 re-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
re-00005 re-00005
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
re-00019 re-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries de Bourbon, S.A., Saint-Denis Cedex, REunionFactory sign:
ro-00138 ro-00138
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00139 ro-00139
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Belgia on the background
ro-00045 ro-00045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00115 ro-00115
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00464 ro-00464
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC RomaniaFactory sign:
ro-00541 ro-00541
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC RomaniaFactory sign:
ro-00305 ro-00305
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml
Brewery: S.C. Coca-Cola HBC Romania S.R.L.Factory sign:
ro-00141 ro-00141
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00140 ro-00140
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00116 ro-00116
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00142 ro-00142
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca Cola CompanyFactory sign:
Other: Text TIR on the background
ro-00386 ro-00386
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC RomaniaFactory sign:
ro-00520 ro-00520
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC RomaniaFactory sign:
ro-00117 ro-00117
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC RomaniaFactory sign:
ro-00279 ro-00279
Brand: Coca Cola Yes
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00280 ro-00280
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00281 ro-00281
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00282 ro-00282
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00283 ro-00283
Brand: Coca Cola Things go better with Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00284 ro-00284
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00285 ro-00285
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00286 ro-00286
Brand: Coca Cola Talk about refreshing
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00287 ro-00287
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00288 ro-00288
Brand: Coca Cola Things go better with Coke Ice Cold
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00191 ro-00191
Brand: Coca Cola Sound Wave Uita-te sub capac!
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00208 ro-00208
Brand: Coca Cola Cauta sub Eticheta!
Brewery: Factory sign:
ro-00217 ro-00217
Brand: Brrrr Mania! Coca Cola Cauta Sub Capac
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00454 ru-00454
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00481 ru-00481
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00637 ru-00637
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00638 ru-00638
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-01631 ru-01631
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Koka-Kola Vladivostok Bottlers, OOOFactory sign:
ru-00482 ru-00482
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00636 ru-00636
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00639 ru-00639
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-02394 ru-02394
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-02662 ru-02662
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-00357 ru-00357
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-01274 ru-01274
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-04605 ru-04605
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-04606 ru-04606
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-04844 ru-04844
Brand: 2 balla Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC EurasiaFactory sign:
ru-00359 ru-00359
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
ru-01428 ru-01428
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Misprint on the background
ru-01429 ru-01429
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to ru-1428
rw-00012 rw-00012
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bralirwa SA, KigaliFactory sign:
rw-00018 rw-00018
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Bralirwa Ltd.Factory sign:
rw-00002 rw-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasseries et Limonaderies du RwandaFactory sign:
sa-00006 sa-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Saudi Arabia, DammamFactory sign:
sa-00004 sa-00004
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
sc-00002 sc-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Seychelles Breweries Ltd.Factory sign:
sd-00007 sd-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-00049 se-00049
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00260 se-00260
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00734 se-00734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00259 se-00259
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00565 se-00565
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00807 se-00807
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00968 se-00968
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-01725 se-01725
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 01 We meet again
se-01726 se-01726
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 02 Too cool for school
se-01727 se-01727
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 05 U+I=BFF
se-01728 se-01728
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 07 U and Me 4ever
se-01729 se-01729
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 08 Pure <3
se-01730 se-01730
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 09 Ahhhh!
se-01731 se-01731
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 10 <3 U
se-01732 se-01732
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 11 Buurp!
se-01733 se-01733
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 17 Why look here?
se-01734 se-01734
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 18 Who are you? :-)
se-01735 se-01735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 19 One more?
se-01736 se-01736
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 21 Cold kiss next!
se-01737 se-01737
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 22 Do not disturb!
se-01738 se-01738
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 23 I'm loving it.
se-01739 se-01739
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 25 Drink-dont read!
se-01740 se-01740
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 26 U r amazing! :-)
se-01741 se-01741
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 29 4ever
se-01742 se-01742
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 32 A straw?
se-01743 se-01743
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 33 Is that you?
se-01744 se-01744
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 34 Btw, a Coke
se-01745 se-01745
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 37 Open for suggestions
se-01746 se-01746
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 39 Hello Sunshine! :)
se-01747 se-01747
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 40 Keep smilin'!
se-01748 se-01748
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 41 Worth the wait
se-01749 se-01749
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 42 We r 2! Let's tango!
se-01750 se-01750
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 45 I've missed you!
se-01751 se-01751
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 47 CU L8R
se-01752 se-01752
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 48 Don't shake
se-01753 se-01753
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 50 Love or Friends?
se-01754 se-01754
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 51 Are U single?
se-01755 se-01755
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 54 Love u 2
se-01756 se-01756
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 55 Wiggle wiggle wiggle
se-01757 se-01757
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 56 Is it true?
se-01758 se-01758
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 58 #thirst
se-01759 se-01759
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 60 What spelling errror?
se-01760 se-01760
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 61 Understanding
se-01761 se-01761
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 62 Love, live, laugh
se-01762 se-01762
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 63 Whazzup?
se-01763 se-01763
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 64 YOLO
se-01987 se-01987
Brand: Coca Cola Original taste
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden (CCE)Factory sign:
Other: U r amazing!
se-01988 se-01988
Brand: Coca Cola Original taste
Brewery: Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden (CCE)Factory sign:
Other: We meet again
se-00650 se-00650
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-01496 se-01496
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-00716 se-00716
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-01703 se-01703
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 03 Kiss me!
se-01704 se-01704
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 05 U+I=BFF
se-01705 se-01705
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 06 Soon empty
se-01706 se-01706
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 07 U and Me 4ever
se-01707 se-01707
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 09 Ahhhh!
se-01708 se-01708
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 12 Bottom up!
se-01709 se-01709
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 15 Finally!
se-01710 se-01710
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 16 Looking good!
se-01711 se-01711
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 17 Why look here?
se-01712 se-01712
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 19 One more?
se-01713 se-01713
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 27 Still looking?
se-01714 se-01714
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 30 Selfie?
se-01715 se-01715
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 37 Open for suggestions
se-01716 se-01716
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 41 Worth the wait
se-01717 se-01717
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 42 We r 2! Let's tango!
se-01718 se-01718
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 47 CU L8R
se-01719 se-01719
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 49 AAH, MY HEAD!
se-01720 se-01720
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 50 Love or Friends?
se-01721 se-01721
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 53 Of course U can!
se-01722 se-01722
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 56 Is it true?
se-01723 se-01723
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 57 Imagine!
se-01724 se-01724
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola SwedenFactory sign:
Other: 59 U're beautiful
se-00050 se-00050
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00969 se-00969
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-01337 se-01337
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
se-01130 se-01130
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00546 se-00546
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-00585 se-00585
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier StockholmFactory sign:
Other: 44 Nu blommar det!
se-02111 se-02111
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: 164 Vad står på din kapsyl?
se-00127 se-00127
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00128 se-00128
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-02112 se-02112
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: 307 Berätta en saga
se-00708 se-00708
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ab Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
Other: 375 Dyrt, sa räven. Top similar to se-0128
se-02113 se-02113
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: Dark side of the moon Vems LP? Pink Floyd
se-02084 se-02084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: Devil Women Vem? Cliff Richard
se-02114 se-02114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: En svensk i välrdslaget 74 Vem? Ronnie Hellström
se-02115 se-02115
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: One Piece At A Time Vem? Johnny Cash
se-02116 se-02116
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: Ray Sawyer Artist-namnet? Dr. Hook
se-02085 se-02085
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: Strumpan Suite Vilken LP? Katharsis
se-02118 se-02118
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: AB Pripps BryggerierFactory sign:
Other: Vad heter Stewart i förmamn? Rod
se-00129 se-00129
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00258 se-00258
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00567 se-00567
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00412 se-00412
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-01090 se-01090
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-01091 se-01091
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: AB Pripps Bryggerier 1828Factory sign:
se-00903 se-00903
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
se-01809 se-01809
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 03 Kiss me!
se-01810 se-01810
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 04 Well done! Now drink!
se-01811 se-01811
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 06 Soon empty
se-01812 se-01812
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 12 Bottom up!
se-01813 se-01813
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 13 B real, B U!
se-01814 se-01814
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 14 Keep me!
se-01815 se-01815
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 15 Finally!
se-01816 se-01816
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 16 Looking good!
se-01817 se-01817
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 20 Ready-Set-Go!
se-01818 se-01818
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 24 Upside Down
se-01819 se-01819
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 27 Still looking?
se-01820 se-01820
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 28 Me & You!
se-01821 se-01821
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 30 Selfie?
se-01822 se-01822
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 31 U again?
se-01823 se-01823
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 35 Love love love love
se-01824 se-01824
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 36 I know you want me
se-01825 se-01825
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 38 Hi cutie!
se-01826 se-01826
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 43 Wanna play?
se-01827 se-01827
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 44 We're cool!
se-01828 se-01828
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 46 Yep, it's true :)
se-01829 se-01829
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 52 Enjoy me
se-01830 se-01830
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 53 Of course U can!
se-01831 se-01831
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 57 Imagine!
se-01832 se-01832
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 59 U're beautiful
se-01833 se-01833
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 01 We meet again
se-01834 se-01834
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 02 Too cool for school
se-01835 se-01835
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 03 Kiss me!
se-01836 se-01836
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 04 Well done! Now drink!
se-01837 se-01837
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 05 U+I=BFF
se-01838 se-01838
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 06 Soon empty
se-01839 se-01839
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 07 U and Me 4ever
se-01840 se-01840
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 08 Pure <3
se-01841 se-01841
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 09 Ahhhh!
se-01842 se-01842
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 10 <3 U
se-01843 se-01843
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 11 Buurp!
se-01844 se-01844
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 12 Bottom up!
se-01845 se-01845
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 13 B real, B U!
se-01846 se-01846
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 14 Keep me!
se-01847 se-01847
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 15 Finally!
se-01848 se-01848
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 16 Looking good!
se-01849 se-01849
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 17 Why look here?
se-01850 se-01850
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 18 Who are you? :-)
se-01851 se-01851
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 19 One more?
se-01852 se-01852
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 20 Ready-Set-Go!
se-01853 se-01853
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 21 Cold kiss next!
se-01854 se-01854
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 22 Do not disturb!
se-01855 se-01855
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 24 Upside Down
se-01856 se-01856
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 25 Drink-dont read!
se-01857 se-01857
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 26 U r amazing! :-)
se-01858 se-01858
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 27 Still looking?
se-01859 se-01859
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 28 Me & You!
se-01860 se-01860
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 29 4ever
se-01861 se-01861
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 30 Selfie?
se-01862 se-01862
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 31 U again?
se-01863 se-01863
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 32 A straw?
se-01864 se-01864
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 33 Is that you?
se-01865 se-01865
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 34 Btw, a Coke
se-01866 se-01866
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 35 Love love love love
se-01867 se-01867
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 36 I know you want me
se-01868 se-01868
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 37 Open for suggestions
se-01869 se-01869
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 38 Hi cutie!
se-01870 se-01870
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 39 Hello Sunshine! :)
se-01871 se-01871
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 40 Keep smilin'!
se-01872 se-01872
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 41 Worth the wait
se-01873 se-01873
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 42 We r 2! Let's tango!
se-01874 se-01874
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 43 Wanna play?
se-01875 se-01875
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 44 We're cool!
se-01876 se-01876
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 45 I've missed you!
se-01877 se-01877
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 46 Yep, it's true :)
se-01878 se-01878
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 47 CU L8R
se-01879 se-01879
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 48 Don't shake
se-01880 se-01880
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 49 AAH, MY HEAD!
se-01881 se-01881
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 50 Love or Friends?
se-01882 se-01882
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 51 Are U single?
se-01883 se-01883
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 52 Enjoy me
se-01884 se-01884
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 53 Of course U can!
se-01885 se-01885
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 54 Love u 2
se-01886 se-01886
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 55 Wiggle wiggle wiggle
se-01887 se-01887
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 56 Is it true?
se-01888 se-01888
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 57 Imagine!
se-01889 se-01889
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 58 #thirst
se-01890 se-01890
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 59 U're beautiful
se-01891 se-01891
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 60 What spelling errror?
se-01892 se-01892
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 61 Understanding
se-01893 se-01893
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 62 Love, live, laugh
se-01894 se-01894
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 63 Whazzup?
se-01895 se-01895
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 64 YOLO
se-01896 se-01896
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 01 We meet again
se-01897 se-01897
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 02 Too cool for school
se-01898 se-01898
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 03 Kiss me!
se-01899 se-01899
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 04 Well done! Now drink!
se-01900 se-01900
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 08 Pure <3
se-01901 se-01901
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 10 <3 U
se-01902 se-01902
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 11 Buurp!
se-01903 se-01903
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 13 B real, B U!
se-01904 se-01904
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 14 Keep me!
se-01905 se-01905
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 18 Who are you? :-)
se-01906 se-01906
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 20 Ready-Set-Go!
se-01907 se-01907
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 21 Cold kiss next!
se-01908 se-01908
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 22 Do not disturb!
se-01909 se-01909
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 23 I'm loving it.
se-01910 se-01910
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 24 Upside Down
se-01911 se-01911
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 25 Drink-dont read!
se-01912 se-01912
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 26 U r amazing! :-)
se-01913 se-01913
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 28 Me & You!
se-01914 se-01914
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 29 4ever
se-01915 se-01915
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 31 U again?
se-01916 se-01916
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 32 A straw?
se-01917 se-01917
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 33 Is that you?
se-01918 se-01918
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 34 Btw, a Coke
se-01919 se-01919
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 35 Love love love love
se-01920 se-01920
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 36 I know you want me
se-01921 se-01921
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 38 Hi cutie!
se-01922 se-01922
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 39 Hello Sunshine! :)
se-01923 se-01923
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 40 Keep smilin'!
se-01924 se-01924
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 43 Wanna play?
se-01925 se-01925
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 44 We're cool!
se-01926 se-01926
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 45 I've missed you!
se-01927 se-01927
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 46 Yep, it's true :)
se-01928 se-01928
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 48 Don't shake
se-01929 se-01929
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 51 Are U single?
se-01930 se-01930
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 52 Enjoy me
se-01931 se-01931
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 54 Love u 2
se-01932 se-01932
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 55 Wiggle wiggle wiggle
se-01933 se-01933
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 58 #thirst
se-01934 se-01934
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 61 Understanding
se-01935 se-01935
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 62 Love, live, laugh
se-01936 se-01936
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 63 Whazzup?
se-01937 se-01937
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca Cola SverigeFactory sign:
Other: 64 YOLO
si-00073 si-00073
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
si-00089 si-00089
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
si-00160 si-00160
Brand: I Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC SlovenijaFactory sign:
si-00159 si-00159
Brand: Coca Cola Open Happiness
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC SlovenijaFactory sign:
sk-00151 sk-00151
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sk-00419 sk-00419
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Plni St. Nicolaus A.S. Liptovsky MikulasFactory sign:
sk-00418 sk-00418
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sk-00286 sk-00286
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sk-00500 sk-00500
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sl-00006 sl-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Freetown Cold Storage Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
sn-00001 sn-00001
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries de L'Quest AfricainFactory sign:
sn-00023 sn-00023
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries de L'Quest AfricainFactory sign:
sn-00008 sn-00008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries de L'Ouest Africain (SOBOA)Factory sign:
sn-00009 sn-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Societe des Brasseries de L'Ouest Africain (SOBOA)Factory sign:
sr-00004 sr-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Fernandes Bottling Company N.V., ParamariboFactory sign:
sv-00013 sv-00013
Brand: Coca Cola c3.00 Marca Registrada
Brewery: Embotelladora Salvadorena S.A.Factory sign:
sv-00019 sv-00019
Brand: Coca Cola Sabor Original Desde 1886
Brewery: Industrias La Constancia S.A y Ltda. de C.V.Factory sign:
sy-00020 sy-00020
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
sy-00025 sy-00025
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sy-00026 sy-00026
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
sz-00002 sz-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Swaziland Bottling Co (PTY) Ltd Sobhuza Avenue Matsapha Industrial Area Manzini SwazilandFactory sign:
sz-00001 sz-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Swaziland Bottling CoFactory sign:
sz-00003 sz-00003
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Swaziland Bottling Co (PTY) Ltd Sobhuza II Avenue Matsapha Industrial Area Manzini SwazilandFactory sign:
tg-00003 tg-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Brasserie BB Lome S.A., Lome TogoFactory sign:
th-00019 th-00019
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00020 th-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00172 th-00172
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00173 th-00173
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00045 th-00045
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00606 th-00606
Brand: Coca Cola 2180 49/2526
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00072 th-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00483 th-00483
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00484 th-00484
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00608 th-00608
Brand: Coca Cola 5/1 82/2526
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00338 th-00338
Brand: Coca Cola 5 185 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00339 th-00339
Brand: Coca Cola 5 185 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00450 th-00450
Brand: Coca Cola Music 5 185
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00446 th-00446
Brand: Coca Cola 5 185
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00025 th-00025
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00044 th-00044
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00142 th-00142
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00073 th-00073
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00584 th-00584
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00143 th-00143
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to th-0218
th-00250 th-00250
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0143
th-00112 th-00112
Brand: Coca Cola 600
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00111 th-00111
Brand: Coca Cola 422
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00251 th-00251
Brand: Coca Cola 422
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0111
th-00252 th-00252
Brand: Coca Cola 422
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0111
th-00340 th-00340
Brand: Coca Cola 422 91/2526
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Official Sponsor 2002 FIFA World Cup on the background
th-00341 th-00341
Brand: Coca Cola 422
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00378 th-00378
Brand: Coca Cola 250
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00113 th-00113
Brand: Coca Cola 9 250 10-1-12123-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00342 th-00342
Brand: Coca Cola 9 250 10-1-12123-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00255 th-00255
Brand: Coca Cola 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to th-0253
th-00426 th-00426
Brand: Coca Cola 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Thai text on the background
th-00343 th-00343
Brand: Coca Cola 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coke Music V.I.P. + thai text on the background
th-00344 th-00344
Brand: Coca Cola 422 30-1-01041-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coke Music V.I.P. + thai text on the background
th-00345 th-00345
Brand: Coca Cola 250 10-1-12123-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00346 th-00346
Brand: Coca Cola 280 10-1-12123-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Thai text on the background
th-00347 th-00347
Brand: Coca Cola 280 13-1-03938-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00348 th-00348
Brand: Coca Cola 280 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00444 th-00444
Brand: Coca Cola 600 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00349 th-00349
Brand: Coca Cola 280 40-1-07924-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coke Music V.I.P. + thai text on the background
th-00183 th-00183
Brand: Coca Cola 280 90-1-05624-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to th-0217
th-00253 th-00253
Brand: Coca Cola 280 90-1-05624-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0183
th-00254 th-00254
Brand: Coca Cola 600 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00043 th-00043
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text UEFA Euro 2000 + logo on the background
th-00145 th-00145
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Official Sponsor 2002 FIFA World Cup on the background
th-00394 th-00394
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0145
th-00395 th-00395
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Top similar to th-0145
th-00351 th-00351
Brand: Coca Cola 280 13-1-03938-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside almost similar to th-0253
th-00352 th-00352
Brand: Coca Cola 280 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside almost similar to th-0253
th-00353 th-00353
Brand: Coca Cola 280 40-1-07924-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside almost similar to th-0253
th-00256 th-00256
Brand: Coca Cola 280 90-1-05624-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to th-0253
th-00257 th-00257
Brand: Coca Cola 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Inside similar to th-0253
th-00445 th-00445
Brand: Coca Cola 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00531 th-00531
Brand: Coca Cola 280 13-1-11456-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00441 th-00441
Brand: Coca Cola Music 280 52-1-07824-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00449 th-00449
Brand: Coca Cola Music 250 10-1-12132-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00448 th-00448
Brand: Coca Cola Football 2011 422 13-1-08325-1-0001
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00568 th-00568
Brand: Coca Cola 280
Brewery: Factory sign:
th-00560 th-00560
Brand: Coca Cola 422
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00061 tn-00061
Brand: Coca Cola Mise en Bouteille Autorisee pas le Proprietaire de la Marque
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00092 tn-00092
Brand: Coca Cola Mise en Bouteille Autorisee pas le Proprietaire de la Marque
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00014 tn-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00033 tn-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00072 tn-00072
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: CoolingFactory sign:
tn-00062 tn-00062
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00048 tn-00048
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00034 tn-00034
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00079 tn-00079
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00028 tn-00028
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00082 tn-00082
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tn-00098 tn-00098
Brand: Coca Cola DL E330 E444 E414 E331 E110 E211
Brewery: Societe Frigorifique et Brasserie de Tunis (SFBT)Factory sign:
tn-00001 tn-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00502 tr-00502
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00551 tr-00551
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00606 tr-00606
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00017 tr-00017
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00833 tr-00833
Brand: Coca Cola Light 07.01.1998
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00080 tr-00080
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml TS 4080 DT 4 6 88
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00696 tr-00696
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml TS 4080 T M Dt. 88
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00584 tr-00584
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml TS 4080 TM. DT. 1.3.1990
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00585 tr-00585
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml TS 4080 T.M. DT. 4-6/90
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00257 tr-00257
Brand: Coca Cola 250 ml Dt. 7-9/90
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00082 tr-00082
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml DT. 4-6/91 TS 4080 T.M.
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00085 tr-00085
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml D.T. 4-6/91 TS 4080
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00083 tr-00083
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml DT. 7-9/91 TS 4080 T.M.
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00086 tr-00086
Brand: Coca Cola Coke 250 ml TS 4080 T.M. D.T. 7-9/91
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00087 tr-00087
Brand: Coca Cola Coke TS 4080 T.M D.T. 4-6/94
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00382 tr-00382
Brand: Coca Cola Coke DT. 7-9/94
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00081 tr-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00084 tr-00084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00040 tr-00040
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Müsaadesi Ile Ankara da Ansan S.A.Factory sign:
tr-00041 tr-00041
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Müsaadesi Ile Istanbul da Imsa S.A.Factory sign:
tr-00556 tr-00556
Brand: Coca Cola DT. 97/7-9
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00018 tr-00018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00042 tr-00042
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Izni ile Coca-Cola Icecek Üretim S.A.Factory sign:
tr-00189 tr-00189
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00496 tr-00496
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00188 tr-00188
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00231 tr-00231
Brand: Coca Cola 50 YKr + depozito
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00499 tr-00499
Brand: Coca Cola 50 YKr + depozito
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00285 tr-00285
Brand: Coca Cola Ac, Kazan!
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00325 tr-00325
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00482 tr-00482
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00539 tr-00539
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Dep. 200 ml bedava on the background
tr-00545 tr-00545
Brand: Coca Cola Orijinal Tat
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00846 tr-00846
Brand: Coca Cola Orijinal Tat
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00697 tr-00697
Brand: Coca Cola Sekersiz
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00546 tr-00546
Brand: Coca Cola Orijinal Tat Kola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00653 tr-00653
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00839 tr-00839
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00489 tr-00489
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00840 tr-00840
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00654 tr-00654
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
tr-00480 tr-00480
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00469 tr-00469
Brand: Coca Cola Bedava Kazamna Sansi
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.S.Factory sign:
Other: Text on the background
tr-00221 tr-00221
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
tr-00690 tr-00690
Brand: Coca Cola Orijinal Tat
Brewery: Coca-Cola Icecek A.SFactory sign:
tt-00035 tt-00035
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Caribbean Bottlers (Trinidad & Tobago) LimitedFactory sign:
tt-00036 tt-00036
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Caribbean Bottlers (Trinidad & Tobago) LimitedFactory sign:
tw-00009 tw-00009
Brand: Coca Cola 192ml
Brewery: Factory sign:
tz-00002 tz-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Bonite Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
Other: City; Moshi
tz-00010 tz-00010
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy
Brewery: Zanzibar Bottlers Ltd., Zanzibar, TanzaniaFactory sign:
tz-00026 tz-00026
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00077 tz-00077
Brand: Coca Cola Carbonated Soft Drink tbs TZS 390
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00038 tz-00038
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Nyanza Bottling CompanyLtd.Factory sign:
tz-00027 tz-00027
Brand: Coca Cola TShs 400/-
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00057 tz-00057
Brand: Coca Cola TShs 500/-
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00056 tz-00056
Brand: Coca Cola TShs 500/-
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00072 tz-00072
Brand: Coca Cola Original taste Carbonated soft drink Tshs 500/- Bei Elekezi tbs TZS 390
Brewery: Bonite Bottlers Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00033 tz-00033
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
tz-00011 tz-00011
Brand: Coca Cola Real
Brewery: Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd.Factory sign:
ua-00104 ua-00104
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00383 ua-00383
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
Other: Smiling sun on the background
ua-00105 ua-00105
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00106 ua-00106
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00249 ua-00249
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00694 ua-00694
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-01562 ua-01562
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00248 ua-00248
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00920 ua-00920
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00392 ua-00392
Brand: Coca Cola 0.25 l
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00695 ua-00695
Brand: Coca Cola 0.25 l
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-01424 ua-01424
Brand: Coca Cola 0.25 l
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-01675 ua-01675
Brand: Coca Cola Zero Lemon
Brewery: IP Koka-Kola Beveridzhyz Ukrayina LimitedFactory sign:
ua-01735 ua-01735
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: IP Koka-Kola Beveridzhyz Ukrayina LimitedFactory sign:
ua-01794 ua-01794
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: IP Koka-Kola Beveridzhyz Ukrayina LimitedFactory sign:
ua-00250 ua-00250
Brand: Cherry Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00571 ua-00571
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00692 ua-00692
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00237 ua-00237
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00693 ua-00693
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company UkraineFactory sign:
ua-00324 ua-00324
Brewery: Coca Cola companyFactory sign:
ua-01373 ua-01373
Brand: Coca Cola Vanilla
Brewery: Factory sign:
ug-00004 ug-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Century Bottling Co. Ltd., Namanve Industrial Area, Kampala, UgandaFactory sign:
ug-00020 ug-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Century Bottling Co. Ltd., Namanve Industrial AreaFactory sign:
ug-00028 ug-00028
Brand: Coca Cola UNBS
Brewery: Century Bottling Co. Ltd.Factory sign:
ug-00015 ug-00015
Brand: Coca Cola Popstars
Brewery: Century Bottling Co. Ltd., Namanve Industrial Area, Kampala, UgandaFactory sign:
uk-00020 uk-00020
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
uk-00108 uk-00108
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
uk-00025 uk-00025
Brand: Coca Cola Registered trade mark of the Coca-Cola Company
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00405 us-00405
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00406 us-00406
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00895 us-00895
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York Inc.Factory sign:
us-00407 us-00407
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-03844 us-03844
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-03783 us-03783
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wyandotte Coca-Cola Botting CompanyFactory sign:
us-03784 us-03784
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wyandotte Coca-Cola Botting CompanyFactory sign:
us-03785 us-03785
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wyandotte Coca-Cola Botting CompanyFactory sign:
us-03786 us-03786
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Wyandotte Coca-Cola Bot. Co.Factory sign:
us-00409 us-00409
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00412 us-00412
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00454 us-00454
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00455 us-00455
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00456 us-00456
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00956 us-00956
Brand: Coke
Brewery: Coca Cola Ltd. TorontoFactory sign:
us-00973 us-00973
Brand: Coca Cola $$$
Brewery: Meridian Coca-Cola Bottling Co.Factory sign:
us-01666 us-01666
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Coca Company, Atlanta, GeorgiaFactory sign:
Other: Text Coke on the background
us-03444 us-03444
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Chicago, IllinoisFactory sign:
us-02948 us-02948
Brand: 1 Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Campbellsville, KYFactory sign:
us-03445 us-03445
Brand: Coca Cola G
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company Kenosha-RacineFactory sign:
Other: Carroll Dale on the background
us-03446 us-03446
Brand: Coca Cola G
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company Kenosha-RacineFactory sign:
Other: Bill Lueck
us-03447 us-03447
Brand: Coca Cola G
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company Kenosha-RacineFactory sign:
Other: Macarthur Lane
us-00457 us-00457
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00458 us-00458
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-03523 us-03523
Brand: Coca Cola Classic LPT Original Formula
Brewery: CCE Bottling Group, Coca-Cola Plaza, Atlanta, GAFactory sign:
us-00317 us-00317
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-03827 us-03827
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: A Member of the Coca-Cola Bottler's AssociationFactory sign:
us-00460 us-00460
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-01463 us-01463
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: CCE Bottling Group, AtlantaFactory sign:
us-00975 us-00975
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Ovachita Coca-Cola Bottling Co.Factory sign:
us-00955 us-00955
Brand: Sprite
Brewery: Coca Cola Ltd. TorontoFactory sign:
us-00957 us-00957
Brand: Fanta Orange
Brewery: Coca Cola Ltd. TorontoFactory sign:
Other: Text FANTA trade mark reg ...on the background
us-03114 us-03114
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of La Crosse, Inc., WiscFactory sign:
us-00691 us-00691
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
Other: Text Coke on the background
us-00692 us-00692
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00693 us-00693
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-01869 us-01869
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Fayetteville Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Fayetteville, ArkFactory sign:
us-02935 us-02935
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Cambridge, MarylandFactory sign:
us-00694 us-00694
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-01509 us-01509
Brand: Coca Cola (twist off)
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Inc., of Vicksburg, MSFactory sign:
us-02289 us-02289
Brand: Coca Cola 1
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of CampbellsvilleFactory sign:
us-02290 us-02290
Brand: Coca Cola $$$
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers of Macon and TrentonFactory sign:
us-00696 us-00696
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-03117 us-03117
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-00695 us-00695
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Factory sign:
us-07188 us-07188
Brand: Coca Cola Classic Original Formula
Brewery: Orangeburg Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc.Factory sign:
us-01306 us-01306
Brand: Coca Cola Classic
Brewery: Baton Rouge Coca-Cola Bot'g CompanyFactory sign:
us-01293 us-01293
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Trenton Coca-Cola Bottling Co.Factory sign:
us-01501 us-01501
Brand: Diet Coca Cola
Brewery: Montgomery Coca-Cola Bottling Comapny Ltd, Montgomery, AlabamaFactory sign:
us-04296 us-04296
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1896 Athens
us-04297 us-04297
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1900 Paris
us-04298 us-04298
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1904 St. Louis
us-04299 us-04299
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1908 London
us-04300 us-04300
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1912 Stockholm
us-04301 us-04301
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1920 Antwerp
us-04302 us-04302
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1924 Paris
us-04303 us-04303
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1928 Amsterdam
us-04304 us-04304
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1932 Los Angeles
us-04305 us-04305
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1936 Berlin
us-04306 us-04306
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1948 London
us-04307 us-04307
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1952 Helsinki
us-04308 us-04308
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1956 Melbourne
us-04309 us-04309
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1960 Rome
us-04310 us-04310
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1964 Tokyo
us-04311 us-04311
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1968 Mexico City
us-04312 us-04312
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Wilson, Inc, N.C.Factory sign:
Other: Great Olympiads Support U.S. Olympic Team 1972 1972 Munich
uy-00084 uy-00084
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Zafra 88
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
uy-00021 uy-00021
Brand: Coca Cola Coke Zafra 89
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
Other: Coca-Cola logo on the background
uy-00054 uy-00054
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
uy-00067 uy-00067
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
uy-00068 uy-00068
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
uy-00081 uy-00081
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.A.Factory sign:
uy-00029 uy-00029
Brand: Coca Cola Zero
Brewery: Montevideo Refrescos S.R.L.Factory sign:
uz-00013 uz-00013
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
uz-00023 uz-00023
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers Uzbekistan LtdFactory sign:
uz-00001 uz-00001
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Ichimligi Uzbekistan Ltd.Factory sign:
ve-00061 ve-00061
Brand: Coca Cola Coke
Brewery: Factory sign:
ve-00218 ve-00218
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Embotelladoras CaracasFactory sign:
ve-00079 ve-00079
Brand: Coca Cola Bs. 500
Brewery: Coca-Cola Femsa de Venezuela S.A.Factory sign:
vn-00018 vn-00018
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Viet NamFactory sign:
vn-00098 vn-00098
Brand: Coca Cola Thanh phan...
Brewery: Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd.Factory sign:
vn-00050 vn-00050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Viet NamFactory sign:
ye-00008 ye-00008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
yu-00038 yu-00038
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
za-00004 za-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00005 za-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00126 za-00126
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern and East Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00138 za-00138
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink 2011 The Coca-Cola Company SABS Approved
Brewery: Coca-Cola South AfricaFactory sign:
za-00183 za-00183
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink SABS
Brewery: Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00184 za-00184
Brand: Coca Cola Less sugar
Brewery: Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00010 za-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00084 za-00084
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern and East Africa (PTY) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00085 za-00085
Brand: Coca Cola the Summer of your Life '06
Brewery: Coca-Cola South Africa (PTY) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00086 za-00086
Brand: Coca Cola Mega Millions SABS
Brewery: Coca-Cola South Africa (PTY) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00185 za-00185
Brand: Coca Cola No sugar
Brewery: Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00050 za-00050
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern and East Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
za-00051 za-00051
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Southern and East Africa Ltd.Factory sign:
zm-00004 zm-00004
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers, Malambo Road, Lusaka, ZambiaFactory sign:
zm-00006 zm-00006
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers, Malambo Road, Lusaka, ZambiaFactory sign:
zm-00008 zm-00008
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers, Mungwi Road, Lusaka, ZambiaFactory sign:
zm-00024 zm-00024
Brand: Coca Cola Zero 203
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers LimitedFactory sign:
zm-00009 zm-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers, Mungwi Road, Lusaka, ZambiaFactory sign:
Other: Text WIN on the background
zm-00010 zm-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Zambia Bottlers, Mungwi Road, Lusaka, ZambiaFactory sign:
Other: Bootball on the background
zw-00002 zw-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: United Bottlers Seke Road Harare ZimbabweFactory sign:
zw-00009 zw-00009
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Central Africa (PVT) Ltd.Factory sign:
zw-00024 zw-00024
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink S A Z Delta Beverages, Leamington Road, Belmont, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Brewery: Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd.Factory sign:
zw-00025 zw-00025
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink S A Z Bottled by Delta Beverages, Seke road, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Brewery: Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd.Factory sign:
zw-00026 zw-00026
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink S A Z Delta Beverages, Seke road, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Brewery: Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd.Factory sign:
zw-00027 zw-00027
Brand: Coca Cola Soft Drink S A Z Delta Beverages, Seke road, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Brewery: Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd.Factory sign:
gp-00002 gp-00002
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Compagnie Frigorifique de la Guadeloupe S.A.R.L.Factory sign:
Other: Football on the background
kw-00010 kw-00010
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
kw-00003 kw-00003
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Factory sign:
ws-00005 ws-00005
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Western Samoa Breweries Ltd., ApiaFactory sign:
fj-00014 fj-00014
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Bottlers, Fiji, Vetaia St., Lami (18)Factory sign:
fj-00011 fj-00011
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Amatil (Fiji) Ltd.Factory sign:
ci-00009 ci-00009
Brand: Coca Cola Enjoy vivez l instant The Coca Cola Company
Brewery: Societe de Limonaderies et Brasseries d'AfriqueFactory sign:
rs-00036 rs-00036
Brand: Coca Cola Punjeno 1985
Brewery: Coca Cola Company Puni Slovin HadzicjFactory sign:
rs-00037 rs-00037
Brand: Coca Cola Punjeno 1986
Brewery: Coca Cola Company Puni Slovin ZemunFactory sign:
rs-00038 rs-00038
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company Proizvodi Coca-Cola Hbc, BeogradFactory sign:
rs-00040 rs-00040
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC - Srbija A.D.Factory sign:
rs-00007 rs-00007
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC Srbija A.D.Factory sign:
rs-00008 rs-00008
Brand: Coca Cola
Brewery: Coca-Cola Company Proizvodi Coca-Cola HbcFactory sign:
rs-00009 rs-00009
Brand: Coca Cola Light
Brewery: Coca-Cola HBC - Srbija A.D.Factory sign:

[ 5720 ] matches

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© 2002-2024 Kimmo Nieminen
Last updated 22.12.2024